News tagged ‘Verizon’
iPhone 4 Coming to Verizon on Feb. 10
Today Apple has finally announced that the iPhone 4 will come to Verizon on Feb. 10 with a new two year customer agreement at a price of 199$ for 16GB version and $299 in case you'd like to have 32Gb model.
The phone may be preordered starting from Feb. 3, and a week later it will appear both in Verizon and Apple stores. That was reported at Tuesday's press conference in New York City, where Verizon COO Lowell McAdam was happy to declare the beginning of collaboration with Apple:
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Verizon iPhone may appear on Feb. 3
According to a source ‘close to Apple’, the latter prohibited its retail employees to take vacations between Feb.3 and Feb. 6, Boy Genius Report revealed yesterday. That allows to suggest that the company prepares to unveil its Verizon iPhone on Feb. 3. Previously AppleInsider had also received information that Apple will not allow to take vacations for some retail employees in the last week of January and first half of February.
Though the iPhone 4 was also unveiled on a Thursday (June 24, 2010), the date of the new iPhone launch isn’t confirmed yet.
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Holiday sales of Apple's products are stronger than expected
Another note to investors was posted by Chris Whitmore from Deutsche Bank, where he indicates that Apple had sold more iPads and Macs than it was previously expected. The demand for the iPhone didn't also slow down, though rumors on CDMA-enabled version of the device could cause that.
These holidays Deutsche Bank visited more than fifty stores to find that there were lines and crowds of people who would like to buy the latest iPhone, and Apple was prepared for that.
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Verizon will sell 9 million iPhones in 2011
Another Gene Munster's research note reveals that Apple will release the CDMA-enabled iPhone in early to mid 2011, ad 2,5 million of these devices will be sold by Verizon in 2011.
Piper Jaffray, where Munster works at, assumed that Verizon will sell approximately 25 million smartphones in the next year, and 36% of it (or 9 million) will be Apple's iPhones. But the majority of those who will buy CDMA-enabled iPhone occurs to be the switchers from AT&T, and that's why only 2.5 million Apple's phones will be sold by Verizon.
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Costco stops selling Apple products
This week The Seattle Times revealed that a discount wholesaler Costco is no longer a partner of Apple and won't sell its products anymore. Such a decision was made after two companies had come to a "mutual agreement" to cancel their partnership.
Costco chief financial officer Richard Galanti said Apple didn't allow to sell its products online while other stores have had this privilege.
"In the past couple months, we agreed to wind down".
AT&T was ranked as a worst carrier in the USA
New Consumer Reports reader survey reveals that AT&T, which is an exclusive American wireless provider of the iPhone, had dropped significantly in customer satisfaction in this year.
Moreover, the company received the worst-possible scores in service, value and customer support, and the texting service was the only one exclusion of this list. According to the survey, more than a half of AT&T consumers have iPhones. That's why Consumer Reports electronics editor Paul Reynolds thinks that bringing iPhone to Verizon will be a successful step for Apple.
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Verizon's ad got an iPhone instead of Droid X
Verizon is good at Photoshop. But their dream of getting an iPhone is too big. This ended up to a funny misstake. Their Motorola Droid X ad actually has an iPhone screen display with Google Maps running. Motorola is not going to be pleased about this
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10 iPad Killers That Will Be Released In 2011
Yesterday BusinessInsider revealed a top-10 list of tablet PCs that will compete with iPad in 2011. Here it is:
- RIM's BlackBerry Playbook
Release Date: early 2011.
A 7-inch tablet is reported to be faster that iPad with its $500 price tag.
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iPad Has Increased Sprint's profit
Recently Sprint's CEO Dan Hesse gave an interesting interview to GigaOm, where he revealed that iPad has caused the increase in demand for his company's 4G and 3G Overdrive wireless hotspots. As most consumers buy Wi-Fi iPads, devices like the Overdrive become more popular for those who want to be connected on the go.
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Fortune also confirms the release of CDMA-enabled iPhone next year
This Friday Fortune also confirmed the information about CDMA-enabled iPhone, which will be allegedly shipped in early 2011.
The report was written by Sara Ellison, who notes that after the release of new iPhone the Verizon's network will be overloaded by the millions of new customers, as the same had happened with AT&T network earlier.
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iPad Is Now Available in AT&T and Verizon stores
Today two largest wireless carriers in the USA started offering the iPad in their brick-and-mortar stores. The date of Oct. 28 was announced few weeks earlier. As you remember, AT&T will be selling all 3G-enabled iPads with standard prices, and Verizon will only sell Wi-Fi iPads but with MiFi 2200 Intelligent Mobile Hotspot routers, and the bundles will have the same cost as 3G-enabled models.
For information on data plans read this post.
Verizon's sale of Apple's iPad for the holidays became the reason to steam the rumors about CDMA version of the iPhone that will be compatible with its network and must supposedly appear in early 2011.
Foxconn Is Rumored to Produce CDMA iPhone With Pegatron
Taiwan Economic News received information from its industry sources on CDMA version of the iPhone 4. The newspaper reveals that Foxconn, which is a subsidiary of Hon Hai Precision Industry Co., will ship the CDMA-enabled iPhones 4 to Apple in the next year. It is also suggested that the device will be offered by China Telecom and Verizon Wireless.
But Foxconn will not be the only producer of CDMA iPhone. Rumors had it in May that Pegatron won the contract for the device and that it will allegedly start the production in November. Foxconn's share of the order is declared to be 15 million units.
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Live from Apple's "Back to the Mac" event (constantly updating)

Apple has a bad influence on the hard drive industry
John Coyne, who is a CEO at Western Digital, revealed yesterday that tablet devices like Apple's iPad are negatively affecting on the hard drive business. Talking in numbers, iPad may reduce shipments of low-end netbooks and laptops on 10-20 percent over the next few quarters. But Coyne tried to reassure investors the business will be still profitable:
"What I would say to investors is to look at the long-term demand for storage, the fact is the most appropriate solution for mass volume storage is hard drives and to look at the long-term progress the industry has made over the last 10 years".
Apple's 'Back to the Mac' event is today
What can we expect today? Rumors say that there might be:
- a new version of Mac OS X (Lion)
- new tiny MacBook Airs (11.6" and 13")
- new version of iLife
- Verizon iPhone (probably not)
Don't miss it! Here's when it will start around the globe:
07:00AM - Hawaii
10:00AM - Pacific
11:00AM - Mountain
12:00PM - Central
01:00PM - Eastern
06:00PM - London
07:00PM - Paris
09:00PM - Moscow
02:00AM - Tokyo (October 21st)