News tagged ‘jailbreak’
Someone has Stolen Jailbreak Exploit from Evad3rs - Rumor
Stefan Esser aka i0n1c, a security researcher and a person behind the untethered jailbreak for iOS 4.3.2, says someone close to evad3rs may have stolen a jailbreak exploit and sold it to an unknown private buyer.
White House Plans to Ban Phone Unlocking While Claiming to Support It
According to secret documents leaked by WikiLeaks not long ago, the White House has been in talks with other countries to make phone unlocking illegal by international law. And it is rather strange since in public the US government supports those who struggle for the legalization of unlocking.
iOS 7.0.4 is Safe for 7.x Users Waiting for a Jailbreak
Famous hacker MuscleNerd has confirmed that iOS 7.0.4 is safe to update to for users who wait iOS 7 jailbreak and are already on iOS 7.
Those at 7.x waiting for JB, maybe treat 7.0.4 as exercise in restraint. Won’t affect JB if you slip up, but test your ability to avoid it!
…but for those enjoying the 6.x JB, avoid 7.0.4 . There’s no going back (always worth saying that for sake of JB newbies)
The last update we received about the possibility of iOS 7 jailbreak was in early October when Planetbeing tweeted, "We're still working hard on the jailbreak. May have all the pieces at this point (but not certain yet)."
Evad3rs Achieve Unsigned Userland Code Execution on iOS 7
Famous hacker Planetbeing, member of Evad3rs team, posted an update regarding team's iOS 7 jailbreak progress. They've achieved one important step - unsigned userland code execution. Basically this means that they've got behind Apple's walls of security and now can poke at the kernel. Bugs found in the kernel could be used to create a jailbreak for the new operating system.
Achieved unsigned userland code execution with some of our stuff in reserve. Now we have a good platform for poking the kernel.
Evad3rs work on iOS 7 jailbreak
Great news. Evad3rs actually started iOS 7 jailbreak works.
Since Apple released iOS 7 Gold Master it is time for jailbreak developers to take a deep look at this new version, it is too late for Apple to make any changes to the iOS security.
The evad3rs, a group of hackers who released the untethered jailbreak for iOS 6, have announced that they are now actively investigating iOS 7 to identify which of their exploits still work.
iPhone 5 Running iOS 6.1.4 Jailbroken
If you use a jailbroken iPhone 5, then this article will be interesting for you. Yesterday, a hacker with a nickname winocm announced that he had successfully jailbroken iOS 6.1.4 on his iPhone 5. And this is crucial since this is the first time this firmware version was hacked.
Untethered Jailbreak for iOS 6.1.3 Found
A hacker named winocm claims he has a binary that can perform an untethered jailbreak of the iOS 6.1.3. This announcement has been spotted on Twitter today.
P0sixninja Launches OpenJailbreak Project Website
P0sixninja has finally launched its OpenJailbreak website, where all the members of the world’s jailbreak community can find tools they need. The big event took place on August 24th, during the Worldwide Jailbreak Conference.
FaceHalt Brings the Smart Pause Feature to iOS Devices
One of the most interesting Samsung Galaxy S4’s features is probably Smart Pause. This is the feature that automatically pauses video playback each time you look away. For quite a long period of time those who use iPhones had to put up with the fact that there’s nothing similar for the iOS platform. And then FaceHalt was released.
Untethered Jailbreak for CDMA iPhone 4 Running iOS 5.1 is Here!
Good new for all those who use an iPhone 4 CDMA with iOS 5.1 on board - there’s an untethered jailbreak for this device. For more details - read the rest of the article below and watch a video.
ScreenFade – wake and sleep your device with animation
If you do not like abrupt waking and sleeping of stock iOS devices, then ScreenFade is the program you need. Install this jailbreak tweak on your gadget and enjoy fade in and out animation!
It is a simple program with no options and settings. Just remember that it works only if you wake the device with Home button.
Now have a look at the video to grab the idea.
MuscleNerd Denies Rumors of a Bootrom Exploit
Popular hacker MuscleNerd has denied rumors that a bootrom exploit has been found for the iPhone. Earlier today, he tweeted:
There is no A5+ bootrom exploit, by anyone. Not even a bootrom dump. Nothing.
Speculation that a bootrom exploit may have been found began after p0sixninja tweeted that he would be releasing something bigger than a jailbreak.
The bootrom exploit can devices permanently vulnerable to a tethered jailbreak regardless of iOS version. The last bootrom exploit was limera1n found by Geohot which supported A4 devices like iPhone 4 and below.
P0sixninja plans to create OpenJailbreak
Hacker p0sixninja (Joshua Hill) tweeted that he plans to create OpenJailbreak, a new repository of open source jailbreak components on Twitter earlier today.
Ok, I hate redsn0w, I hate sn0wbreeze, and I hate 6.1.3. I'm ready to get this #openjailbreak off the ground
Elaborating further he told:
Essentially it’s going to be a repository of open source jailbreak components that I created over the years. So much of my code has been hacked up and incorporated into other projects, it’s becoming very fragmented. There’s no central repository to maintain all this code, to allow other developers to submit patches or help layout a roadmap for what new features and abilities will be added in the future.
There is jailbreak for iOS 7
iOS 7 has been jailbroken. Popular iOS developer Ryan Petrich has posted a screenshot which appears to show Activator running on iOS 7.
Earlier today Petrich tweeted saying, "System version too new?". Alongside the tweet was the picture below. The picture shows the Springboard of an iPod touch with an Activator icon and a UIAlert window which reads:
System Version Too New
Activator has not been tested to work with this version of iOS. Some features may not work as designed.
Notably, this alert does not seem to be a UIAlert that could be generated from within a sandboxed application, suggesting that device may be jailbroken.
Hacker p0sixninja plans to release "Something Bigger Than a Jailbreak"
Well known iPhone hacker p0sixninja has teased the upcoming release of some 'amazing things' on Twitter that are bigger than a jailbreak.
Last night he tweeted:
I got a lot of amazing things coming to you all soon. think bigger than jailbreak
In March, p0sixninja revealed that he had found the exploits necessary to release a new jailbreak; however, as expected, he decided to hold those back for iOS 7 or iOS 7.1.