News tagged ‘hack’
New version of AirPrint Hactivator is Available
As we wrote earlier, the latest release of Mac OS X 10.6.5 did not include the support for AirPrint, though Apple had earlier announced it. After a while the guys at Netputing released an app called AirPrint Hacktivator, which was simply copying system files from those developer betas of OS X 10.6.5 that had AirPrint support implemented.
But eventually Netputing received an e-mail from one of Apple's legal representatives, where it was asked to remove any versions of AirPrint Hacktivator from the company's site as they redistribute Apple’s source code.
The guys were forced to agree but have kept a good heart and finally came up with a new solution:
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WARNING: updating to iPad baseband for iPhone unlock may disable your GPS
The iPhone Dev-Team has issued a notice stating that updating your iPhone to the iPad baseband for unlock could result in the loss of GPS functionality.
Unlockers have been reporting mixed results about GPS functionality at 06.15.00. Until we can track down what differentiates those who retain GPS vs. those who lose it, be conservative and assume you’ll lose GPS at 06.15.00. As we work on finding the cause (and possibly a fix), please report your personal findings in our comments section. (Update: early indications are that while 06.15.00 is capable of GPS, it will require some further hacks. But please still be conservative and assume you will lose GPS at 06.15, in case the hacks don’t work).
Hackers are currently working to fix this.
As usual we remind all users - if you don't absolutely need to update your baseband, don't do it.
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iPhone iOS 4.1 unlock will be released this week (might work with iOS 4.2.1)
DevTeam hacker MuscleNerd tweeted that they after releasing redsn0w jailbreak for 4.2 the team can start working on iPhone unlock. Users can expect the unlock for the iPhone 3G and iPhone 3GS this week. The iPhone 4 unlock will take more time and no concrete info is available about that yet.
The ultrasn0w unlock will be released for iOS 4.1 firmware. So is you need unlock, do not update to iOS 4.2.1.
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RedSn0w 0.9.6b4: jailbreak for iOS 4.2.1 released
DevTeam worked hard for the last several hours and released jailbreak tool for iOS 4.2.1. It is redsn0w 0.9.6 b4.
As usual we remind all ultrasn0w unlockers please stay away from this official firmware. Wait for the ability to create custom 4.2.1 IPSWs that don’t update your baseband!
New redsn0w 0.9.6 b4 uses limera1n exploit and will successfully jailbreak all devices. The only problem is that it is a tethered jailbreak, which means you will have to plug it to a computer and rerun redsn0w on every reboot. This so called tethered or semi-tethered jailbreak. This condition applies to iPhone 3GS (new bootrom), iPhone 4, iPad, iPod touch 2G (MC model), iPod touch 3G and iPod touch 4G. Hackers are working hard to create untethered jailbreak for these devices. To use future untethered jailbreak you need to save SHSH keys for iOS 4.1 using
Old devices like iPhone 3GS (old bootrom), iPhone 3G and iPod touch 2G (non-MC model) can be jailbroken-untethered right now using this latest version of RedSn0w.
You can download RedSn0w 0.9.6 b4 here.
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Cydia is iOS 4.2 ready for iPhone and iPad
Hacker chpwn recently has announced that Cydia is now ready for iOS 4.2 release.
esmandau: @chpwn how's Cydia for iOS 4.2 Going....! #Thanks "For Just Reading Me"
chpwn: @esmandau In ready position.
Take a look at new Cydia screenshots for iPhone and iPad. You'll notice some improvements especially in the iPad version. The iPhone version didn’t get many UI changes, mainly the way some views transition when installing packages.
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iOS 4.2 for iPad already Jailbroken
It seams that hackers have had their hands on the iOS 4.2 beta 3 for iPad. But, as we know, there is no official jailbreak for it. Recently the well-known iOS hacker posted aт interesting picture in Tweeter. The shot depicts an iPad running MobileTerminal, a jailbreak application, which gives users full access to the terminal command line interface. But it looks strange, because it means that the hackers missed the beta 4, which should be released this past Tuesday, according to the Apple’s schedule. This could signal that Apple may skip beta 4 altogether and go straight to a GM build sometime next week.
DevTeam published first screenshot of PwnageTool 4.1 for iPhone and other Apple devices
MuscleNerd, a hacker from DevTeam, recently published a screenshot of anticipated jailbreak utility PwnageTool 4.1. It will support iOS 4.1 and will be able to preserve old baseband for unlockers, who have not updated to iOS 4.1.
From the screenshot we can tell that PwnageTool 4.1 will support:
DevTeam found a way to jailbreak all firmwares of Apple devices with A4 chip
The iPhone DevTeam have probably found a new method to jailbreak Apple devices with the A4 chip. This includes such devices as iPhone, iPad, iPod and Apple TV. This is great news!
MuscleNerd tweeted.
Think we've figured out a way to extend PwnageTool+limera1n+@comex hacks to untethered JBs for all future A4 firmwares
Chronic Dev-Team Releases GreenPois0n Jailbreak for iOS 4.1
Today the Chronic Dev-Team released their jailbreak utility called Greenpois0n. There are currently two versions - for Windows and for Linux users. The team is working on a Mac version, so it will be released soon. Greenpois0n supports only firmware iOS 4.1, so use Limera1n if you want to jailbreak iOS 4.0, iOS 4.0.1 or iOS 4.0.2.
Remember: Do not update to iOS 4.1 if you need the unlock. Ultrasn0w does not support that baseband yet.
Hackers used the bootrom exploit found by Geohot and used in limera1n.
Pwnagetool for iPhone with iOS 4.1 will be released by Sunday
Hacker MuscleNerd has tweeted that the DevTeam plans to release PwnageTool for iOS 4.1 in several days.
For AppleTV 2G users, the goal is for PwnageTool to cover you by Funday/Sunday (but still very limited app capability)
This release should also bring jailbreak for iPod touch and iPad Mac users.
PwnageTool is a Mac OS X jailbreak tool. One of it's advantages is the ability to preserve old baseband, which means you can have firmware iOS 4.1 with baseband from iOS 4.0 (if you haven't updated to 4.1 already). And this brings unlcok, because iOS 4.0 is unlockable.
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Unlock for iOS 4.1 and 4.2 is possible
Hacker Sherif Hashim has discovered an exploit in iPhone's baseband which could bring an unlock for iOS 4.1 and iOS 4.2. Here are tweets from him:
@sherif_hashim: since nearly all my received tweets ask about both BB, I can report very early "initial" 1st step success on both sides, calmed down?
@sherif_hashim: @mrpauldurden a bit more sure than this, yeah
@mrpauldurden: @sherif_hashim very early first steps means.. you've found a crash that can potentially prove to be an expoitable vulnerability?
In the past Hashim found a baseband crash in iOS 4.0, his work brought us ultrasn0w 1.01, utility from DevTeam to unlock iPhone with iOS 4.0.
Another hacker Veeence tweets that the unlock won't be released till iOS 4.2. Apple plans to release 4.2 in November:
@veeence: A new exploitable baseband crash has been found. An unlock will very likely be released after iOS 4.2 and will unlock both BB's of 4.1 & 4.2
iPhone iOS 4.1 Jailbreak Released from GeoHot, called LimeRa1n
Famous hacker Geohot is back and today he released the latest iOS 4.1 jailbreak. It is called LimeRa1n and supports iPhone 3GS, iPod Touch 3G, iPad, iPhone 4, iPod Touch 4G with iOS firmwares 4.0-4.1 and beyond. It can also hacktivate your device, so there is no need in phone SIM-cards and other tricks.
This software is still in beta and was updated 3 times in last several hours. So use with caution.
There is Windows version only for now. Geohot plans to release LimeRa1n for Mac and Linux soon. You can Download it here.
Some users report that they have jailbroken their iOS 3.2.2 iPads successfully with limera1n, while others report that they tried, but failed.
Do not forget to backup.
For many users of iPhone 3GS and iPhone 4 with iOS 4.0.2 now there is a hope to perform jailbreak using LimeRa1n and unlock using ultrasn0w. We recommend NOT to do it if you have not saved your SHSH keys. You can try, but if something goes wrong without SHSH keys you'll have to restore to iOS 4.1, and there is no unlock for iOS 4.1 (possibly forever). Just wait for PwnageTool utility.
DevTeam reported that Limera1n uses a different exploit than SHAtter, so they will not release SHAtter utility, they don't want let Apple fix both security holes. However they plan to release PwnageTool using the same exploit.
You can find our LimeRa1n tutorials tutorials:
Hacked MacBook reborn as a tablet
You need an iPad? And you have a broken MacBook? So, you can do your own tablet! Just look what Matt at Enigma Penguin did with his old MacBook. He decided that he would recycle his old laptop and turn it into a tablet.
New Apple TV Allows App Installation, Needs Launcher
Developer Steven Troughton-Smith found out that iOS applications can installed on the new Apple TV. You only need to slightly modify the applications to identify them as Apple TV-compatible. Of course, Steven’s discovery is an important step in developers' quest to run applications on the device, but the applications are not yet usable, as the Apple TV doesn’t have any application launcher that would be required for an app to function.
The Apple TV has just been jailbroken
Today the new Apple TV has been jailbroken by hacker MuscleNerd from DevTeam. He used the SHAtter exploit. This means that hackers were able to gain full access to the device. Here is MuscleNerd's comment on twitter:
AppleTV 2G SHAttered and jailbroken (not quite sure how to run apps yet!)
MuscleNerd and the rest of the Dev-Team will probably create a public release of some utility soon. Here is a youtube video showing off the jailbroken device: