News tagged ‘разлочка’
Geohot May Stop Producing His Tools for iPhone
Last Geohot's post on his blog reveals that he will not release any new tool for jailbreak or unlock in the near future. Moreover, he said that he misses those old days, when jailbreaking was a hard work to do:
“...Sorry, this post was probably a bad idea. Next time I won’t say anything. I miss when this blog was actually about technical things (I’ve been reacting too much to the feedback, which led it to the place it’s in now). I didn’t fully realize most of the current scene don’t care unless they are getting something. Now I do. It’s late tonight, I’ll think about what to do about this in the morning.
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iPhone 4 Unlock: first steps done
MuscleNerd and Planetbeing have made some good progress on the iPhone 4 unlock. Here is a twitter message from MuscleNerd:
Next step is to keep the task backgrounded like we did for 3G/3GS Backgrounded task is the unlock.
Good progress on iPhone4 unlock with @planetbeing: < -injected cmd! (Akin to on 3G)
This doesn't mean unlock is ready. These are just first several steps towards it. Take a look at screenshot and video below:
Jailbreak for all iOS 4.0 iDevices is coming
MuscleNerd, famous hacker from DevTeam, has announced via Twitter that an upcoming comex release will jailbreak all 4.0 devices. This will include latest iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, new iPod Touch and iPad.
jailbreak for all devices at 4.0 is already handled by upcoming @comex release
so, good time for iphone4 unlock stuff
Comex is also well-known, he authored the 3.1.2 and 3.1.3 jailbreak called Spirit. He's also recently demonstrated Frash, an upcoming release of Flash for the iPhone and iPad.
iPhone 4 has been successfully hacked (jailbroken)
Congratulations to all iPhone users. iPhone 4 has been successfully jailbroken. iPhone hackers @planetbeing and @chpwn has managed to get root access on the device using @comex’s userland jailbreak method. However do not expect new jailbreak utility soon. @p0sixninja has confirmed that it cant be released in its current shape because it contains some of Apple’s proprietary code:
@i_Enthusiast the jailbreak shown is a more of a stepping stone for us, it can’t be released because it includes some of apples software
You should not expect the carrier unlock soon too. This is because iPhone 4 uses a new baseband OS, which will require a complete rewrite for ultrasn0w unlocking tool:
UltraSn0w 0.93: unlock for firmware 3.1.3, 4.0 and 4.0.1
Good news from DevTeam. They just announced via twitter that unlock for firmwares 3.1.3 and 4.0 is ready:
RT @MuscleNerd: ultrasn0w tips: 1) Works for all basebands since 3.0 FW 2) Remember to disable 3G on T-Mobile USA
ultrasn0w 0.93 released! Cydia repo is Works with basebands 04.26.08 thru 05.13.04
This means, that all users with basebands 04.26.08, 05.11.07, 05.12.01 and 05.13.04 can use ultrasn0w 0.93.
There is no jailbreak for just released iOS4, so you need to wait a bit. Firmware 3.1.3 who need unlock can update ultrasn0w and use their iPhones with any carrier.
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iPhone 4 Became Available For Preorder
So today is the day when iPhone 4 becomes available for preorder in the U.S., Germany, France, Japan and the U.K.
The Apple's site reveals that the white model is currently unavailable, which was explained by yesterday's AT&T memo, where it is said that supplies may be scarce at launch. The AT&T site reveals that white iPhone 4 is "coming soon", though it is disclosed in the memo that the company's stores will actually take reservations for white model, but it will be shipped later this summer.
Anyway, black iPhone 4 and 8GB iPhone 3GS may be freely preordered, and then picked up in stores or shipped directly to your home on June 24.
The price for iPhone 4 with a two-year contract with AT&T in the USA is $199 for 16GB model and $299 for 32GB model.
The price for unlocked iPhone is €629 for 16GB model and €739 for 32GB model in France, the prices for U.K. customers were revealed earlier.
iPhone 4 in UK will be unlocked
Today, Apple
Special pricing like in the U.S. and contract with carriers will be also available.
RedSn0w 0.9.5 Beta4 can jailbreak iOS 4.0 GM
Apple recentrly released new version of iPhone OS 4. it is called iOS 4.0 GM. Here is an update from DevTeam about iOS 4 jailbreak:
For those who can legitimately activate to the iPhone3G 4.0GM seed, the “point to previous IPSW” redsn0w trick works and will jailbreak your 4.0GM. The “trick” is to point redsn0w at the 4.0beta4 IPSW instead of 4.0GM (do this after you've updated to 4.0GM and activated through the new iTunes 9.2 on your Mac). Since the carrier unlocks aren't yet supported at 4.0, don't do this if you use yellowsn0w/ultrasn0w/blacksn0w. Many JB apps are still pretty buggy in 4.0, so again this is mostly useful only for developers of those JB apps.
Note: If you're experiencing MobileSafari crashes, double check that you're running the version at the bottom of this page.
For those without legit iPhone3G 4.0GM seed access, please wait until the full public 4.0 release for updates to the jailbreak tools.
You can download redsn0w 0.9.5.b4 here.
iPhone 3GS firmware 3.1.3 unlock willl be released soon
MuscleNerd from the iPhone Dev-Team announced via twitter that an unlock for iPhone 3GS with 05.12.01 baseband from iPhone firmware 3.1.3 will be released soon:
@MuscleNerd will there be a unlock software coming out for the 3gs 3.1.3 baseband 05.12.01 when the new iPhone 4g comes out??
@EmmanueGT don't sell or give away your 3GS(at same time, remember not to accept Apple FW upgrades in future)
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Redsnow 0.9.5.b4 for iPhone Os 4.0 Beta 4 Released
Last week Apple has released its iPhone Os 4.0 beta 4 and redsn0w is finally updated to support this as well as beta 1. New version of jailbreak is 0.9.5.b4 and it can be applied on iPhone 3G only(!).
Redsn0w 0.9.5.b4 is targeted at developers who make jailbroken apps, and will not work if you are already using blacksn0w, ultrasn0w or yellowsn0w.
iPhone Dev-Team warns:
"You should stay clear of this beta software if you rely on a carrier unlock."
To use the jailbreak, follow the guide below:
- Download redsn0w 0.9.5.b4 here. (Only Mac OS X version since app are developed on this OS).
- Make sure you have already activated your iPhone 3G with iTunes and your own developer ID.
- Launch the jailbreak.
- Select your stock iPhone1,2_4.0_8A274b_Restore.ipsw (beta4) or iPhone1,2_4.0_8A230m_Restore.ipsw (beta1) file that you used to update your firmware.
- Choose "Install Cydia" and then click "Next". Use DFU mode to install the redsn0w.
- When your iPhone 3G comes back up, you will notice Cydia has a blank white icon. It also has no sources so you should go to the Sources panel and add this repo: (make sure you are connected to the Internet before). When Cydia restarts, you should see its real logo now, and the standard sources should be ready to use.
JailBreak for iPad is Finally Available!
Finally the jailbreak for iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch from the Dev Team is available for download. It's free and untethered and it's called "Spirit". The jailbreak supports every iDevice with firmware version 3.1.2, 3.1.3 or 3.2.
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iPad 3G Is Already JailBroken!
Wow! Hours after iPad 3G sales launch and it has already been jailbroken! Below is a video of MuscleNerd where jailbroken iPad 3G runs Cydia.
MuscleNerd used the jailbreak called "Spirit". It's a tool that makes untethered unlock of iPad, iPod Touch 3G and iPhone 3GS and DevTeam promises it will be available soon. Stay tuned for further instructions how to save your SHSH Blobs and then use Spirit to jailbreak your device.
Apple Purchased Virtual Assistant App Siri
According to the US FTC, today Apple has purchased a virtual assistant application Siri. The cost of the deal is $200 million.
Scobleizer's author Robert Scoble thinks the purchase is very important to Apple:
"The value in unlocked is huge. This shows Apple is very willing to buy its way into the new mobile web and the new API-driven web. This also could be a major cornerstone in how it competes with Google."
Siri is a voice-guided application that acts as a concierge or personal assistant. It helps you to interact with your mobile device via your voice only.
RedSn0w 0.9.5: iPhone Firmware 4.0 Jailbreak Released
MuscleNerd just released redsn0w 0.9.5 beta - the first public jailbreak of iPhone OS 4. This utility is only for developers of jailbroken apps, so they can update apps for firmware 4.0. The jailbreak only supports the iPhone 3G and runs on MAC OS X. There is no carrier unlock right now.
You can download RedSn0w 0.9.5 and get more info
Geohot is working on a new Untethered Jailbreak for iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad
Geohot, the famous iPhone hacker and the creator of different jailbreak and unlock utilities (purplera1n, blackra1n and blacksn0w), is now working on a new jailbreak utility. It will support untethered jailbreak for all devices with the latest bootrom and the latest firmware. This includes iPhone 3GS and iPod Touch 3G.
Here is what Geohot writes in his blog:
The jailbreak is all software based, and is as simple to use as blackra1n. It is completely untethered, works on all current tethered models(ipt2, 3gs, ipt3), and will probably work on iPad too.
Don't ask about a release date. You won't make it happen any sooner.
It is still unclear if he used one of the recent iPhone Safari hacks to gain control of the device or if this is something else.
Here is a teaser video: