News tagged ‘приложения’
This Could Be What Apple's iPhone 5 Looks Like
Last month we saw a leaked design specifications for the iPhone 5. Of course, Chinese case manufacturers immediately started producing cases. MacRumors commissioned CiccareseDesign to create high quality renderings made as closely as possible to the original leaked case designs and then 3D models that show how the rumored iPhone 5 may look.
Investors Want Nintendo To Develop Titles for iOS Devices
According to Bloomberg’s
Facebook Has Released Messenger App for iPhone
Facebook has just launched Messenger app that extends its Messages service. This app will allow sending Facebook messages to your Facebook contacts and text messages to your phone’s contacts. In addition to messages the app will allow you to send pictures as well.
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Google+ Now Supports iPad And iPod Touch
Google has released an
BBC iPlayer Launched In 11 European Countries, Soon In US
As Guardian
Amazon Removed External Links From Its Kindle App
This week Amazon updated its Kindle app for iOS in order to meet Apple’s in-app purchase terms and keep its place in the App Store. Apart from removing links to the Kindle Store, new update introduced about 100 newspaper and magazine subscriptions for iOS.
Amazon Tablet Will Recognize Only Two Fingers At Once
It was reported that a rumored Android-powered Amazon tablet will be released by September. The main known fact is that Amazon tablet will incorporate a low-cost touch panel that is capable to recognize two fingers at the same time instead of ten fingers capability found in top-grade tablets like the iPad.
An Overview of Automator Improvements In Lion
Automator, the set of automation tools that allows users to create workflows, services or apps has received interesting improvements in Lion. Some of such improvements allow eliminating the need for third-party software. The Option key for example has got new usage in Lion. Now it can reverse the entire Resume system, show the Library in the Finder’s menubar, or change the Finder’s “Arrange By” feature to “Sort By”. Though Lion is the most powerful and feature-rich version of OS X to date, there are still much to be done in Lion.
Adobe Products Are Partially Supported in Lion
The new OS X Lion includes not only many improvements but also side-effects. Adobe has found issues in new OS related to its applications and posted a list of them in knowledge base article last week. The list is rather long, but the main issue is the absence of hardware acceleration for Flash Player in new Lion.
After Falling From 13,000 Feet iPhone 4 Still Makes Calls
Some people carry their iPhone everywhere. Among them is a skydiver who decided to take his smartphone with him when he recently took a plunge from an airplane. However, his smartphone fell from his pocket when he was dropping down from more than 13.000 feet. It is incredible, but as CNN
Apple Became The US Fastest-Growing Retailer
Basing on estimations from retail sales expert David Berman, USA Today
Abramsky Believes RIM Needs To Spin-off BlackBerry
According to analyst Mike Abramsky with RBC Capital, BlackBerry-manufacturer Research in Motion should change itself and alter its outdated way of thinking by spinning-off its network and handset departments.
Journalist Neal Augenstein Gave Handy Tips On How To Use iPhone In The Work
After visiting a webinar of Neal Augenstein, who is a well-known radio reporter for WTOP in Washington D.C, the
Apple users buying 61% more apps, paying 14% more per app
Fortune has published a report by Piper Jaffray analyst Gene Munster related to the performance of the App Store. Munster claims that iOS device owners have downloaded more applications in 2011; moreover such applications are more expensive comparing with the average price for an application in 2010.
- More apps: The average iOS device owner will download 83 apps in 2011 vs. 51 in 2010, a 61% increase year over year. "Smartphone users are showing an increasing appetite to use apps to add features to their phones," Munster writes, "and iOS has the leading app ecosystem."
- More expensive apps: The ASP (average selling price) per app is rebounding. ASPs are up 14% y/y in 2011 vs. an 18% decline in 2010. "After the initial race to the bottom in App Store pricing," says Munster, "we are seeing users pay up to add features and games to their iOS devices."
82% of downloads from the App Store are free applications, the rest 18% are paid ones with an average selling price of $1.44. For 2010 and 2011 the average price of application was increasing that could be caused by the iPad launch. iPad applications in general have higher prices than applications for the iPhone and iPod touch.
Apple Asks Developers for OS X Lion Mac App Store Submissions
The release of the Mac OS X Lion is nearing and Apple has just invited registered Mac developers to submit their applications for OS X Lion to Mac App Store. But it’s unclear how many apps the Review Team could manage to approve before the rumored Lion launch.
OS X Lion, the eighth major release of the world’s most advanced operating system, will soon be available to millions of Mac users around the world. Submit your Lion apps for review now so they can be on the Mac App Store when Lion ships this month.
OS X Lion provides developers with new features like full-screen mode, push notifications for apps, new Aqua controls including iPad-inspired popovers, auto-save and versions, as well as sandboxing and multi-touch gestures. Lion is expected to be released any day this week as Mac App Store exclusive.