
News tagged ‘app’

Apple event live blog (finished)

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Apple event live video

Don't have an approved Apple device to watch today's keynote? Here is a live video from Apple's event on September 1st for everyone.

The quality is not very good, but still a good solution for PC users:


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Written by admin

Wednesday, September 1st, 2010. 21:08

Users will be able to watch live todays Apple 2010 fall event (updated)


Here are the latest news from Apple PR - they will live broadcast their event today:

Apple will broadcast its September 1 event online using Apple’s industry-leading HTTP Live Streaming, which is based on open standards. Viewing requires either a Mac running Safari on Mac OS X version 10.6 Snow Leopard, an iPhone or iPod touch running iOS 3.0 or higher, or an iPad. The live broadcast will begin at 10:00 a.m. PDT on September 1, 2010 at www.apple.com.

For people whose machines don’t match Apple’s requirements there will be a lot of re-streaming the event on Ustream and Justin.tv using Flash.

The other workaround is to use Open Source Video Player VLC and enter Apple's livestream URL in the streaming portion:

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Written by admin

Wednesday, September 1st, 2010. 19:45

AppStore Crappy Apps Now Have A Place


Come on, lets face it: there are a lot of bad apps available in the App Store. Some would say crappy apps! Even with Apple’s strict app approval process, if a developer creates something stupid, it can still find its way into the App Store.

Now, there is a website that highlights the best of the worst apps available. Created by Josh Helfferich (who hosts the popular website, iPad Apps That Don’t Suck), Crapptastic “celebrates the hilarity that is the iTunes App Store.”

The site just debuted, so there isn’t much there. Still, with sites called “Horse Trailer World” and “Listen to the pig” already included, I can’t wait to see what is added soon!


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Written by Svetlana Osipova

Wednesday, September 1st, 2010. 16:52

Intel buys iPhone 3G chip supplier, Infineon


Intel will increase its presence in the mobile phone market with the announced $1.4 billion acquisition of the wireless division of Infineon, a significant component supplier for Apple's iPhone.

Intel and Infineon announced  that they had agreed to the deal, in which Intel will own the wireless business of Germany's Infineon Technologies in exchange for $1.4 billion in cash. The deal pertains to a range of wireless technologies, including Wi-Fi, 3G, WiMAX and LTE. Infineon makes the baseband chip found in the iPhone, and the company has had a strong partnership with Apple, supplying chipsets for Apple's smartphone since it was first released in 2007.


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Written by Svetlana Osipova

Wednesday, September 1st, 2010. 14:50

Patent suit challenges motion-based input with Apple's iPhone 4


A new lawsuit takes aim at the accelerometer- and gyroscope-powered abilities of Apple's iPhone 4, alleging that the interactive, three-dimensional input methods are in violation of a U.S. patent. The lawsuit, filed this week by Triton Tech of Texas, names both Apple and Nintendo as defendants. Triton is the owner of U.S. Patent No. 5,181,181, entitled "Computer Apparatus Input Device for Three-Dimensional Information."

That patent describes a handheld device that includes multiple accelerometers and angular rate sensors for detecting positioning and motion. By interpreting acceleration, velocity and relative position of the device, it can allow users to interact with a computer or other device with six degrees of motion in a three-dimensional space.

Triton's lawsuit only specifically singles out the iPhone 4 from Apple as an infringing device, though it implies that other devices could be in violation. Apple's iPod touch and iPad also include accelerometers that are used for input.


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Written by Svetlana Osipova

Wednesday, September 1st, 2010. 13:49

Apple's Special Event - What Can We Expect?


Apple’s Special Event kicks off tomorrow, on Wednesday at 10 a.m. Pacific Time. This annual media event usually focuses on the iPod line, but recent rumors suggest that there might be other topics covered as well. Let’s see a brief summary of what we might expect tomorrow.

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"Instant" Video from iTunes - Mistake or True?


A new Apple iTunes survey reveals quite interesting information – among other iPad features, it suggest the ability of “instantly” watching iTunes Store video – something that is not currently available.

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Written by SimplyMax

Wednesday, September 1st, 2010. 2:19

iPhone 4 Antenna Problem Solved?


Telcel, a Mexican mobile operator, claims that the iPhones 4 coming out in late September won’t have the infamous antenna problem anymore.

Until September 30, Telcel customers (as well as US users) can still get free iPhone 4 cases. Meanwhile, Apple have been working hard on solving the problem, trying to find a hardware solution that won’t hide the antenna but will either react differently with skin or coat the antenna.

Although still only a rumor, it’s an interesting and promising announcement.


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Written by SimplyMax

Wednesday, September 1st, 2010. 2:04

Apple looking to hire iBookstore marketing manager

1Apple has posted a new job listing looking for a marketing manager specifically for the iBookstore. The listing seeks an experienced business marketer "to drive awareness and sales of iBooks through co-marketing programs with publishers and authors, strategic partnerships, and via online and direct marketing tactics." It seems like a lot of the position will be self-driven, as whoever's chosen will be asked to come up with some interesting schemes to push iBook sales, both with publishers, and even across the other divisions of iTunes. But the bottom line is of course sales -- Apple wants someone to push iBooks, specifically in the US.


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Written by Svetlana Osipova

Tuesday, August 31st, 2010. 15:42

Researchers create pixels eight times smaller than the Retina Display


Researchers at the University of Michigan have created a display with nanometer-thin sheets of metal (called nanoresonators) that use slits to create pixels eight times smaller than the pixels currently on the iPhone 4. To show off their work, the University of Michigan researchers created their school's logo on a display only 9 microns tall (a strand of human hair is about 100 microns wide).

Crazy. You have to wonder what an iPhone-sized display would look like with a resolution like that (or if we'd even tell the difference, given that our eyes have a limit on the amount of detail they can discern). Obviously, such  display would probably cost a lot more than the iPhone 4 actually does.


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Written by Svetlana Osipova

Tuesday, August 31st, 2010. 14:41

Apple to Double iTunes Preview Song Lengths?


iTunes users will be able to sample a minute of a song before purchasing. Currently, iTunes song samples are limited to 30 seconds.

The report said that the addition of more sample time is one of a number of expected changes to iTunes, aimed at helping users discover music. It is rumored that Apple will spend "a large part" of its 1st September  special event detailing how the new iTunes improves the user experience. But Apple is not expected to introduce a cloud-based iTunes service, which would allow users to stream music to devices such as the iPhone.


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Written by Svetlana Osipova

Tuesday, August 31st, 2010. 13:40

Owner of location-based advertising patent targets Apple's iAds

1Apple and its  iAds mobile advertising service are the target of a new lawsuit from a company that owns a patent related to location-based ads. Apple was named in the lawsuit from StreetSpace, along with Quattro Wireless, which is now being phased out in favor of iAds. Other defendants include Google, AdMob, Nokia, Navteq, Millenial Media and Jumptap.

StreetSpace is the creator of a remote Internet terminal the Web Station. Users can walk up to one of these terminals to access the Internet, and are delivered targeted advertisements in the process. The suit alleges that iAds service, launched on July 1, is in violation of StreetSpace patent because it delivers personalized advertisements based on a user's location, profile and usage history.

Related to that invention is U.S. Patent No. 6,847,969, which StreetSpace has alleged Apple is in violation of. Named "Method and System for Providing Personalized Online Services and Advertisements in Public Spaces," it was granted on Jan. 25, 2005.


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Written by Svetlana Osipova

Tuesday, August 31st, 2010. 12:51

Unreal Photos with iPhone!


The two pictures of airplane propellers seem absolutely unreal. Yet, it is no Photoshop – just the iPhone and its Rolling Shutter Effect.

The photos were made by Soren Ragsdale and Jason Mullins, and they represent the iPhone’s way of image acquisition.

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Written by SimplyMax

Tuesday, August 31st, 2010. 1:15

New Leaked Images of iPod Nano Cases


Apple’s Special Event is just 2 days away, and fresh iPod rumors appear each day. Late last week there was a leak of information about a smaller iPod nano. Now there are more images from Asian websites showing screen protectors and additional cases, supposedly for a next-generation iPod nano as well.

One of the images is detailed enough, so we can try to establish some of the main features of the forthcoming device. In the edge of case there is a long slot that is certainly meant for Apple’s dock-connector, expected in the new iPod nano. The opposite edge is occupied by an elongated hole – most probably the slot for the on/off buton or the hold switch, like we can see on the already-existing iPod models.

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