News tagged ‘iPod Nano’
Apple plans to release new taller iPod Nano with Home button this fall
Recent rumors say Apple is planning to release a new taller iPod nano this autumn. The new device is expected to have a Home button and integration with iTunes.
iPad 3 Utilizing Same Camera Sensor Found In Older Apple’s Devices
Following the iFixit’s dismantiling of an iPad 3, Chipworks has
New Photos of Camera-Equipped iPod Nano Casing Surface
Last April, posted a photo of what appeared to be an iPod nano with a hole in the rear casing that was said to be for a camera. A second photo showing a clipless design casing for the device and claiming that it would carry a 1.3-megapixel camera.
Apple ultimately made no changes to the design of the iPod nano in September of last year, instead opting to update the software and lower pricing on the 8 GB and 16 GB models. But the idea of a camera-equipped iPod nano was revived in November with the publication of a May 2010 patent application on speaker design that appeared to show a hole in the iPod nano's clip in the same location as the rumored camera hole seen in the leaked photos.
Recalled iPod nanos replaced by Apple with current-generation models
A couple of days ago Apple began replacing recalled first-generation iPod nanos with current-generation units. The users are beginning to report in that they are indeed receiving the current models.
Just received our replacement today - Fedex truck pulled up late in the evening. Inside was our replacement for our 1st gen ipod nano that was sent into Apple 1 month ago.
It's a 6th generation ipod nano, serial number shows that warranty has expired. Not sure if that means that it's a refurbished model or if it's a brand new model and they've deactivated the warranty. It's silver.
Initially Apple replaced the recalled first-generation units at risk of overheating with refurbished first-generation models. But the company seems to have run out of first-generation units soon and is now supplying users with current-generation units as replacements.
Apple’s oldest iPod was launched in September 2005. It utilized a click wheel for navigation and contained a 1.5-inch screen. Battery life was advertised at 14 hours of music playback and four hours of photo slideshows with music.
Rumors: Apple Has Been Researching And Prototyping Small Wearable Devices
Nick Bilton from The New York Times, who in October
Apple stores to participate in World AIDS Day by promoting (RED) products
Apple retail stores are taking part in World AIDS Day today, on December 1. The company is drawing attention to its (RED) products, which raise money to fight AIDS in Africa. ifoAppleStore reports that a "select group of Specialists will be wearing and promoting the (RED) iPod nano" to mark the day set for international AIDS awareness.
Apple sells 8GB and 16GB (RED) iPod nano models for the same price as other models, but a part of money that Apple will receive this day, will be donated to the Global Fund in order to fight AIDS in Africa. The company also offers a (RED) leather iPad Smart Cover, Special Edition (RED) Beats by Dr. Dre Solo HD Headphones, as well as a (RED) iTunes gift card. Managers also have to use the (RED) Smart Covers for iPads during this day.
The idea of this (RED) project belongs to U2 lead singer Bono and Bobby Shriver. Apple has been the largest contributor to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS.
"This is serious and significant," Bono wrote. "And Apple's involvement has encouraged other companies to step up."
Smoking, glowing iPhone 4 causes airplane scare
Regional Express (REX), Australian largest independent regional airline, had to extinguish a glowing iPhone 4, emitting “dense smoke” while a flight from Lismore to Sydney. A flight attendant extinguished the smoking smartphone and no one was injured during the incident. The situation, obviously, has sparked concerns over the handset's battery. The defected device was the GSM version of the iPhone 4, according to the model number of the device.
This issue, probably, caused by battery overheating wasn’t a unique one for Apple's devices. As far as we know, the company recently initiated a replacement program for the first-generation iPod nano due to potential battery overheating issues earlier this month, although Apple notes that the problem is very rare, but the likelihood of overheating does increase over time.
One of the biggest consumer electronic battery scares in recent years occurred in 2006. Microscopic metal particles were found in 9.6 million lithium-ion Sony batteries that the company had to recall. Such batteries were also used in Apple’s iBook and PowerBook G4 and Apple recalled 1.8 million batteries.
Replacement Devices For First-Gen iPod Nano Are Now Arriving
Last week Apple announced a replacement program for first-gen iPod nano. The program was initiated due to battery defects that could cause overheating of the devices. While Apple officially states that users may wait up to six week to receive the replacement devices, some customers are reporting that they have already received their replacements. And while some had expressed hopes that Apple may replace their devices with newer-generation iPod nanos given a possible shortage of devices that went out of production five years ago, customers still receives first-gen iPod nanos.
Apple opens up replacement program for first-gen iPod nano
Apple reported that the battery in the first-generation iPod nano may overheat and pose a safety risk. Although, Apple had previously said that less than 0.001 percent of first-generation iPod nanos experienced the overheating issue, Apple has recently initiated a replacement program for the first-generation iPod nano. The company recommended users of the first-generation iPod nano to stop using the device and replace it for free.
The defect was firstly traced in 2008, when several customers experienced overheating on their first-generation iPod nano. South Korea, Japan and Europe international government agencies even initiated a special investigation and as a result the trade ministry in Japan ordered Apple to publicize the replacement offer on its Japanese website in 2010. Now Apple is notifying purchasers of the first-generation iPod nano about the replacement program, sending out emails.
"Apple has determined that, in very rare cases, the battery in the iPod nano (1st generation) may overheat and pose a safety risk. Affected iPod nanos were sold between September 2005 and December 2006," the company wrote. "This issue has been traced to a single battery supplier that produced batteries with a manufacturing defect. While the possibility of an incident is rare, the likelihood increases as the battery ages."
Apple Researching Integrated Speaker for iPod Nano and Shuffle
Patently Apple posted a new Apple’s patent application that describes integration of a speaker into the clip of the iPod nano or iPod shuffle and how a small domed or dimpled cover over the speaker could be designed to produce specific acoustic effects.
In some embodiments, the cavity size may be shaped to create a particular frequency response or to otherwise influence the sound produced by the acoustical element. In some embodiments, the interior surface of the cavity may be modified to increase the size of the cavity, to control the frequency response of the cavity, modify the amount of air displaceable by movement of the diaphragm of the acoustical element, and/or to direct sound waves within the cavity and/or out of the cavity. The shape of the surface may be configured to resonate at a certain desired frequency or frequency range that is desired based on its shape. For example, one or more indentations in the surface may be provided to increase the size of the cavity and/or control the frequency response of the cavity. Generally, the larger the size of the cavity, the lower the frequency that may be resonant within the cavity. In some embodiments, holes may be provided in the surface to adjust the frequency response.
Apple released a software update for iPod Nano 6G
Apple has released a software update for the existing iPod Nano 6G. New software brings new icon size, fitness features, and additional clock faces.
You can install the update by connecting your iPod nano to iTunes and clicking the update button.
Apple dropped prices for iPod nano: now $149 for 16GB and $129 for 8GB
Good news for those who want to buy Apple iPod Nano. The price has dropped from $149 to $129 for a 8GB model and from $179 to $149 for 16GB model. New price nano's are available starting today.
Additionally iPod Nanos will feature a redesigned user interface, 16 new digital clock faces and improved built-in fitness features.
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Apple to Discontinue iPod Classic and iPod Shuffle
According to TUAW, Apple is about discontinuing the iPod classic and iPod shuffle as a part of “product transition” this year.
It seems that the "product transition" Apple mentioned on the last earnings call could very well be within the iPod line. Specifically, if you want to buy an iPod shuffle or iPod classic from Apple, you should do it sooner rather than later. We've heard those two iPods are getting the axe this year.
The iPods now only make up for 8% of Apple’s total revenue. As the below graph shows, iPod sales have been falling over the last few quarters and although Apple doesn’t break these figures down model by model, its believed the iPod touch is what has held iPod sales up. The iPod nano also appears to be safe for the time being. The last official word about the iPod Classic came from Steve Jobs over a year ago. He said that they had no plans on discontinuing the iPod Classic at that time. Now, it seems they have changed their plans.
New IPod Nano Will Likely Support Bluetooth 4.0
We have already heard many rumors about upgrade of Apple’s smartphone line this fall, as well as information about the release of next-generation tablet. Also rumors about launch of iPod touch with 3G modem have been circulating. But we forgot that upgrade of all iPod line is planned on September.