News tagged ‘Firmware’
iOS 7.1b4 Blocks Kernel Exploit Used In Evasi0n iOS 7 Jailbreak
Do not expect iOS 7.1 jailbreak soon. Apple has reportedly blocked the kernel exploit used by the evasi0n 7 jailbreak utility. According to iH8sn0w the exploit was blocked in the recent iOS 7.1b4 firmware:
So the code sign bug that evasi0n7 uses still exists in 7.1b4. Kernel exploit looks patched though
meaning… Don’t expect an evasi0n7 update for 7.1b4+ support.
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New Cydia Design for iOS 7 [Photos, Video]
Cydia has received a major redesign and improved compatibility for iOS 7.
The update comes via a new Cydia Installer package available today from the Changes tab in Cydia.
Saurik explains the release:
Step-by-step Tutorial: How to Untether Jailbreak iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch Using Evasi0n (Windows) [iOS 7.0-7.0.6]
This is step-by-step instructions on how to perform untethered jailbreak of iOS 7.0 - iOS 7.0.6 firmwares using Evasi0n 7 for Windows.
This tutorial works for:
- iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, iPhone 5C, iPhone 5S
- iPod Touch 5G
- iPad 2, iPad 3, iPad 4, iPad Air, iPad Mini, iPad Mini 2
Supported firmwares:
- iOS 7.0, 7.0.1, 7.0.2, 7.0.3, 7.0.4, 7.0.5, 7.0.6, 7.1 beta 1, 7.1 beta 2
This tutorial is for Windows users. Mac OS X tutorial is available here (tutorial is being prepared).
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Software Update for Late 2013 Mac Pro?
Apple on Thursday issued a software update for the late 2013 cylindric Mac Pro. And this is a very strange step since first customers will receive their desktops no sooner than in January or even February. Nevertheless,
Someone has Stolen Jailbreak Exploit from Evad3rs - Rumor
Stefan Esser aka i0n1c, a security researcher and a person behind the untethered jailbreak for iOS 4.3.2, says someone close to evad3rs may have stolen a jailbreak exploit and sold it to an unknown private buyer.
Apple Blocked Ability to Install iOS Beta Firmware for Non-Developers?
According to numerous user reports, Apple has blocked the ability to install iOS beta firmware for all the non-authorised devices. Now if you want to update to the latest beta your iPhone or iPad should be registered on an Apple Developer account.
Apple Seeds iOS 7.1 Beta to Developers
Apple has released the very first iOS 7.1 beta to registered developers. The build number of this firmware version is 11D5099e, it is available for testing purposes only. Apart from the new iOS 7.1, the company from Cupertino seeded a new Apple TV beta.
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A Guy from California Sues Tim Cook over iOS 7 Automatic Update Mechanism
A guy from California has decided to sue Apple CEO Tim Cook. The user is for some reason dissatisfied with over-the-air update mechanism that makes it easier to get and install the latest version of the firmware.
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Download All the iOS 7 iPad Wallpaper Backgrounds
Apple has added new iPad wallpapers in iOS 7 firmware. You can check them out in the gallery below.
A zip file of the wallpapers can be downloaded here.
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'Last Compatible' Versions of Apps Available for Older Devices on the App Store
Those who use older Apple’s devices - like the iPhone 3G or iPhone 3GS - have finally got the opportunity to download last compatible versions of apps supported by their firmware directly from the App Store. This is all due to the latest iOS App Store change.
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Apple's Testing iOS 7.0.1, iOS 7.0.2 and iOS 7.1?
According to
iPhone 5 Running iOS 6.1.4 Jailbroken
If you use a jailbroken iPhone 5, then this article will be interesting for you. Yesterday, a hacker with a nickname winocm announced that he had successfully jailbroken iOS 6.1.4 on his iPhone 5. And this is crucial since this is the first time this firmware version was hacked.
Apple to open a new R&D center in Taiwan
It is believed that Apple is in the process of recruiting members to construct a new research and development center in Taiwan. The center will specialize on production of next generation iPhone devices.
Sources close to Apple's internal communications claim that the team will be responsible for creating new products. It will be accounted to Apple's headquarters in California. The center will open soon after September, when the hiring begins.
Apple is currently recruiting the following positions in Taiwan: Hardware Development Engineers (areas of expertise: audio, camera, sensors, power, analog, touch, RF, antenna, battery), Panel Process & Optics Engineers, Product Development Engineers, Product Development Engineer, Mechanical Engineers – Product Displays, Materials Technical Program Managers, Test Engineers, Software QA, Reliability Engineers, Product Safety Engineer – PD, Firmware Engineers, Engineering Program Managers.
52% of developers are using iOS 7-only app updates
Last month it was found out that very few users are ready to pay for iOS 7 app updates on apps they already owned. Most of them would prefer to stay on iOS 6, rather than to update to iOS 7 and pay again for the apps.
Let's have at what developers think.
Craig Hockenberry, developer at Iconfactory (Twitterrific):
Like many of my fellow developers, I am in the middle of an update of an app for iOS 7. As you’d expect, it’s a lot more work than previous versions of iOS. But results are stunning: both David Lanham and I have commented that our shipping version was “feeling old and clunky.”
While cranking along on the update, a couple of thoughts occurred to me: how many other developers were doing the same thing and were they going to commit fully to iOS 7? The depth and breadth of the changes in iOS 7 makes it difficult to support older versions of the OS.
Apple Releases iOS 7 Beta 3 to Developers
Apple has just released iOS 7 beta 3 firmware for developers. it is not known yet what's changed, however it probably includes bug fixes and performances enhancements (what's new is available here).
iOS 7 beta 3 is available for all devices: iPhone 5, iPhone 4S, iPhone 4, iPod touch 5G, iPad Mini, iPad 2, iPad 3 and iPad 4. Developers can update via Software Update or download in the developer center.
Update: The update is safe for non-developers without a UDID using the 'update' trick. Tutorial is here.