News tagged ‘news’
Apple Told Reseller That New Mac Pro Will Arrive In Spring 2013
As reported by both
Company Owning ‘IPHONE’ Trademark In Brazil Wiling To Sell It To Apple
Brazilian electronics manufacturer IGB Electronica SA that owns the 'IPHONE' trademark in Brazil said it is
iPhone For The First Time Took Top Spot For Mobile Web Usage
Analytics company StatCounter today
FTC Recommends Mobile Platforms And App Devs Improve Privacy Disclosures
The Federal Trade Commission today
Apple confirmed to open R&D center in Shanghai.
BrightWire summarizes the report of Chinese financial news site, noting the official announcement on the opening of the new facility by Apple in Shanghai this summer.
In Q4 2012 Android And iOS Captured Record 92% Of Global Smartphone Market
According to the Strategy Analytics’
Unlocking Of Newly Purchased Mobile Phones Will Become Illegal In U.S.
The first video clip JOBS with Ashton Kutcher in the role of Steve Jobs
According to news reporting that film JOBS, in which Ashton Kutcher appears as Steve Jobs, will open in theaters on April 19. has released the first video clip from the movie. A brief clip illustrates Kutcher as Jobs, who talks to Josh Gad as Steve Wozniak.
Amazon Expands In-App Purchase Service To Include PC, Mac And Web Apps
Today Amazon
The culprit that robbed Steve Jobs' family home, was sentenced to seven years in prison
IDG News Service reports that Kariem McFarlin, the robber who stole Apple products and other items of equivalent value at $ 60.000 from the home of Steve Jobs' family in last July, has been sentenced to seven years in prison. McFarlin broke into the house, which was in repairing, and stole two iMacs, three iPads, three iPods, Apple TV, jewelry and other items.
LG Bumped Apple To 3rd Place In US Handset Market
Recently the iPhone have captured a record 53 percent of the smartphone market in the U.S, but when it comes to its second place in the handset market (feature phones and smartphones combined), a new report said LG moved Apple to third place during December thanks to strong sales of its highly popular Optimus G.
Pod2g and Planetbeing found two new vulnerabilities for iOS 6 Jailbreak
So here’s something we haven’t heard in a while: good news on the jailbreak front. Pod2g and planetbeing have found two new vulnerabilities for future iOS 6 jailbreak. Unfortunately the initial code execution for a public jailbreak release is still missing.
Made some nice progress today with @pod2g. I think I'll try to reward myself with a nap.
pod2g: @planetbeing oh yeah! 2 new vulnerabilities in a day, chance was with us. But we still miss that initial code execution for a public jb :/
It's great that progress is being made. Hopefully, the two find that last piece of the puzzle and are able to release their jailbreak to rest of us.
Apple Rumored To Release 4.8-Inch iPhone Math In June
According to China Times’ report translated by BrightWire, Apple is preparing to launch the iPhone 5S along with a larger phone called "iPhone Math".
The iPhone Math is highly unusual name that does not conform to Apple's traditional naming scheme, so it is unclear if it is a code name of the device or a potential mistranslation.
Amazon And Apple Ordered To Enter Settlement Talks On ‘App Store’ Trademark
This month, a court
Apple and Amazon have been battling over the trademark for about two years, with Apple claiming the use of the "Appstore" name by Amazon to describe its online store for Android apps causes confusion amongst consumers and infringes upon App Store name.
Apple Plans To Open R&D Center In Beijing?
Apple's retail store in Beijing
According to an article from Chinese site Tencent (via BrightWire), last week during his visit to China Tim Cook discussed company's plans to create a research and development center in Beijing. The report said: