News tagged ‘test’
Samsung Galaxy Tab Is an 'Over-Sized Phone', Not Tablet
Sencha, which is a web application developer, has recently compared Android-based Samsung Galaxy Tab and Apple's iPad and made a conclusion that a Samsung's tablet is "a little bit of disappointment".
As Sencha develops different JavaScript frameworks that enable developers to creating rich mobile apps for Android and iOS devices built from web standards, the company is interested to know how good actual products perform and support HTML5 and related web standards. The latter include overall JavaScript performance, embedded multimedia playback, Web Sockets, Canvas animations, SVG and advanced CSS3 transforms. Here are the results received by Sencha in their tests of Galaxy Tab and iPad:
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Power outage at Toshiba won't affect Apple products production
This Wednesday Toshiba had experienced the power outage at Fab 3 and Fab 4 in the city of Yokkaichi, Japan. This caused an immediate shutdown of the NAND chip production at the plant. Though as of 15:00 on Friday facility became fully operational again, it is believed that such a force majeure may result in a 20% reduction in the sales of NAND flash in the next two months. Toshiba hasn't given official word on that information yet.
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Five years of Apple: 2005 iBook to 2010 MacBook Air
Five years ago, Apple was selling the iBook G4 which evolved from the original iMac. The iBook released mid 2005 got 1.33 or 1.42 GHz PowerPC G4 processors, 12.1 inch or 14.1 inch display, weighted 4.9 lbs (2.2 kg) (smaller version) or 5.9 lbs (2.7 kg) (larger version). Both models had 1024x768 screen resolution and were 1.35 inches (3.4 cm) thick.
Apple's latest laptop, the 11.6 inch MacBook Air, is equipped with 1.4 or 1.6GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, weighs just 2.3 lbs (1.04 kg) and is only 0.68 inches (1.7 cm) at its thickest.
Apple Has Announced Top Apps of 2010
Today Apple has announced its year-end top lists for iTunes called "iTunes Rewind", which span music, TV shows, movies, podcasts, etc. The most interesting list in our sight is a list of apps.
So here are the four "award winners" for 2010:
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iPhone 4 is the most difficult product to buy in China
Ticongera Securities analyst Brian White provided another update for investors while touring the Far East. In his note he says that iPhone 4, iPad and 11-inch MacBook Air are the most difficult products to purchase in China.
Local carrier China Unicom cannot fulfill almost a third of preorders, and people wait for their devices for around two months. That creates wide growth opportunities in China, and White says Apple's interest in this market is definitely positive.
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iPad 2 to Ship by End of February 2011
Foxconn, manufacturer of the iPad, reports that it plans to begin shipping the iPad 2 within the next 100 days. The initial shipment will be approximately 400,000-600,000 units. Apple reportedly planed to start mass production of the next-generation tablets in January,2011, but they had to postpone it, because of the ongoing testing of the new iPad's firmware. Of course, Apple will decrease the production of the original tablets to prepare market and users for a launch of new device. The next-gen iPad is rumored to be equipped with the FaceTime front camera, will support both GSM and CDMA standards, allowing it to work on a variety of networks.
Retailers Work On Their Own POS Systems for Apple's Products
This week 9to5Mac reported that an American clothing and accessories retailer Gap was using Apple's iPod-based POS system in a few of its Old Navy stores. The blog wrongly decided that Apple started to market the custom mobile software used in its own retail stores, and that Gap became a retailer which helps the company to test pilot it.
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New version of AirPrint Hactivator is Available
As we wrote earlier, the latest release of Mac OS X 10.6.5 did not include the support for AirPrint, though Apple had earlier announced it. After a while the guys at Netputing released an app called AirPrint Hacktivator, which was simply copying system files from those developer betas of OS X 10.6.5 that had AirPrint support implemented.
But eventually Netputing received an e-mail from one of Apple's legal representatives, where it was asked to remove any versions of AirPrint Hacktivator from the company's site as they redistribute Apple’s source code.
The guys were forced to agree but have kept a good heart and finally came up with a new solution:
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HTC stated the problem of 'death grip' in HD7 is negligible
According to Computer Weekly, yesterday HTC released a statement as a response to YouTube videos, which show that the company's newly released HD7 smartphone also loses signal strength when is being gripped in a certain way. However, it looks like Taiwanese handset maker doesn't take it seriously:
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US Marines experimenting with iPads for recruitment
The U.S. Marine Corps is reportedly experimenting with the use of the iPad for recruiting. The commander of the Marine Corps Recruiting Command explained in his recent interview that the Corps is doing well in recruitment, but that needs a huge advertising budget. So, the iPad should help them to decrease expenditure.
New version of Cydia 1.0.3366-1 is ready
The new version 1.0.3366-1 of Cydia is ready.
Commenting on the release Saurik said:
some of my long term performance plans are 'hitting pay dirt', and Cydia is much faster than it was before; that said, it isn't done yet: there's one more thing that I think is going to make a huge difference that isn't even in there yet but should be for the final release.
This version of Cydia is included in the latest release of RedSn0w, and can also be downloaded as deb file from
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Step-by-step Tutorial: How to Jailbreak and Unlock Your iPhone 3GS Using RedSn0w 0.9.6b5 (Windows) [iOS 4.2.1]
UPDATE: Please think first, before you do something.
UPDATE 2: If you have 05.13 baseband or lower - do not update to 4.2.1, use PwnageTool to create custom firmware!
UPDATE 3: If you have new bootrom and ios 4.1, do not update to 4.2.1 - you will loose untethered jailbreak.
UPDATE 4: WARNING: updating to iPad baseband for iPhone unlock may disable your GPS
This is step-by-step instructions on how to jailbreak and unlock your iPhone 3GS on iOS 4.2.1 firmware using RedSn0w 0.9.6b5 for Windows.
For iPhone 3G use this tutorial.
If you have an iPhone 3GS with the new bootrom you will only be able to perform a tethered jailbreak at this time. This means you will need Redsn0w's assistance to boot into your jailbroken device.
UPDATE: Please, consider reading our Jailbreak & Unlock FAQ, especially if you have questions or troubles.
During this process you can update your baseband to the 06.15 version. If you are on 05.14 or 05.15 or higher you will need to do this to unlock. You do not need to do this for jailbreak only. Please read the following very carefully before deciding whether to do this.
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Step-by-step Tutorial: How to Jailbreak and Unlock Your iPhone 3G Using RedSn0w 0.9.6b5 (Windows) [iOS 4.2.1]
UPDATE: Please think first, before you do something.
UPDATE 2: If you have 05.13 baseband or lower - do not update to 4.2.1, use PwnageTool to create custom firmware!
UPDATE 3: WARNING: updating to iPad baseband for iPhone unlock may disable your GPS
UPDATE: Please, consider reading our Jailbreak & Unlock FAQ, especially if you have questions or troubles.
This is step-by-step instructions on how to jailbreak and unlock your iPhone 3G on iOS 4.2.1 firmware using RedSn0w 0.9.6b5 for Windows.
For iPhone 3GS use this tutorial.
During this process you can update your baseband to the 06.15 version. If you are on 05.14 or 05.15 or higher you will need to do this to unlock. You do not need to do this for jailbreak only. Please read the following very carefully before deciding whether to do this.
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Apple hires people from RIM's enterprise sales team
According to the recent Wall Street Journal report, at least 5 RIM's former employees made a switch to Apple in the last year and a half and thus updated information in their resumes. Here are their names:
RedSn0w 0.9.6b4: jailbreak for iOS 4.2.1 released
DevTeam worked hard for the last several hours and released jailbreak tool for iOS 4.2.1. It is redsn0w 0.9.6 b4.
As usual we remind all ultrasn0w unlockers please stay away from this official firmware. Wait for the ability to create custom 4.2.1 IPSWs that don’t update your baseband!
New redsn0w 0.9.6 b4 uses limera1n exploit and will successfully jailbreak all devices. The only problem is that it is a tethered jailbreak, which means you will have to plug it to a computer and rerun redsn0w on every reboot. This so called tethered or semi-tethered jailbreak. This condition applies to iPhone 3GS (new bootrom), iPhone 4, iPad, iPod touch 2G (MC model), iPod touch 3G and iPod touch 4G. Hackers are working hard to create untethered jailbreak for these devices. To use future untethered jailbreak you need to save SHSH keys for iOS 4.1 using
Old devices like iPhone 3GS (old bootrom), iPhone 3G and iPod touch 2G (non-MC model) can be jailbroken-untethered right now using this latest version of RedSn0w.
You can download RedSn0w 0.9.6 b4 here.
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