News tagged ‘Palm’
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First-ever Macworld Mobile to be held at 2011 Mobile World Congress
The biggest mobile trade show in the world, the Mobile World Congress, will host the first-ever Macworld Mobile next February in Barcelona, Spain. The new Macworld Mobile will be focused on developers who create applications for the iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. The event is scheduled for Feb. 14-17, 2011, in Barcelona.
Quick Test: iPhone 4 vs HTC Evo 4G
CNet made a quick testing of one of the most interesting smartphones on the market today: Apple iPhone 4 and HTC Evo 4G. Guess who is the winner? Let's take a look:
You can find spec comparison here.
Apple Wanted To Purchase Palm
Yesterday Silicon Alley Insider reported that Palm had a chance to be acquired by Apple, but eventually HP’s bid was higher. Referring to an anonymous source that was familiar with the negotiations, author Dan Frommer wrote:
"Apple was mostly interested in Palm's huge library of intellectual property and patents (450+ patents on file, another 400+ applications on file). And unlike some other bidders, Apple even seemed committed to funding Palm's operations, perhaps to challenge RIM's dominance in the keyboarded segment of the smartphone industry, our source says."
It is reported that Google also wanted to purchase Palm to spite Apple, but the company didn't know whether Apple was actually bidding for Palm, so no moves were made in that direction.
Eventually HP acquired Palm and now has plans to use its webOS in company's future tablet devices that will compete with Apple's iPad.
Signal issues is not a reason to forgo buying an iPhone 4
Several recent reports reveal that the antenna problem is not unique and can't be a serious reason not to buy the iPhone 4.
According to research group Consumer Reports the signal troubles are caused by human as in case with any other phone.
“Underplayed in the discussion is the fact that all phones are subject to interference from the human who is using them. And even if the alleged signal loss is real, there’s an absence of hard evidence that iPhone 4 reception is problematic compared to past iPhones; indeed there’s evidence of just the opposite”.
iPad app library now has more than 10,000 titles
New reports made by Mac Stories and PadGadget reveal new data on App Store. Here are the most interesting facts:
- Over 2,100 titles in the Apple's App Store are iPad games;
- 78% of all iPad apps are paid (which is almost equal to 80% value of previous Moblix report);
- Almost 75% of all 225,000 iPhone apps are also paid;
- 2,5 months needed for iPad apps library to reach the 10,000 milestone (For comparison, it took five months for iPhone apps and 11 months for Google's Android Market to get the same result).
- Currently iPad apps store is the third biggest after iPhone and official Android apps store.
- RIM's BlackBerry App World, Nokia's Symbian platform and HP's Palm/webOS have less than 7,000 apps.
It is important to note that Google currently forbids putting Android Market on non-smartphone devices, so there is no opportunity to compare the actual numbers of Android and iPad apps.
iPhone 4 vs HTC EVO 4G, Nokia N8, Palm Pre Plus and HTC HD2
We know how the new iPhone 4 compares to the iPhone 3GS. Now it is time to size it against its fiercest competitors from all the major platforms. Take a look at the results against the HTC EVO 4G, Nokia N8, Palm Pre Plus and HTC HD2:
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Happy Birthday Gameloft
Here is a video 'Shaping Digital Gaming' about the evolution of Gameloft company which is celebrating their 10th anniversary:
It 's a really great video. It starts with Nokia black and white, you see Java apps, than it goes to Palm Pre, iPhone and iPad. The graphical improvements are evident. We wish Gameloft other 10 years and more.
Android Phones Become More Popular Than iPhones
NPD Group had recently revealed their new study, which shows that iPhone OS became the second most selling OS last quarter in US. To be precise 28% of all handsets sold were Android phones, and iPhones made only 21%. Research In Motion's Blackberries hold 36 percent of market.
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HP Slate and MS Courier Developments Are Cancelled
Several web-resources including Gizmodo and TechCrunch confirmed that HP stops working on its "HP Slate" tablet device. The decision is caused by this week's deal that will end soon with acquiring Palm. Now Hewlett-Packard is rumored to integrate Palm's WebOS instead Microsoft WIndows in their tablet (which can take a year or more) and reconsider using Intel-based hardware in it because of its excessive power requirements.
So now it looks like HP changes it course and is going to convert webOS to a tablet OS and compete with Google's Android and Chrome on the market of operational systems.
Meanwhile, Microsoft has also cancelled working on its own booklet-style tablet device called "Courier". Gizmodo sources say the project will be no longer supported. Anyway, the device had never been publicly announced, though it could be very interesting with its two touch-sensitive screens in a foldable format and handwriting recognition input.
Moto Labs: iPhone's Touchscreen Is The Most Accurate
MOTO Labs conducted a new touchscreen test with a number of the most popular smartphones: Apple iPhone, HTC Droid Eris, Motorola Droid, Google Nexus One, Palm Pre and Blackberry Storm 2. The results were expected - iPhone has a first place and is followed by Google Nexus One.
The test was made by 7mm and 4mm robotic fingers for accordingly medium and light touch imitation. Moto Labs reports iPhone screen to have straight and accurate lines but with weaknesses at the edges of the panel. Nexus One with Droid Eris has a "solid performance". The results are almost the same because both of the devices are manufactured by HTC. As you remember, Apple filed a lawsuit about infringing their touchscreen-related patents earlier this month.
The results for the other smartphones can be seen on the picture below.
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MicroUnity accused Apple in patent violations
California-based company MicroUnity System Engineering filed a lawsuit against Apple, Acer, HTC, LG, Google, Nokia, Motorola, Palm, Samsung, Spring, Qualcomm, Texas Instruments and AT&T. It accuses these companies in infringement of 14(!) separate patents about mobile processors.
The lawsuit was filed few days ago in a District Court in the Eastern District of Texas, a place where patent complaints are filed commonly in hopes to get a favorable outcome. The devices named in the document are iPhone 3GS, iPod Touch (32 Gb and 64 Gb versions), Motorola Droid, Google Nexus One, Palm Pre and Nokia N900.
The patents that were named in the suit are listed below:
Reiner: Apple Has An Agressive Strategy
In a week after the story about the lawsuit Oppenheimer analyst Yal Reiner wrote a research note, where it is said that Apple started warning Motorola and HTC in as early as January 2009. The Cupertino's company was not so happy to see that rivals' new products look like iPhone (or at least use the same concepts).
Apple COO Tim Cook even commented on this situation:
"Apple will not stand for having our IP ripped off, and we'll use whatever weapons that we have at our disposal".
The words were presumably about Samsung, LG and Nokia (Palm is not mentioned as its sales numbers are not so considerable).
HP Presented Ads For Its Slate PC
HP confirmed that their slate PC can run Adobe flash and Air applications and emphasized it with a little bit provocative notes in their new ads:
- "Complete Internet - including Flash".
- "Access the full web and not jut part of it!"
The company representatives also ambiguously said:
"With this slate product, you're getting a full Web browsing experience in the palm of your hand. No watered-down Internet, no sacrifices."
For more information watch the new video ads above and below.
Adobe comments about "Flash on iPad"
The Wall St. Journal published a small article about Adobe Chief Executive Shantanu Narayen's talk at the Goldman Sachs technology conference this week. Adobe's CEO spoke on his view of why the iPad wasn't equipped to play Flash:
Narayen said Apple's decision likely had everything to do with its business model as it tries to keep a proprietary, closed system so everything goes through its iTunes store, and has nothing to do with the Flash technology. He said about 85 of the top 100 Web sites in the world use Flash, and 75% of the video on the Web today is in Flash, including Google Inc.'s (GOOG) YouTube, News Corp.'s (NWS) Hulu and broadcasters such as ABC and Fox.
Flash will be on every Android device sold at the end of the year. It will also be on Nokias, Palm Pres, Windows Mobile, Blackberries and just about anything else with an ARM Cortex processor. Not to mention 98% of all the Macs and PCs (and Windows/ChomeOS Tablets) throughout the world. It looks like Apple has it's own vision of what is good and bad for the business.