
News tagged ‘бесплатно’

Google Maps Navigator

Google created a new application called Google Maps Navigator. This is a full and free navigation software supported by advertising. The app will have turn-by-turn navigation, traffic information, POI, voice search, sattelite, 3D and street views. There is only an app for the Android platfom, but an iPhone version will be released soon. Hopefully Apple will not reject it. Let's watch the video:


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TomTom Car Kit is now avaliable online


Apple has started selling the TomTom Car Kit in the US. The GPS enhancing, car mounted kit ships in two to three weeks - for free - and is going for $119.95.


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Written by admin

Monday, October 26th, 2009. 16:41

NASA application for iPhone [AppStore, Free]


NASA, the government agency responsible for the space program of the United States of America, has just released its first application for iPhone. Through a simple interface this app allows us to know about all the missions planned.

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  • NASA Missions
  • Mission Orbit Tracker
  • Images
  • Videos
  • NASA Twitter Feeds/Mission Updates

Users can monitor the current position of the International Space Station and other spacecrafts around the Earth. App is compatible with iPhone and iPod Touch, requires firmware 3.0 or later and is localized in English.

Avaliable for free in AppStore (link).


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Free Real Racing GTI game released


Volkswagen and Firemint released a new iPhone game called Real Racing GTI. The 59.3MB download offers a Volkswagen branded racing experience with one main track and six 2010 GTI sport hatches. This game is free (AppStore link).

The three game modes include Quick Race, Time Trial, and GTI Cup Championship (across three tracks). Aside from being a great ad for Volkswagen, Real Racing GTI also serves as the Lite version of Firemint's widely acclaimed Real Racing ($6.99, Appstore link).

via toucharcade


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Dropbox for firmware 3.0 released


iPhone application DropBox has just been updated and is now compatible with Firmware 3.0. So a lot more users can install it and enjoy its excellent features.

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DropBox is a service that offers 2GB of free web space to store your documents, pictures, videos, music and more. Using the iPhone application you can access this information and view all files. If you have not tried the service, I recommend you to do so.

You can register and download the application for your desktop computer here (Windows, Mac, and Linux). Here is a link to application in AppStore.


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Eliminate the FPS game from ngmoco will be free!

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Good news for all users who look forward to the release of elimination, the First Person Shooter multiplayer game by ngmoco. The game should be approved by the end of October and it will be free! And this is not a limited time promotion. Let's watch the video about the game:

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Written by admin

Friday, October 16th, 2009. 15:13

Apple extends the In-App Purchase to free applications


Apple has just announced that all iPhone developers can now use the In-App Purchase in free applications! In the past the use of these APIs was reserved only for commercial software.

This is great, because developers can completely eliminate the Lite version, creating only a limited free version with full function unlock through an in-app purchase. All this is also intended to provide greater security for developers.


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Jelly Car 2: first video of the next update

Jelly Car is an amazing iPhone game. If you like it, surely you'll be glad to know that a new version with many changes is coming soon. There will be ability to change a car, to attach to any surface, to fly with a balloon and much more. The Level Editor will also be updated.


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App Piracy on the iPhone statistics


Pinch Media has shared some data they presented at 360iDev on the state of app piracy on the iPhone, and there are a few key take-aways:

  • These analytics show roughly 4 million jailbreak devices, 38% of which are using pirated app(s) (aka cracked apps).
  • Piracy is highest in China, Russia, and Brazil, with Europe and Canada being the mid-ground, and the USA, Great Britain, and Japan having the lowest rates.
  • Of paid apps that use Pinch Media’s services, 60% have been pirated.
  • Of those pirated apps, 34% of all installs are the pirated version.
  • Like legitimate app downloads, pirated apps are used a lot at first, but drop off quickly (more quickly than legitimate app usage, in fact).
  • Pirated apps on jailbroken iPhones crash more, which may be why they’re used less.
  • Those who claim to use pirated apps as a way to “try before they buy” are full of it. While 7.4% of legitimate “Lite” app downloads up-convert to the paid version, only 0.43% of pirated apps lead to purchase of the legitimate paid version.

You can read the full report for all the details.

via theiphoneblog


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iPhone VM 2: dynamic swap file for iPhone [Cydia]


iPhone VM is a new tweak available in Cydia that allows to free some iPhone memory by creating a swap file. iPhone VM 2 is providing similar functionality.

Here are the differences between the two: iPhone VM creates a 256MB swap file. While iPhone VM 2 creates a 64MB dynamic swap file that can become bigger if needed.

There are some users who still prefer the old iPhoneVM and others who are better with iPhone VM 2. The installation of iPhone VM 2 provides automatic uninstall for the previous version.

iPhone VM 2 can be installed in Cydia through this repository: http://repo.beyouriphone.com.


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Written by admin

Monday, October 5th, 2009. 21:04

iPhone VM: swap file for iPhone [Cydia]

iPhone VM is a new tweak available in Cydia that allows to free some iPhone memory by creating a swap file. Keep everything in RAM rather than open apps all the time might increase the performance in terms of speed.

iPhoneVM can be installed in Cydia through this repository: http://repo.beyouriphone.com.


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Written by admin

Thursday, October 1st, 2009. 17:36

Dropbox: Store your files online and view them on your iPhone [AppStore, Free]


Dropbox is a service similar to Apple's iDisk. It lets you store your files on a server and immediately share your pictures, documents or programs on different computers. It is quite popular on desktops. Now there is a version for the iPhone. The official free application is already avaliable in App Store.

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So with iPhone you can download files, view them immediately, upload your own photos and videos to the Dropbox server, share links and sync it all with your computer.

It is a great service, especially because there is a "Basic" plan completely free of charge. With this plan you get 2GB of web space and it is absolutely free.

You can register and download the application for your desktop computer here (Windows, Mac, and Linux). Here is a link to application in AppStore.

Update: DropBox requires firmware 3.1


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Puma Index Application Strips Girls as Stocks Go Down

Stocks went down? Puma Index iPhone application is here to cheer you up, with plenty of naughty bits. Sexy girls will stip as stocks go down. For free.

The economic crisis never was so nice and hard at the same time. Appstore link.


via gizmodo


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Written by admin

Friday, September 25th, 2009. 15:45

Griffin iTrip: FM Transmitter for iPhone

Griffin has produced a new accessory for the iPhone is capable of transmitting the FM signal. It's called iTrip.


This is one of the first cases of iPhone accessories controlled by an app. iTrip is used in conjunction with a free application called iTrip (AppStore link).

Operation is very simple: connect the Dock accessory, run the iTrip app, click on the "SmartScan" to automatically find the best frequency. Now we can play the music on our iPhone and transmit it to the car radio or home stereo without any problems.

The new iTrip is really well done and is compatible with almost all iPod / iPhone. Costs $50.


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'Dine', ' Nature', 'Pass': Three New iPhone Ads from Apple [Video]

Here are new iPhone ads: 'Dine', ' Nature', and 'Pass'. Each one feature six applications per ad. All three commercials also mention that there are now 75,000 applications available in the App Store.

The first one is named "Dine". Here is the list of apps used in the video and the video itself:
- TripCase [App Store, Free]
- New York Subway 09 [App Store, $4.99]
- Epicurious Recipes & Shopping List [App Store, Free]
- Zagat To Go '09 [App Store, $9.99]
- Quickoffice Mobile Office Suite [App Store, $9.99]
- Gap StyleMixer [App Store, Free]

The second is "Nature":

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