Archive for March 29th, 2011
Sn0wBreeze 2.4: tethered jailbreak for iOS 4.3.1
Hackers have released Sn0wBreeze 2.4 beta 1 utility, which is able to jailbreak the latest iOS 4.3.1. This jailbreak is tethered for iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS new bootrom, iPad, iPod Touch 3G, iPod Touch 4G. Tethered means that every reboot you will have to connect device to a computer and boot it using special utility (iBooty). Sn0wBreeze 2.4 beta 1 provides untethered jailbreak for iPhone 3GS old bootrom.
Sn0wbreeze also preserves your baseband, which is very useful for unlockers. Using Sn0wbreeze you can update firmware iOS 4.3.1, while preserve old unlockable baseband. It also works with iPhone 3GS with 06.15 baseband.
It is still beta, so there might be bugs so use at your own risk.
You can download Sn0wBreeze 2.4 beta 1 for Windows here.
Amazon to beat Google and Apple, announce cloud locker for music, movies and books this week
Amazon has announced its own Amazon Cloud Drive and Amazon Cloud Player to store and distribute music, video, photo content via the cloud. These services allow customers to securely store music in the cloud and play it on any Android phone, Android tablet, Mac or PC, wherever they are. Customers can easily upload their music library to Amazon Cloud Drive and can save any new Amazon MP3 purchases directly to their Amazon Cloud Drive for free.
In other words now Amazon is offering the following services to its customers:
iOS 4.3.1 jailbreak news: Apple closed comex kernel exploit
Comex, famous iPhone hacker, tweeted today that the kernel exploit for jailbreak he had found long ago was closed by Apple in recent iOS 4.3.1. This exploit could be used to jailbreak iPad 2.
As noticed by @0naj, my kernel exploit was fixed in 4.3.1.
I try not to be paranoid, but it is really hard to explain this as anything but a leak.
The funny thing is that my "new" kernel exploit is actually the kernel exploit used by JailbreakMe 2.0. It was never properly fixed.
It stayed there from 4.0.2 through 4.3, but was magically found in time for 4.3.1. well, go go @MuscleNerd and @i0n1c I guess
This is not good news. However we have recently seen working untethered jailbreak video. There are other vulnerabilities in iOS 4.3.1.
New Apple iPhone 4 ad: highlights Retina Display
Apple has released another TV ad as part of their latest "If you don’t have an iPhone" campaign. The new ad showcases the high-resolution Retina Display that can be found on iPhone 4 and iPod Touch 4G.
WWDC 2011 will be held on June 6-10
Apple has announced that the WWDC 2011 will be held on June 6-10 at the Moscone West Center in San Francisco. This year conference will be special because Apple is planning to introduce the next iOS version and preview Mac OS X Lion.
"At this year’s conference we are going to unveil the future of iOS and Mac OS,” said Philip Schiller, Apple’s senior vice president of Worldwide Product Marketing. “If you are an iOS or Mac OS X software developer, this is the event that you do not want to miss.”
The conference itself will be home to over 100 technical sessions and 1000 Apple engineers. Here are the specifics from Apple:
Cydia 1.1.1 released
Cydia lead developer Jay Freeman released Cydia 1.1.1. You can update it in Cydia. It became much faster and more stable.
Features of new Cydia will include:
- the ability to run and operate Activator, libstatusbar, and SimulatedKeyEvents while Cydia is running
- an overall speed improvement, including the “Loading Changes” dialog
- “much less” memory usage
- a more advanced search mechanism with a new relevancy algorithm
- better management of broken repositories
Here is a full changelog discussion from Saurik:
Mac OS X 10.7 Almost Ready For First Golden Master
TechCrunch reports that Apple is going to release the first golden master version of the forthcoming Mac OS X Lion to developers ahead of schedule. That means that Apple has essentially completed development on the new operating system version and will simply be fixing during the testing process. But this is only the initial Golden Master candidate. Although GMs usually mean the software will be shipping out to consumer’s soon.
iPod Touch 4G iOS 4.3.1 untethered jailbreak video
Here is a nice video for all jailbreakers. Hacker used sn0wbreeze to tether jailbreak iPod Touch 4G. Than he installed new untether exploit using SSH. Watch the result:
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