News tagged ‘Видео’
Siri, Will You Marry Me? [Humor, Video]
Hackers have successfully made iPhone 4S jailbreak
iPhone DevTeam member MuscleNerd recently tweeted that iPhone 4S jailbreak was finally made:
VERY preliminary 4S JB: (Huge missing pieces prevent public release. LOTS of work left)
This is just a first step, and as MuscleNerd said there's a lot of work left to do. So don't expect to see new utility anytime soon. But this is still great news.
Take a look at the screenshots with terminal and Cydia running on iPhone 4S:
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Video footage: iPhone 4S vs iPhone 4
iPhone 4S back camera is really good. Better lens, many megapixels. However the iPhone 4S back camera really benefits from the new A5 chip, that has image signal processor unit responsible for nice real-time image processing, including face detection, white balance and automatic image stabilization. The difference between shaky iPhone 4 clips and smooth stabilized iPhone 4S footage really makes all the difference
Check out iPhone 4S versus iPhone 4 video footage comparison:
Here is another video comparing iPhone 4S with Canon EOS 500D (T1i):
Video: iPhone 4S still breaks if you drop it
UnitediPhoneRepair has posted an iPhone 4S drop test video. Of course, the iPhone 4S shares the same external design as the iPhone 4, and yes, it still breaks when dropped on its glass screen.
Video: howto disassemble the iPhone 4S
Video: BBC hands-on with the iPhone 4S
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Apple's 'Let's Talk iPhone' Keynote Live Blog!

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Video: Steve Jobs describes iCloud in 1997
Here's how Steve Jobs describes his vision for iCloud during his Q&A session with developers at WWDC 1997.
Watch Saurik and P0sixninja speak about Jailbreaking at MyGreatFest
Watch saurik, p0sixninja and other members of the jailbreak community speak at MyGreatFest via videos posted by VIZBOXtv:
Video: iOS 5 iPad vs Windows 8 Slate
Winrumors has
Apple Puts Old Version of Final Cut Studio Back on sale
Apple has decided to make previous version of Final Cut Studio available for purchase, following several months of customer backlash against the radically redesigned Final Cut Pro X.
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Video: 10 iconic Steve Jobs moments
The career of one of America’s most innovative businessmen has been more than just a string of moments, but these 10 peeks at Steve Jobs’s formidable presence will remind you of why his resignation is such a momentous event.
1. Steve Jobs demos Apple Macintosh, 1984
Steve Jobs introduces the Macintosh to the world. Computing would never be the same.
Video overview of 30 popular Cydia tweaks
Here is a nice video overview of popular Cydia apps.
My personal top 30 Cydia tweaks of 2011. The tweaks chosen are both new and old, popular and unpopular. 30 is a big number so, I hope that most of you are able to find a tweak that you will enjoy having on your iPhone, iPod Touch, or iPad. The tweaks are my personal picks and we all will have our opinion. I know that there are allot of other awesome Cydia tweaks that I was unable to mention but, feel free to tell us about them in a video response or comment.
Cydia tweaks include: Tab+, Multiconmover, Infiniboard, Infinidock, SBSettings, Alphacon, Android Delete, Graviboard, Grid Lock, Animate Battery, Winterboard, Flipover, List Launcher, Cy Delete, Folder Enhancer, Pull to Refresh Safari, RetinaPad, Barrel, Camera Wallpaper, icon renamer, double tap to open, Pagenames, iSwipe, Stayopened, iTypeappleicon, retina app, icons, page pusher, Bytafont, AndroidLock XT, Insomnia
If you have never done jailbreak, you might want to try
Apple Released iTunes Match Beta For Developers
Yesterday Apple released a beta of the iTunes Match for developers. Apple described the system as follows:
iTunes Match stores your complete music library in iCloud, allowing you to enjoy your collection anywhere, anytime, on any iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, or computer.
Apple Store iPad Smart Sign jailbroken
The Smart Sign is the iPad in front of each Apple product. It explains and provides specifications for the product. Customers are not able to actually use this iPad for anything but the Smart Sign application However with the right top-secret gesture anything is possible. One user figured out the secret gesture, went to the home screen, launched up Safari, and jailbroke the Smart Sign with the new JailbreakMe 3.0 tool. Here is the video:
UPDATE: Video is deleted from youtube by Apple request
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