News tagged ‘DevTeam’
Here's what hackers say about new firmware iOS 4.0.1
Here's what hackers tweeted about new Apple firmwares 4.0.1 for iPhones and 3.1.2 for iPad:
As with *any* new FW, jailbreakers + unlockers must avoid this upcoming 4.1 update until our tools are updated
3GS, ipt3G, iPhone4 users (regardless of current FW or JB status) should backup 4..0 SHSH blobs soon
Obviously avoid today's 4.0.1 update until JB tools are updated. Luckily, no baseband change so ultrasn0w lives on
each FW version has unique blobs. But using you can get 4.0 blobs on PC while you stay at 3.1.2
Hah for those iPhone3G or ipt2g(non-MC) users at 4.1beta1: use redsn0w from 2 wks ago to JB
The iPhone 4 Has Been Unlocked
DevTeam hacker Planetbeing has just announced that the iPhone 4 has been successfully unlocked.
Looks like I now have an unlocked iPhone 4.
My soft-unlocked iPhone 4 (in Canada). I'll have video in a couple of hours once I can top-up the SIM.
DevTeam congratulated planetbeing in team's official twitter:
Congrats to @planetbeing for first ever soft-unlocked iPhone4 (now to streamline it!)
Musclenerd also mentioned one interesting fact:
We think we have 3 different ways to unlock once inside BB (the 3rd way was first to fully work for @planetbeing !)
Congratulations for accomplishing this in such a short time. The unlock will be publicly available shortly after comex releases his jailbreak utility for iOS 4.
Jailbreak for all iOS 4.0 iDevices is coming
MuscleNerd, famous hacker from DevTeam, has announced via Twitter that an upcoming comex release will jailbreak all 4.0 devices. This will include latest iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, new iPod Touch and iPad.
jailbreak for all devices at 4.0 is already handled by upcoming @comex release
so, good time for iphone4 unlock stuff
Comex is also well-known, he authored the 3.1.2 and 3.1.3 jailbreak called Spirit. He's also recently demonstrated Frash, an upcoming release of Flash for the iPhone and iPad.
RedSn0w 0.9.5b5-5: iOS 4 jailbreak updated
DevTeam updated iOS 4 jailbreak utility redsn0w to version 0.9.5b5-5. That should fix any APN or MMS issues that users were seeing. It’s safe to re-run it on an already jailbroken iPhone without restoring. Just deselect "Install Cydia" if you do that.
Supported devices are still only iPhone3G and iPod Touch 2G (not MC)
You can download the latest version here.
iPhone 4 has been successfully hacked (jailbroken)
Congratulations to all iPhone users. iPhone 4 has been successfully jailbroken. iPhone hackers @planetbeing and @chpwn has managed to get root access on the device using @comex’s userland jailbreak method. However do not expect new jailbreak utility soon. @p0sixninja has confirmed that it cant be released in its current shape because it contains some of Apple’s proprietary code:
@i_Enthusiast the jailbreak shown is a more of a stepping stone for us, it can’t be released because it includes some of apples software
You should not expect the carrier unlock soon too. This is because iPhone 4 uses a new baseband OS, which will require a complete rewrite for ultrasn0w unlocking tool:
PwnageTool 4.01: iOS 4 jailbreak for iPhone 3GS, iPhone 3G and iPod Touch 2G
DevTeam released update to their PwnageTool jailbreak utility. New version 4.01 supports iOS 4 jailbreak for iPhone 3GS (old bootrom), iPhone 3G and iPod Touch 2G (non-MC).
You can download the latest version here.
We recommend to read DevTeam instructions
RedSn0w 0.9.5b5-3: iOS 4 jailbreak for iPhone 3G and iPod Touch 2G
DevTeam successfully jailbreaked new iOS 4. They updated jailbreak utility redsn0w to version 0.9.5b5-3. Supported devices are iPhone3G and iPod Touch 2G (not MC). New redsn0w is also able to hacktivate iOS 4.0 for iPhone3G.
You can download redsn0w 0.9.5b5-3 here:
For latest version we recommend to use our utilities page.
UPDATE: iBooks issue fixed in new redsn0w 0.9.5b5-4.
UltraSn0w 0.93: unlock for firmware 3.1.3, 4.0 and 4.0.1
Good news from DevTeam. They just announced via twitter that unlock for firmwares 3.1.3 and 4.0 is ready:
RT @MuscleNerd: ultrasn0w tips: 1) Works for all basebands since 3.0 FW 2) Remember to disable 3G on T-Mobile USA
ultrasn0w 0.93 released! Cydia repo is Works with basebands 04.26.08 thru 05.13.04
This means, that all users with basebands 04.26.08, 05.11.07, 05.12.01 and 05.13.04 can use ultrasn0w 0.93.
There is no jailbreak for just released iOS4, so you need to wait a bit. Firmware 3.1.3 who need unlock can update ultrasn0w and use their iPhones with any carrier.
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Unofficial PwnageTool to jailbreak iOS 4.0 on iPhone 3GS
Hacker msftguy created unofficial PwnageTool which allows to upgrade to the pre-release of iOS 4.0 GM while keeping your jailbreak and old baseband.
This is not an official release by Devteam, so we recommend to wait for the final versions of both iOS 4.0 and PwnageTool.
For the advanced users who want to experiment here is a
Msftguy also provided a video:
RedSn0w 0.9.5 Beta4 can jailbreak iOS 4.0 GM
Apple recentrly released new version of iPhone OS 4. it is called iOS 4.0 GM. Here is an update from DevTeam about iOS 4 jailbreak:
For those who can legitimately activate to the iPhone3G 4.0GM seed, the “point to previous IPSW” redsn0w trick works and will jailbreak your 4.0GM. The “trick” is to point redsn0w at the 4.0beta4 IPSW instead of 4.0GM (do this after you've updated to 4.0GM and activated through the new iTunes 9.2 on your Mac). Since the carrier unlocks aren't yet supported at 4.0, don't do this if you use yellowsn0w/ultrasn0w/blacksn0w. Many JB apps are still pretty buggy in 4.0, so again this is mostly useful only for developers of those JB apps.
Note: If you're experiencing MobileSafari crashes, double check that you're running the version at the bottom of this page.
For those without legit iPhone3G 4.0GM seed access, please wait until the full public 4.0 release for updates to the jailbreak tools.
You can download redsn0w 0.9.5.b4 here.
JailBreak for iPad is Finally Available!
Finally the jailbreak for iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch from the Dev Team is available for download. It's free and untethered and it's called "Spirit". The jailbreak supports every iDevice with firmware version 3.1.2, 3.1.3 or 3.2.
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iPad 3G Is Already JailBroken!
Wow! Hours after iPad 3G sales launch and it has already been jailbroken! Below is a video of MuscleNerd where jailbroken iPad 3G runs Cydia.
MuscleNerd used the jailbreak called "Spirit". It's a tool that makes untethered unlock of iPad, iPod Touch 3G and iPhone 3GS and DevTeam promises it will be available soon. Stay tuned for further instructions how to save your SHSH Blobs and then use Spirit to jailbreak your device.
Apple iPad was hacked: here is a jailbreaking video
That didn't take long. In less than 24 hours hackers managed to jailbreak Apple iPad, to get a root access to a file system. The first video of a jailbreaked iPad was recently published by Musclenerd, famous hacker from DevTeam. This was a team work of Musclenerd, chronicdevteam, comex and chpwn.
Watch the video:
A bug in iPhone Safari will allow the firmware 3.1.3 jailbreak
Recently MuscleNerd, the member of DevTeam, reported the presence of an interesting security bug in Safari for the iPhone. It will probably allow a quick remote jailbreak of iPhone or iPod Touch simply by connecting the device to an external website created for this purpose.
The bug was discovered by two hackers Ralph Phillip and Vincenzo Iozzo, who won the prize of $15 000 during CanSecWest. Their initial idea was to use a web portal to do the exploit of the SMS database and retrieve it's content.
Apple now offering iPhones contract free
Today Apple began selling iPhones without AT&T plan. Apple's new policy is that anyone can walk into an Apple Store and pick up an iPhone 8GB for $499, 16GB for $599 and 32GB for $699. They allow one unit per customer per day, up to 10 iPhones.
The iPhones are still locked to AT&T's network. Of course, these devices will be sold with the latest baseband which is not yet unlockable; however, you can use RedSn0w to perform a tethered jailbreak.