
News tagged ‘app’

Apple Updated iBooks App to Version 1.2.2

iBooks1222 iBooks1221

On Thursday Apple published a new 1.2.2 version of its iBook app in the App Store.

Performance and stability Improvements include:

  • Fixed a problem when some books open with an unexpected font;
  • Increased responsiveness when work with books that have many items in the table of contents;
  • Fixed issues with playing video in enhanced books downloaded from the iBookstore.

The 14.9 MB download is available here for free and requires iOS 3.2 or later to run.


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Written by SimplyMax

Friday, April 22nd, 2011. 12:20

Apple Will Soon Launch Its Music Streaming Service, Already Negotiates With Labels


Yesterday Reuters reported Apple is ready to launch its long-rumored cloud-based music streaming service. The publication cites three anonymous sources who also have details on how it will work.

"Apple's plans will allow iTunes customers to store their songs on a remote server, and then access them from wherever they have an Internet connection, said two of these people who asked not to be named as the talks are still confidential".

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Written by SimplyMax

Friday, April 22nd, 2011. 12:00

Samsung Files Patent Lawsuits Against Apple in Korea, Japan, Germany


In response to Apple’s lawsuit, which accused the Korean electronics giant, Samsung, of copying the look of the iPhone and iPad, Samsung has filed a suit against Apple over patents related to cellphone transmission technologies.

According to a company spokesperson, Samsung's suits relate to patents for transmission optimization and reduction of power usage during data transmission, 3G technology for reducing date-transmission errors and a method of tethering a mobile phone to a PC to enable the PC to utilize the phone's wireless data connection.

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Written by Svetlana Osipova

Friday, April 22nd, 2011. 11:53

Apple Is Going To Celebrate Its Retail Anniversary in Late May


This week Apple retail employees were asked to refuse from taking vacation days in late May, which allows to suggest that Apple is going somehow celebrate the 10th anniversary of its first retail stores.

Retail employees got e-mails where it is said that they may not request days off between May 20 and May 22. The first Apple retail store was opened exactly on May 19, 2001. It is situated in McLean, Virginia's Tyson's Corner Mall at the Galleria in Glendale, California. Due to its store number designation 001 it has even achieved cult status.

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Free Mobile Version of RockMelt Browser Appears in App Store

As you may know, last November was released RockMelt, socially improved desktop browser for Macs and PCs. The idea of its developers was to customize Google Chrome browser in a way that would allow to interact with your friends even more while surfing the Internet. Last night the mobile version of the app appeared in the App Store.

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Written by SimplyMax

Thursday, April 21st, 2011. 16:38

Researchers Discover iPhone File That Keeps Track Of Your Moves

keep tracks iphone

Alasdair Allan and Pete Warden, security researchers, discovered a file in Apple’s iOS local backup system that keeps track of your location history, in format readable by a computer, and the researchers claim it’s present both on iPhones and iPad 3G units. Such file is kept unencrypted in the iOS database that can be backed up to a computer using iTunes. The researchers have also created an app called iPhoneTracker that recognizes the file from your local iOS backup, and displays your most-visited locations on a map (see the screenshot above). The app is also allows you to encrypt this file.

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Written by Svetlana Osipova

Thursday, April 21st, 2011. 16:30

Japan's Disaster Did Not Significantly Affect Apple's Supply Chain


Yesterday DigiTimes published a report where it is said that an earthquake and tsunami in Japan had seriously affected the country's supply chain.

Because of the disaster Apple was only forced to order iPad 2 connectors at Taiwan's Cvilux.  Its previous partner in Japan, namely Hirose Electric, became unable to meet demand for Apple because of a power brownout policy in the country. Now Cvilux's business is expected to become more profitable.

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Written by SimplyMax

Thursday, April 21st, 2011. 15:31

Apple’s financial results for Q2 2011


Yesterday Apple reported its financial results for the second fiscal quarter of 2011. In this quarter Apple earned $24.67 billion and net quarterly profit amounts to $5.99 billion. In the year-ago quarter the company’s revenue was $13.50 billion and net quarterly profit was $3.07 billion. Gross margin was 41.4 percent, compared to 41.7 percent in the year-ago quarter. International sales accounted for 59 percent of the quarter’s revenue.  This fiscal quarter is also the best quarter for the iTunes Store with $1.4 billion revenue. $2 billion was paid to developers in App Store.

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Apple Has Patented a Method of Incorporating RFID Technology Into iPhone Screen

RFIDpatent RFIDfunctions

Yesterday The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office published the filing of another Apple's patent entitled "Touch Screen RFID Tag Reader". It describes "the efficient incorporation of RFID circuitry with touch sensor panel circuitry".

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Written by SimplyMax

Wednesday, April 20th, 2011. 17:53

Android Enthusiasts Accused Apple in Copying Samsung


The image you can see above was created by Android fans, who believe it was Apple that actually had stolen Samsung's ideas from the beginning. After the release it immediately went virally on message boards. However, actually Samsung showed its F700 phone for the first time only in February 2007 at the 3GSM World Congress, which was held a month later than iPhone debuted. And that was only a demonstration; the device didn't go on sale then.

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Apple Sues Samsung, Samsung Fights Back


This Monday Apple accused Samsung of copying the design of the iPad and iPhone for its own Galaxy-branded tablet and smartphone products. Next day Samsung filed a counter-suit against Apple.

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White iPhone 4 May Get Expose-like Multitasking Interface

Today Engadget found a video that suggests a white iPhone 4 might get a new Expose-style multitasking interface.

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Untethered jailbreak for iOS 4.3.2 released - RedSn0w 0.9.6 rc14


DevTeam released the untethered jailbreak for the latest iOS 4.3.2 - RedSn0w 0.9.6 rc14.

The 4.3.2 untether works on all Apple devices that support 4.3.2 except for the iPad2:

  • iPhone 3GS
  • iPhone 4 (GSM)
  • iPod Touch 3G
  • iPod Touch 4G
  • iPad 1

Redsnow is easy to use, it is available for Windows and Mac OS. As usual for unlockers - do not updaate to 4.3.1, wait for PwnageTool and Sn0wBreeze.

You can download RedSn0w 0.9.6 rc14 here.

New tutorials are on it's way. For now you can still use our tutorials for iOS 4.3.1. Just download iOS 4.3.2 here, update in iTunes, point redsn0w to it, everything else is the same:


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Apple partners with Chimei, negotiates with Everlight Electronics


Today Bloomberg reported Chimei Innolux Corp. will become a third supplier of displays and touch panel sensors for Apple's iPad 2. Current makers Wintek Corp. and TPK Holding Corp. will remain "key suppliers" of touchscreens, though they cannot satisfy the demand for a new device without another manufacturer.

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Written by SimplyMax

Tuesday, April 19th, 2011. 20:20

Apple's Stock Falls Down For The 2011


In today's early morning trading Apple's stock was down more than 7$ or 2,2%. As you may know, this Wednesday the company is expected to report new record earnings and such news usually increase company's stock price.  However, Jay Yarow from BusinessInsider sees few reasons for the contrary effect:

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