News tagged ‘айпад’
Download Google Chrome for iPhone and iPad
Google released Google Chrome browser for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch.
Google Drive and Chrome Browser Coming To iOS
Today Google announced that it is launching a version of Google Chrome browser for the iPad and iPhone. The company says this version will be available on the App Store later in the day. Last month analyst from Macquarie Ben Schacter predicted that Google Chrome browser was coming to iOS.
Apple Wins Preliminary Injunction Banning Sales Of Samsung Galaxy Tab In U.S.
According to
This is the latest ruling in the ongoing legal dispute between Samsung and Apple. In the court Apple had accused Samsung of blatantly copying the design of iPhone and iPad and has previously won injunctions against the sale of Galaxy Tab tablet in other countries. Koh wrote in the order:
Brightcove’s API Makes It Easier To Create Dual-Screen Apple TV And iOS apps
Today Brightcove
Apple released iOS 6.0 Beta 2 for developers
Apple recently released new iOS 6 beta 2 for developers. It is available as an OTA update or as a download here. Apple also updated Xcode 4.5 developer preview 2, Apple TV beta 2 as well.
When you download and install iOS 6.0 Beta 2 OTA the Settings icon animates. Take a look:
Apple's new iPad estimated to cost $1.36 per year to charge
The Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), an independent non-profit organization focusing on electricity research and development, carried out the study of the Apple's new iPad, having found that devices like it could help lower the high power consumption. The institute discovered that charging a device once every other day from full discharge costs mere pennies per day, a dramatic reduction from large electronics like HDTVs and PCs.
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Foxconn Accelerating LCD Panels Orders To Launch Apple TV Set For Holiday Season
In a new research note, Brian White, Topeka Capital Markets’s analyst, points to a report from Chinese site saying that Foxconn/Hon Hai planned to order LCD television panels from Sharp in 3Q 2012 instead of the 4Q 2012, which fuels speculation that the panels are intended for a forthcoming Apple TV set that could be launched for holiday shopping season. Earlier this year Sharp and Foxconn
Apple Posts New iPad 'Do It All' TV Ad [Video]
Apple has posted a new ad about the new retina display iPad. The video is called 'Do It All'.
Whatever you do on iPad, do it all more beautifully than ever with the stunning Retina display.
Foxconn may buy more Sharp shares, fueling Apple television rumors
Foxconn Chairman Terry Gou revealed at his company's annual meeting on Monday that the company is now in talks with Sharp to buy more their shares. Foxconn is Apple's primary manufacturing partner, responsible for assembling devices like the iPhone, iPad and Macs. And Sharp is already a major display supplier for Apple, including Retina displays for the new iPad. That is why it’s not surprisingly that these rumors once again revive speculation that their alliance could play a key role in Apple's rumored television set.
Microsoft Announces Its New Tablet Called Surface
Microsoft has unveiled its new tablet that will compete with iPad, Google’s Android and tablets from other manufacturers.
RedSn0w 0.9.14b1 Released: 06.15 Downgrade for iPhone 3GS/3G
The iPhone Dev-Team released RedSn0w 0.9.14b1 that can perform a baseband downgrade from the iPad's 06.15 baseband to 05.13 on the iPhone 3GS and iPhone 3G. The 06.15 baseband was used by many users to unlock their device. Now it is possible to to get back true GPS and an ultrasn0w unlock.
You can download RedSn0w 0.9.14b1 here.
Here is additional info from DevTeam:
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iPhone Dev-Team will 06.15 baseband downgrade today
The iPhone Dev-Team will release the 06.15 baseband downgrade today, according to a tweet from MuscleNerd.
Sunday should be a Funday for those waiting for 06.15 BB downgrade! ("Sunday"==PDT, i.e UTC-7). Blog will have details before release
The 06.15 baseband is an iPad baseband that many iPhone 3G and iPhone 3GS owners updated to in order to unlock their device. Now those users will be able to get true GPS and an ultrasn0w unlock.
the 06.15 downgrade allows both true GPS location services and ultrasn0w unlock (if it's still needed) to work
Apple rumored to pay at least $150 for MacBook Pro Retina Display panels
On Monday Apple released a completely-redesigned 15-inch MacBook Pro with a 2,880-by-1,800-pixel Retina Display and, of course, the competing notebook makers do their best to follow in Apple's footsteps by releasing their own high-resolution laptops. The key obstacle however could be the price they have to pay for Retina Display panels. Apple is rumored to pay at least $150 per unit for the Retina Display found in its MacBook Pro.
Apple Filed Application For ‘.apple’ Domain Name Suffix
According to the Associated Press, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers has posted a list of around 2,000 applications for new domain name suffixes. These applications were received by ICANN as part of its program to expand existing domain naming system by adding new suffixes. Among the new domain name suffixes will be those based on brands so that companies can simplify URLs for their websites and enhance their branding.
Which iDevices Get Which New iOS 6 Features
Apple posted a list of limitations that reveals which devices get which new iOS 6 features. For example, the iPhone 4 does not get FaceTime over 3G, Flyover, Turn-By-Turn Navigation, or Siri.
Here is the full list:
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