News tagged ‘3D’
Samsung Galaxy Tab Is an 'Over-Sized Phone', Not Tablet
Sencha, which is a web application developer, has recently compared Android-based Samsung Galaxy Tab and Apple's iPad and made a conclusion that a Samsung's tablet is "a little bit of disappointment".
As Sencha develops different JavaScript frameworks that enable developers to creating rich mobile apps for Android and iOS devices built from web standards, the company is interested to know how good actual products perform and support HTML5 and related web standards. The latter include overall JavaScript performance, embedded multimedia playback, Web Sockets, Canvas animations, SVG and advanced CSS3 transforms. Here are the results received by Sencha in their tests of Galaxy Tab and iPad:
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Inifinity Blade Will Be Released on Dec. 9
This Tuesday Epic Games and Chair Entertainment announced that their much-anticipated game Infinity Blade will appear in the App Store on December, 9. The title will be supported by iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPod touch 3G and 4G, and the iPad. The price will be $5.99.
Infinity Blade is announced to be a universal game, which means that users will be able to purchase and then play it on multiple devices, like an iPad and iPhone. It will also feature a support with Apple's social gaming network Game Center.
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Meet The Beatles in Apple iTunes
Finally!! We've been waiting several years for this to happen. Today Beatles albums are finally available in iTunes store (
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Nintendo of America president: Apple is a serious threat for us
In a recent interview to Forbes the president of Nintendo of America Reggie Fils-Aime shared his thoughts on Apple. He said that iPod and iPhone are perceived as devices for casual games in most cases and that Apple is a serious threat for his company.
“Do I think that in the near term they can hurt us more than Microsoft? Absolutely.”
Live from Apple's "Back to the Mac" event (constantly updating)

Apple Seeds Mac OS X 10.6.5 Build 10H555 to Developers
Apple seeded a new version of Mac OS X 10.6.5, termed Build 10H555, to its Mac developer community for testing. There are no documented known issues with the update. This time Apple asks developers to pay particular attention on testing of 3D Graphics, Printing, QuickTime, Time Machine, and USB Devices. Mac OS X 10.6.5 is expected to arrive any time in the next few weeks.
Apple Seeds Mac OS X 10.6.5 (10H548) to Developers
Yesterday Apple released a new version of Mac OS X 10.6.5 to developers. This Build with number 10H548 comes only two weeks after Build 10H542, which was seeded on September 14th. Apple asked developer to focus on such areas as: iCal, Mail, USB Devices, QuickTime, Time Machine and 3D Graphics
Camcoder test: iPod Touch 4G vs Flip Ultra HD
Here is a quick test of two camcoders: Apple iPod Touch 4G and Flip Ultra HD. It seems that Flip Ultra HD has a better picture, but if you need all-in-one device iPod Touch is much better.
Take a look at the video:
Parallels Mobile App Brings Windows To Your iOS Device
The new Parallels Desktop 6 for Mac is now available, offering Windows virtualization that boots 41 percent faster and offers 3D graphics that run 30 percent faster than before. The new Parallels Desktop 6 boosts speeds when working with files on USB drives, networks and in shared folders. The update packs more than 80 new and enhanced features, and the company has declared it the "best Windows on Mac experience yet.
Jailbreak and Unlock for iOS 4.1 is possible
According to the latest tweets from different hackers (MuscleNerd, pod2g and others) the exploit for iOS 4.1 has been already discovered:
Works on 4.1 (!) iBSS iv=c2c5416472e5a0d6f0a25a123d5a2b1c key=1fbc7dcafaec21a150a51eb0eb99367550e24a077b128831b28c065e61f894a0
I just successfully updated to 4.1 without a baseband update. PLEASE wait for 4.1.0 TinyUmbrella!!!
Crazy timing that @pod2g got latest exploit just as 4.1 went public (lots of work left...keep away from 4.1 for now!)
congrats to @pod2g for the latest exploit and also @p0sixninja who have been trying for months.
This means that the jailbreak and unlock for iPhone and iPod Touch is possible. However please be patient and wait for the utilities.
Apple seeds third Mac OS X 10.6.5 beta
Apple on Thursday seeded with developers the third beta of Mac OS X 10.6.5, its latest security and maintenance update for Snow Leopard, with just one known issue.People familiar with the latest build, reportedly known as 10H531, said the lone issue is associated with VMware. Having it installed can cause USB devices to not work when the Mac is awoken from sleep mode.
Those same people said Apple has asked developers to focus on a few key areas for the latest beta, including iCal, Mail, USB Devices, QuickTime, Time Machine and 3D graphics. The delta update is said to be a 557MB download.
Facebook for iPhone 3.2.1
Recently Facebook has released a new version 3.2.1 of Facebook for iPhone to correct some bugs. At the moment there is nothing new, but we observed only some bug fixes. Press the update button right now and tell us if you notice any changes.
Facebook for iPhone 3.2.1 is available
Opera is a number one free app in all AppStores
3D Multi-Touch Video Made in 1985
New iPhone ad from Apple: 'Shopper'
Apple has released a new iPhone ad called "Shopper". The ad features only one actual app from the App Store, RedLaser ($1.99,