News tagged ‘comex’
Comex Found Out How To Improve Jailbreak Time
Today Comex revealed in his Twitter that he found a way to drastically decrease the time it takes to jailbreak and learned how to utilize unionfs and thus get rid of the Cydia's 'Reorganizing FileSystem' process.
New approach will reportedly be used in his next jailbreak for iPad 2.
If you want to know more details on Comex's new approach, check
Earlier Musclenerd stated that it won't be necessary to move Apple apps anywhere if unionfs will be used. That also means that apps will keep their entitlements and thus simplify the sandboxing problem.
iOS 4.3.1 jailbreak news: Apple closed comex kernel exploit
Comex, famous iPhone hacker, tweeted today that the kernel exploit for jailbreak he had found long ago was closed by Apple in recent iOS 4.3.1. This exploit could be used to jailbreak iPad 2.
As noticed by @0naj, my kernel exploit was fixed in 4.3.1.
I try not to be paranoid, but it is really hard to explain this as anything but a leak.
The funny thing is that my "new" kernel exploit is actually the kernel exploit used by JailbreakMe 2.0. It was never properly fixed.
It stayed there from 4.0.2 through 4.3, but was magically found in time for 4.3.1. well, go go @MuscleNerd and @i0n1c I guess
This is not good news. However we have recently seen working untethered jailbreak video. There are other vulnerabilities in iOS 4.3.1.
iPad 2 Is Jailbroken
It seems that the recently released iPad 2 has been jailbroken. iOS hacker, known as Comex, posted on his Twitter account that the iPad 2 jailbreak is underway. The Jailbreak has yet to be packaged. Comex has yet to say when the jailbreak will made public, and how it works, but we now at least know the iPad 2 is able to be jailbroken. On the shot above you may see the proof – the jailbroken white iPad 2 3G with Cydia ready to launch.
New Greenpois0n RC6.1 jailbreak released with iBooks DRM fix
The Chronic Dev Team has released Greenpois0n RC6.1, a new version of their ‘untethered’ iOS 4.2.1 jailbreak tool which now includes an update that disables Apple’s means of protecting the iBooks application from jailbreakers.
Recent Greenpois0n changelog:
- RC6.1: comex 'hunnypot' iBooks fix, don't overwrite animate if it already exist
- RC6: Apple TV 2 support, fixed emulators compatibility issues with greenpois0n
- RC5.4: Verizon iPhone 4 is now supported !
Greenpois0n RC6.1 supports iPod Touch 2G, iPod Touch 3G, iPod Touch 4G, iPad, iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, Verizon iPhone 4 (iOS 4.2.6) and Apple TV 2G.
You can download the latest Greenpois0n RC6.1 here.
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PwnageTool 4.2 with untethered iOS 4.2.1 jailbreak released
DevTeam released PwnageTool 4.2 utility. It is able to create a custom IPSW that can perform an untethered jailbreak on iOS 4.2.1. As usual it can preserve baseband version for unlockers. Devteam used the same method that was implemented in greenpois0n.
PwnageTool supports all 4.2.1 devices other than iPod touch 2G:
- iPhone3G
- iPhone3GS
- iPhone4
- iPhone4-Verizon
- iPod touch 3G
- iPod touch 4G
- iPad
- AppleTV 2G
Jailbreak is even improved compared to GreenPois0n RC6:
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DevTeam Successfully Untethers iPhone iOS 4.2.1 Jailbreak
Currently iOS 4.2.1 jailbreak for iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS new bootrom, iPad, iPod 3G/4G is a tethered jailbreak. That means if you have to reboot your device, it will show a "connect to itunes" logo until you run the jailbreak software again. Musclenerd from iPhone DevTeam has announced that untethered jailbreak for iPhone iOS 4.2.1 is ready. Unfortunately this will be only for those who saved 4.2b3 SHSH keys via Cydia or tinyumbrella.
Got "backup plan" for untethered 4.2.1 JB working (video coming up). Uses mysterious 4.2b3 hashes Cydia kept for you.
"Backup plan" because hacker comex is working on a more extensible jailbreak. We'll keep you up to date with more information as it develops. For now you can watch the proof video:
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Ultrasn0w unlock is being released
This is the tweet from MuscleNerd posted a minute ago. So it is just minutes to wait for new unlock utility ultrasn0w.
UPDATE: New ultrasn0w released! New PwnageTool 4.1.3 released. Read carefully
UPDATE 2: new ultrasn0w 1.2 supports the following basebands:
- iPhone 4: 01.59.00
- iPhone 3G/3GS: 04.26.08, 05.11.07, 05.12.01, 05.13.04, 06.15.00.
UPDATE 3: Step-by-step Tutorial: How to Jailbreak and Unlock
Read the rest of this entry »
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DevTeam found a way to jailbreak all firmwares of Apple devices with A4 chip
The iPhone DevTeam have probably found a new method to jailbreak Apple devices with the A4 chip. This includes such devices as iPhone, iPad, iPod and Apple TV. This is great news!
MuscleNerd tweeted.
Think we've figured out a way to extend PwnageTool+limera1n+@comex hacks to untethered JBs for all future A4 firmwares
Comex Won't Release iOS 4.1 Jailbreak
Only a few days passed since Dev Team has confirmed that Comex will try to jailbreak iOS 4.1, using other exploit. However, according to the response received on Twitter, it became known that Comex may not take part in the new iOS 4.x jailbreak.
Comex replied to the message on Twitter in such a way: "ariif, the next jailbreak might not be from me ".
Of course, it does not mean that Comex leaves the scene and would not take part in jailbreaking as Geohot, most likely it is only this version he isn’t planning to jailbreak. Nevertheless the smile in his reply certainly means something good...
Flash ported to iPhone 4
The Flash port project is called Frash. Recently it became available for iPad, now iPhone users can install it on their devices. Of course you need to jailbreak, since Apple doesn't support Flash in iDevices.
Credits go to hackers
Here is the video proof from redmondpie:
Apple investigates iOS vulnerabilities
Recently Vupen, which is a French security firm, posted an advisory that contained information about two critical security vulnerabilities in Apple's iOS. After a while hacker comex used these flaws to create a jailbreak, which is now widely known and available on
But according to Reuters, yesterday Apple decided to react and its spokeswoman Natalie Harrison revealed that the company is currently investigating Vupen's advisory. So it looks like these exploits are going to be fixed soon!
JailbreakMe issue with FaceTime and MMS is fixed
Many users reported that the first version of JailbreakMe broke the FaceTime and MMS features. The DevTeam fixed the bug.
New JailbreakMe users should simply proceed normally. The new version will not remove FaceTime or MMS from the iPhone.
Users who already installed JailbreakMe can get an easy fix. They should simply run Cydia and upgrade to the latest software.
New Jailbreak for iOS Devices is Browser-Based
Starting today every owner of iPad, iPhone or iPod can easily jailbreak his device via browser on
The site was created in a week after decision of the Library of Congress (that operates the Copyright Office), which states that jailbreaking isn't illegal, though Apple claims it actually represents a threat to the stability and security of the company's devices. Apple also says that jailbreaking voids the warranty, but such an action can be easily undone by resetting a device to the default factory settings.
Site easily became a trending topic in Twitter after its announcement on The jailbreak itself was created by hacker comex, and the website was done by chpwn and westbaer.
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Saurik talks about the iPhone jailbreak
Jay Freeman, better known as Saurik, the creator of Cydia, was interviewed by the home radio Make It Work. He speaks about the history and the future of the iPhone jailbreak.
Saurik describes the origins of Jailbreak and Unlock for the very first model of the iPhone. Jay explains that initially there were two important things to do with the iPhone 2G - to use other carrier than AT&T and to install any application.
He continues discussing the main applications from Cydia. Cycorder was the first to allow video recording, and Winterboard was the only one that allowed users to change the graphical interface of the iPhone. He also speaks about Comex, the hacker who is currently working with the Dev Team for releasing and Unlock for the iPhone 4. According to Saurik the tool is still not ready to be released to the public due to severe bugs in the code. Here the second part:
Here's what hackers say about new firmware iOS 4.0.1
Here's what hackers tweeted about new Apple firmwares 4.0.1 for iPhones and 3.1.2 for iPad:
As with *any* new FW, jailbreakers + unlockers must avoid this upcoming 4.1 update until our tools are updated
3GS, ipt3G, iPhone4 users (regardless of current FW or JB status) should backup 4..0 SHSH blobs soon
Obviously avoid today's 4.0.1 update until JB tools are updated. Luckily, no baseband change so ultrasn0w lives on
each FW version has unique blobs. But using you can get 4.0 blobs on PC while you stay at 3.1.2
Hah for those iPhone3G or ipt2g(non-MC) users at 4.1beta1: use redsn0w from 2 wks ago to JB