News tagged ‘webOS’
10 iPad Killers That Will Be Released In 2011
Yesterday BusinessInsider revealed a top-10 list of tablet PCs that will compete with iPad in 2011. Here it is:
- RIM's BlackBerry Playbook
Release Date: early 2011.
A 7-inch tablet is reported to be faster that iPad with its $500 price tag.
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Apple Wanted To Purchase Palm
Yesterday Silicon Alley Insider reported that Palm had a chance to be acquired by Apple, but eventually HP’s bid was higher. Referring to an anonymous source that was familiar with the negotiations, author Dan Frommer wrote:
"Apple was mostly interested in Palm's huge library of intellectual property and patents (450+ patents on file, another 400+ applications on file). And unlike some other bidders, Apple even seemed committed to funding Palm's operations, perhaps to challenge RIM's dominance in the keyboarded segment of the smartphone industry, our source says."
It is reported that Google also wanted to purchase Palm to spite Apple, but the company didn't know whether Apple was actually bidding for Palm, so no moves were made in that direction.
Eventually HP acquired Palm and now has plans to use its webOS in company's future tablet devices that will compete with Apple's iPad.
iPad app library now has more than 10,000 titles
New reports made by Mac Stories and PadGadget reveal new data on App Store. Here are the most interesting facts:
- Over 2,100 titles in the Apple's App Store are iPad games;
- 78% of all iPad apps are paid (which is almost equal to 80% value of previous Moblix report);
- Almost 75% of all 225,000 iPhone apps are also paid;
- 2,5 months needed for iPad apps library to reach the 10,000 milestone (For comparison, it took five months for iPhone apps and 11 months for Google's Android Market to get the same result).
- Currently iPad apps store is the third biggest after iPhone and official Android apps store.
- RIM's BlackBerry App World, Nokia's Symbian platform and HP's Palm/webOS have less than 7,000 apps.
It is important to note that Google currently forbids putting Android Market on non-smartphone devices, so there is no opportunity to compare the actual numbers of Android and iPad apps.
iPhone 4 vs HTC EVO 4G, Nokia N8, Palm Pre Plus and HTC HD2
We know how the new iPhone 4 compares to the iPhone 3GS. Now it is time to size it against its fiercest competitors from all the major platforms. Take a look at the results against the HTC EVO 4G, Nokia N8, Palm Pre Plus and HTC HD2:
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HP Slate and MS Courier Developments Are Cancelled
Several web-resources including Gizmodo and TechCrunch confirmed that HP stops working on its "HP Slate" tablet device. The decision is caused by this week's deal that will end soon with acquiring Palm. Now Hewlett-Packard is rumored to integrate Palm's WebOS instead Microsoft WIndows in their tablet (which can take a year or more) and reconsider using Intel-based hardware in it because of its excessive power requirements.
So now it looks like HP changes it course and is going to convert webOS to a tablet OS and compete with Google's Android and Chrome on the market of operational systems.
Meanwhile, Microsoft has also cancelled working on its own booklet-style tablet device called "Courier". Gizmodo sources say the project will be no longer supported. Anyway, the device had never been publicly announced, though it could be very interesting with its two touch-sensitive screens in a foldable format and handwriting recognition input.
iPod Touch is for kids?
An interesting fact was revealed by Admob Mobile Metrics when they ran an opt-in surveys on iPhone, iPod Touch, webOS and Android devices to understand how they are engaging and interacting with applications.
As you see on the photos below, it becomes obvious that iPod Touch is more popular for teenagers. Moreover, as latter are mostly supported by their parents, they use these devices differently, and that is why the number of free downloads is so high for iPod Touch users.
Apparently, iPods make a high profit to Apple, but is this so because of children?
Apple released iTunes 9.0.2
Apple just released an update to iTunes, bringing the latest version to 9.0.2.
iTunes 9.0.2 adds support for Apple TV software version 3.0, adds an option for a dark background for Grid View, and improves support for accessibility.
According to
You can download iTunes
Updated: MuscleNerd has just confirmed that the update does not affect the Jailbreak, users can still use custom firmware. You can easily upgrade to 9.0.2.
Palm resolved iTunes 8.2.1 sync issue
While the Palm Pre running webOS was initially able to sync directly with iTunes by presenting itself as an iPod. Later Apple disabled the functionality just last week with the release of iTunes 8.2.1.
The cat-and-mouse game between Apple and Palm continues today with release of Palm webOS 1.1. It brings many new features and improvements to the Palm Pre including restoration of iTunes media syncing. Here's a quote from
Resolves an issue preventing media sync from working with latest version of iTunes (8.2.1).
What's next, iTunes 8.2.2?
PS: There is another method to enable Palm sync with iTunes called doubletwist.
JavaScript Benchmarks results: iPhone 3GS vs iPhone 3G vs T-Mobile G1 vs Palm Pre
Medialets today released the results of JavaScript benchmark tests performed using the SunSpider test suite on the iPhone 3G and 3GS, the T-Mobile G1 running Android, and the Palm Pre running webOS. The use of the SunSpider suite for benchmarking studies enables cross-platform comparisons among the devices, as they all utilize WebKit-based Web browsers. In the Medialets study, the iPhone 3GS outperformed the Palm Pre by a factor of three and the T-Mobile G1 by over a factor of five.
Notably, Medialets also tested the iPhone 3G running both iPhone OS 2.2.1 and OS 3.0, revealing that iPhone OS 3.0 provides a nearly three-fold improvement in performance over OS 2.2.1 running on the same hardware. The shift to the iPhone 3GS increases performance a further three-fold.
via macrumors