
News tagged ‘app’

Top Apple and Samsung executives Had a Meeting to Discuss Patent Suit


This week Reuters reported that the executives of "highest level" for Samsung and Apple had a recent meeting and discussed their legal dispute.

The information was revealed by Apple attorney Harold MacElhinny, who responded on Friday to questioning from Lucy Koh, who is a U.S. Disctrict Judge.

Koh hoped the companies may resolve the case without attracting the court and thus said:

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Written by SimplyMax

Sunday, June 19th, 2011. 20:04

Comex Found Out How To Improve Jailbreak Time


Today Comex revealed in his Twitter that he found a way to drastically decrease the time it takes to jailbreak and learned how to utilize unionfs and thus get rid of the Cydia's 'Reorganizing FileSystem' process.

New approach will reportedly be used in his next jailbreak for iPad 2.

If you want to know more details on Comex's new approach, check his long tweet.

Earlier Musclenerd stated that it won't be necessary to move Apple apps anywhere if unionfs will be used. That also means that apps will keep their entitlements and thus simplify the sandboxing problem.


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Apple Stores May Get New Products Next Wednesday


9to5Mac reports Apple will be holding yet another overnight at their retail stores next Tuesday. It is also known that some stores already got new displays and unknown boxes.

Now that may mean nothing. It is probably that Apple just wants to bring and setup new displays in their stores because of its partnership with Teach for America Foundation. Besides that, lately weekly overnights became the usual thing for Apple.

On the other side Apple may prepare for unveiling new MacBook Airs. Or AirPort Extremes. Or Time Capsules. Or Mac minis. Or Mac Pros.


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Written by SimplyMax

Sunday, June 19th, 2011. 17:12

Now - New Apple's iPad 2 TV Ad

Apple has released a new TV ad for its iPad 2 entitled "Now". It seems like the off-screen voice belongs to Peter Coyote.

Now, we can watch a newspaper, listen to a magazine, curl up with a movie and see a phone call.
Now, we can take a classroom anywhere, hold an entire bookstore and touch the stars.
Because now, there’s this…


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Written by SimplyMax

Sunday, June 19th, 2011. 16:44

New York Post Website Became Unavailable in Safari for iPad Users


Yesterday paid Content reported that the New York Post website is no longer available to iPad users. Instead of showing its content NYpost.com loads a landing page that directs prospective iPad readers to the App Store for downloading the publication's app.

Earlier the site was only advertising and promoting the app and users were able to continue surfing it without installing any apps. Now it shows next message:

"Thanks for coming. NYPost.com editorial content is now only accessible on the iPad through the New York Post App".

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iPhone May Help In Looking For New Friends In Future


So actively developing Facebook and Twiiter suggest that social networking has been the most growing trend in the recent years. Apple has already tried to enter into this market with its iTunes network Ping, but without any great success.

Based on content of a new patent application publised today,  it is possible to suggest that Apple has been making much more ambitious plans using the iPhone location-based functions and interest matching. The result is the possibility of finding you your next date, friend or business partner by your iPhone.

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FaceBook Is Creating Its Own HTML5 App Store For iOS-Devices


The most popular social network Facebook secretly works on delivering its own app store to the iOS devices. Its name is Project Spartan, and its bold goal is to create an HTML5 front end for all of Facebook’s applications on any Apple device with no Flash required.

As Techcrunch’s sources report, 80 developers including well-known companies as Zynga are now working on Project Spartan and ensuring that it supports both credits and interactive games.

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Written by SimplyMax

Friday, June 17th, 2011. 12:18

Yahoo! Unveiled Its Search Engine Gor iOS Apps


Today Yahoo! revealed new tools that can help in seeking apps for your iOS device. It's a dedicated search engine Yahoo! App Search and iOS app called Yahoo! App Spot.

Besides using standard app descriptors the tools also introduce and utilize rich categories, personalized recommendations, user reviews on the web, different ratings and so on.

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Apple revamps the Fifth Avenue store's glass cube entrance for $6M


A popular fan site IfoAppleStore, which tracks Apple's successes in retail, reported that Apple started a new and expensive rejuvenation project at its Fifth Avenue store. This is the same store in New York that attracts so many people with its iconic glass cube entrance.

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Written by SimplyMax

Thursday, June 16th, 2011. 18:32

Mobile advertisers take a second look on dumbphones


Here is good news for RIM so regularly criticized by Apple: advertisers of mobile devices didn’t forget about the platform and are currently taking a second look on it, which results in rising of dumb phone advertising, stated an advertising network Millennial Media this Wednesday.

This surprising comeback has expressed in 6 percent grew of mobile ads on RIM devices in May, while "feature phones" make up 17 percent of Feature Phone, Smartphone and Connected Devices mix in May, as estimated by Millennial Media. The key to these surprising figures may be in the BlackBerry Curve and BlackBerry Bold 2 taking a place among top five mobile phones using served ads.

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Written by SimplyMax

Thursday, June 16th, 2011. 16:40

Three People Sent to Prison in China Over iPad 2 Leaks


The Wall Street Journal reports  that three people in China were sentenced to prison terms from 12 to 19 months, they also must pay fines in amount from $4,500 to $23,000, because of leak of confidential information about the iPad 2.

The court announced the decision Tuesday in statements on its official account at Sina Weibo, a Twitter-like microblogging service in China. It said that Xiao Chengsong, general manager of Shenzhen MacTop Electronics Co., had offered 20,000 yuan, or about $3,000, plus discounts on MacTop products to a former Hon Hai employee named Hou Pengna, for information about the iPad 2. The court said Ms. Hou then paid Lin Kecheng, a Hon Hai research-and-development employee, to get digital images of the device's back cover from last September, six months before the iPad 2 was publicly announced.

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Written by Svetlana Osipova

Thursday, June 16th, 2011. 15:55

Apple reduces orders for iPhone 4 camera flash


Apple has reportedly reduced orders of LED flash components manufactured by Phillips. A person familiar with the company's supply chain claims that it may be a sign that Apple is planning to shift to a new LED camera flash module from a different manufacturer in the next-generation iPhone. The new supplier is rumoured to be  a firm based in Taiwan, though information is unconfirmed.

LED flash first was implemented in last year iPhone 4. In May appeared rumours related to the iPhone 5 that suppose that the LED camera flash would be moved  to the right on the rear side of the device. Perhaps, separating of camera lens and flash will lead to improvement of picture quality and reduce of red-eye effect. The next-generation iPhone’s camera could sport the OmniVision’s  8-megapixel  camera sensor.


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Written by Svetlana Osipova

Thursday, June 16th, 2011. 13:53

Imagination Technologies Starts Licensing Next Gen iPad/iPhone GPU


Imagination Technologies, the contract manufacturer of graphic processor units (GPU) for the next-generation iPhone and iPad, has announced that its key partners have started licensing process of the company’s next-generation GPU with codename Rogue. It’s likely that one of such key partners is Apple, because the company uses Imagination Technologies' GPUs in many its mobile devices. Moreover, Apple not only a major client, it also owns 9,5% of the company’s shares. The current-generation iPad uses Imagination Technologies' PowerVR SGX543MP2 GPU. And Apple claims that the new iPad with the new GPU will bring significant performance boost for mobile graphics.

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Written by Svetlana Osipova

Thursday, June 16th, 2011. 10:23

iTunes costs $1.3 billon per year to run


An interesting report from Asymco estimates that it costs Apple $1.3 billion per year to run the iTunes store.

Asymco analyzed recently announced numbers like the total number of songs, movies, TV shows, apps, download rate, iTunes accounts and how much Apple has paid out to developers. They put these numbers in a complex formula and estimated that Apple's monthly content margin cost for iTunes at $113 million, which is more than $1.3 billion per year.

That's a lot. It looks like all the iTunes profits go right back into its maintenance and expansion.


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Written by admin

Wednesday, June 15th, 2011. 19:22

More signs of iPad 3 Retina Display in iOS 5

Some time ago several high resolution images were found in iPad iBooks app. The resolution was twice the size of the iPad screen 1024x768. This resulted in rumors that iPad 2 would have retina display and the same double pixel strategy used in the iPhone 4. While iPad 2 was released with the same screen resolution of 1024x768 new evidence of retina iPad was recently found.

iPhone developer @Frankrockz found iPad Retina Display sized graphics hidden in the Twitter frameworks of the iOS 5 beta firmware.

As I was going through the iOS SDK I came across some images in the new Twitter .framework. The resolution appears to be 1,536 x 2,048.


This means that iPad 3 might eventually get retina display. Well, we shall see.


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