News tagged ‘iPad’
iOS 5 jailbreak is ready (RedSn0w 0.9.9b5)
The iPhone Dev-Team has released RedSn0w 0.9.9b5 - an official tethered jailbreak for iOS 5. Users don't have to point to downloaded iOS 5 ipws any more. Just run and jailbreak.
Currently only the Mac version has been made available. Windows version is coming soon. However Windows users can still jailbreak iOS 5 with Redsn0w 0.9.9.b4, - just go to "Extras" -> "Select IPWS" and select your iOS 5 ipsw file (can download here).
Good news for users who need carrier unlock (ultrasn0w or Gevey Sim). With RedSn0w 0.9.9b5 you can update to iOS 5 and preserve the baseband (modem) version for unlock:
The new "Custom IPSW" button on the Extras screen will create a custom IPSW without the baseband update for 4.3.3 or 5.0gm (iPhone3GS and iPhone4 only, for now). Remember not to accidentally restore to the stock IPSW after you create the custom one! The custom one begins with NO_BB_ (for "no baseband").
You must enter "Pwned DFU" mode before trying to use the NO_BB_ IPSW with iTunes (and your hosts file cannot be pointing to Cydia's servers due to the new blob nonce mechanism they're using in iOS5).
We will update our step-by-step tutorials soon.
You can download RedSn0w 0.9.9b5 (Mac) and RedSn0w 0.9.9b4 (Windows) here.
PS: RedSn0w 0.9.9 is a bit different from 0.9.8 version. You can learn more about other new redsn0w 0.9.9 features here.
UPDATE: Windwos users can use sn0wbreeze 2.8b8 to preserve baseband.
UPDATE: redsn0w 0.9.9b6 released, download here
Here are links to our RedSn0w 0.9.9 iOS 5 jailbreak tutorials:
- Windows: iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPad 1, iPod Touch 3G, iPod Touch 4G
- Mac OS: iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPad 1, iPod Touch 3G, iPod Touch 4G
Apple wins injunction against Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 in Australia
The Federal Court in Australia has issued a preliminary ban on sales of Samsung's Galaxy Tab 10.1 tablet in the country. The Justice believed that Apple had presented sufficient evidence conforming violation two of its touchscreen- and multitouch-related patents by Samsung. Previously the Korean company had agreed to delay launch of their new tablet in Australia, waiting for the Court’s decision. Samsung even offered Apple a compromise deal that would allow the Galaxy Tab 10.1 to launch with minor concessions. But Apple was not accepted that offer.
In September Apple won the proceedings in Germany, where the Galaxy Tab 10.1’ sales were also preliminary banned. The legal battle between the companies has grown increasingly fierce since it began in April of this year, when Apple accused Samsung of copying the look and feel of the iPhone and iPad. Apple reported that they had tried to solve the problem not suing to the Court, but negotiations were not successful.
Apple releases iOS 5 for iPhone, iPad, iPod touch & Apple TV
Yesterday Apple released the long-awaited iOS 5 for the iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPad 2, first-generation iPad, fourth-generation iPod touch, and third-generation iPod touch. An update is also available for the Apple TV, bringing wireless mirroring functionality over AirPlay. To update to the iOS 5 users should install iTunes 10.5 released on Tuesday. Noteworthy it is the last time when Apple provides their users with update with USB. All next updates will be available wirelessly, without the need to use a cable.
The iOS 5 pack includes more that 200 new features. The most noteworthy among them are the following:
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Apple Released AirPort Utility for iOS 5
Ahead of today’s iOS 5 launch, Apple released the rumored AirPort Utility app that allows you to manage your AirPort Express, AirPort Extreme and Time Capsule base station and Wi-Fi network right from your iOS device. The app also includes some advanced capabilities that let you effectively manage your base station and networks.
The iPhone 4S Appears to Have 512MB RAM
The iPhone 4S is still believed to have 512MB of RAM, just like the iPhone 4. The Infinity Blade developer, who suggested that, found out this fact when he tried to demo his game on the new iPhone 4S during last week's keynote.
"I'm still shocked that, with the iPhone 4S, I'm literally running around with a 1080p video camera in my pocket, with an eight megapixel camera, 64GB of hard drive space and an A5 chip with 512MB of memory. This is a really powerful computer, right?
AppVV also confirms that the iPhone 4S has 512MB of RAM. This fact is repeated on their Weibo page as well in response to a question:
Re @ LogIn_Kim: RAM have said before, is still 512MB.
Though they don't say how they found out that.
Instant Messaging App Verbs Is Now Available For iPad
When choosing the perfect instant messaging it is worth considering Verbs app. It is an instant messaging client that is now
Apple’s Covent Garden Store Was Raided By Motorbike Gang
In London Apple’s Covent Garden has been robbed early today. A gang of seven thieves on motorbikes has raided this retail store in an attempt to steal Mac notebooks and iOS devices.
Samsung Will Seek To Ban iPhone 4S Sales In France And Italy
Implementing its plans to ban sales of Apple’s new iPhone over infringement of intellectual property, Samsung today has
“Samsung Electronics will file separate preliminary injunction motions in Paris, France and Milano, Italy on October 5 local time requesting the courts block the sale of Apple’s iPhone 4S in the respective markets”.
Samsung’s requests in Italy and France will refer to patent infringements connected with wireless telecommunications technology for 3G mobile devices. Also Samsung said that it plans to file the same requests in other countries after it reviews the situations.
Today’s statement from Samsung does not refer to the specific patents which iPhone 4S infringes, but it is possible that they are the same patents that already used by Samsung in a Dutch suit seeking the sales ban of iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPad and iPad 2.
Apple has claimed that patents cited by Samsung are essential for 3G wireless technologies and should be licensed under FRAND terms. Apple argued that Samsung has not offered it licensing under reasonable terms, and two companies has been unable to arrive at agreement on licensing of those patents.
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Download links for iOS 5 GM
Since iOS 5 GM has been released, it's time to try it. While the firmware is available for developers, everybody can install it without Apple Developer account and UUID registration. You can download new iOS 5 GM firmware and iTunes 10.5 beta 7 using the links below:
UPDATE: Final iOS 5 version is released. You can download it here.
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Apple Released iOS 5 GM Seed for Developers
Apple has finally released iOS 5 GM seed to the iOS developers. GM version is usually the same as the release version, unless some critical error are found.
Yesterday Apple announced that iOS 5 software will be available on October 12 as a free software update for all iPhone, iPad and iPod touch customers.
There is no need to register UUID at Apple to install GM version, so anybody can install and try iOS 5 right now.
Developers can download iOS 5 GM
Apple Asking Developers to Submit iOS 5 Apps Ahead of October 12th Release
Yesterday Apple announced that iOS 5 would be released on October 12th and seeded the Golden Master copy of the new software to iOS developers. And now the company is asking their developers to start submitting iOS 5 applications for the App Store ahead of official release of the software.
This gives developers a chance to test better their applications and make necessary improvements before the final shipping of iOS 5 version of the applications. Noteworthy, Apple has already been approving many iOS 5 applications.
iOS 5 is promised to deliver over 200 new features and will be compatible with the iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPad 2, iPad, and the 3rd and 4th generation iPod touches.
Apple's 'Let's Talk iPhone' Keynote Live Blog!

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Apple Rejected Samsung’s Proposal To Settle The Case On Galaxy Tab 10.1 Out Of Court
Today in a Sydney court Apple rejected Samsung’s proposal to remove several Galaxy Tab 10.1 features in exchange for tablet release in Australia. Reportedly, Samsung agreed to remove the capability that recognizes and ignores accidental touches on the home screen. However, it appears that Apple wants to hear a final decision of the court on a temporary injunction of Galaxy Tab 10.1, which should be made this week.
President Obama gets his iPads before everyone else
There are lots of benefits, when you're a president. One of them - you get Apple gadgets before everyone else does.
In an interview ABC's George Stephanopoulos, President Obama reveals that Steve Jobs gave him an iPad 'a little bit early', reports the National Journal.
“Steve Jobs actually gave it to me, a little bit early. Yeah, it was cool. I got it directly from him.”
Adobe Announced Six New Tablet Apps And Adobe Creative Cloud
Today at its