
How to install untethered iOS 5.0.1 jailbreak

redsn0w-0-9-10-b1 untether-ios501

Untethered jailbreak is available for iOS 5.0.1 firmware on iPhone3GS, iPhone4, iPhone4-CDMA, iPad1, iPod touch 3G, iPod touch 4G.

1. If you're already on iOS 5.0.1 with a tethered jailbreak, you have two even choices:

  1. Run redsn0w 0.9.10 over your current jailbreak (deselect “Install Cydia”)
  2. Install the Cydia package prepared by the chronic devteam. It is called Corona 5.0.1 Untether. (tutorial)

2. If you are not on 5.0.1 yet, update now! If you unlock via ultrasn0w or gevey, make sure you update to 5.0.1 via a custom IPSW! See our guides for sn0wbreeze here. Once you're at 5.0.1, use the latest redsn0w 0.9.10 to both jailbreak and untether.

You can download RedSn0w 0.9.10b1 here.

Our step-by-step tutorials for untethered jailbreak using redsn0w 0.9.10:


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Untethered jailbreak for iOS 5.0.1 released


Great news!!! Much anticipated untethered jailbreak for iOS 5.0.1 released.

We will publish details shortly!

UPDATE: How to use untethered iOS 5.0.1 jailbreak


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Thunderbolt-supported PCs, Motherboards And Notebooks Will Be Released In April 2012


According to DigiTimes, Intel has informed its partners that the company is going to "fully release" Thunderbolt tecnhology in April of 2012. Reportedly, Intel plans to release Thunderbolt-supported notebooks, desktop PCs and motherboards at that time.

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Written by maxim

Tuesday, December 27th, 2011. 14:34

iPad 3 'Home Button' Parts Start Circulating in China


9to5Mac has recently posted photo of the iPad 3 home buttons that was obtained from a Chinese source. Noteworthy, claimed iPad 3 parts have been circulating for some time already in China, but only now photos of the iPad 3’ home button have stated leaking out. No real surprises, though it should help kill already sketchy rumors that Apple might do away with a home button altogether.

The above image is a comparison of an iPad 2 home button and an iPad 3 home button. At the surface, not much as changed, but the prospects of some minor structural tweaks do hint at something greater. The iPad 3 home button, which has been handled in both black and white flavors, looks almost identical to the iPad 2 home button. However, the gray glyph representing the frame of a home screen application icon is slightly thicker.

Perhaps the most interesting part about the iPad 3 home button is that its internal structuring is smaller than the iPad 2′s connector. According to the rumors, Apple had to make home button size smaller to accommodate a more pixel-dense Retina Display.

Basing on this photo, we may suggest the following:

  • The iPad 3 will likely to be launched in both black and white colors
  • The buttons floating around right now-in large quantities-signal that the iPad 3 is either in production or close to the production stage
  • The iPad 3 will have the home button in spite of the rumors claiming that the iOS devices could soon loose the home button

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Newsstand in iOS 5 Fueling Growth of New Magazine Subscriptions


AllThingsD has decided to have a look at how the launch of Apple's Newsstand iOS 5 feature has affected subscription sales. Popular Science magazine was an object for the study that has revealed that the prominent placement of the Newsstand app and easy access to updated content has driven a substantial increase in new subscriptions. In fact, Apple’s Newsstand is a new way for users to keep track of their subscriptions, house them in a dedicated folder.

The chart comes to us courtesy of Mag+, Bonnier’s tablet-publishing software business. And as Mag+ CEO Staffan Ekholm points out, the really promising indicator for Pop Sci isn’t the one-week sales leap of 13 percent — it’s that the the magazine’s growth picked up after that week, with more velocity.

If you look at the graph above, you will find out that Popular Science appears to have been adding new subscribers at a constant rate of about 700 per week during the several months. Noteworthy, the magazine was a leader among digital media even before the debut of iOS 5. But a month after iOS 5 launch, we see a significant bump in Popular Science subscription sales at nearly double the rate seen before the arrival of Newsstand.


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Written by Svetlana Osipova

Monday, December 26th, 2011. 16:34

Cydia will save SHSH/APTickets for iOS 5.0.1

Good news, Cydia is now saving SHSH blobs/APTickets for iOS 5.0.1 firmware. These blobs will be used in the future for downgrading to iOS 5.0.1. So just run Cydia and it will do all the work.

You can also use RedSn0w, iFaith and TinyUmbrella to save your SHSH blobs and create signed custom firmware.



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Written by admin

Monday, December 26th, 2011. 10:42

iOS dominates mobile shopping with 92% of market


A study by retail analysis firm RichRelevance released on Friday notes that Apple's iOS dominated mobile online shopping in 2011, holding just over 92 percent of the market, reports Market Watch. iOS users spend 19 percent more than those using Google's platform on mobile purchases.

The study has analyzed 3.4 billion shopping sessions between April and December 2011. The iOS devices share in mobile sales grew from 88 percent in April to over 92 percent in December. This proves that Apple's iOS growth continues to lead the market in many ways including online browsing.

“The numbers across our retailing partners sites demonstrate just how powerful the iOS platform is enabling mobile web shopping and, while still below 5 percent in total conversion, mobile traffic’s doubling in eight months is a trend we only see accelerating,” said Rich Relevance CEO David Selinger.

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Written by Svetlana Osipova

Monday, December 26th, 2011. 0:01

This is What a 7.85-Inch iPad May Look and Feel Like


The recent rumors claim that Apple may launch a smaller 7.85" iPad sometime in 2012 to compete against the new 7" Kindle Fire tablet from Amazon. Though Apple has never tried to compete spec for spec against their competitors. For example, the iPhone has kept the same basic form factor across 5 different generations.

The supply chain has actually been very specific about the screen size of this rumored iPad. According to Chinese manufacturers, Apple is buying up 7.85" screens for this upcoming mini iPad. So, we asked our friends at CiccareseDesign to put together these mockups of what a 7.85" iPad would look like in comparison to the existing 9.7" iPad.

The 7.85" iPad is actually a lot smaller than the existing iPad. Icons are smaller than the 9.7" iPad, of course, but still bigger than the icons found on the iPhone. The on screen keyboard also seems quite usable at this size.

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Written by Svetlana Osipova

Sunday, December 25th, 2011. 22:56

Apple viewed as unlikely to launch 7-inch iPad in 2012


Analyst Brian Blair with Wedge Partners said in a note to investors this week that though Apple is believed to have built prototypes for a 7-inch iPad, and rumors of such a device launching persist, he doesn't believe Apple will release a 7-inch tablet in 2012.

"Jobs was emphatic in his view that 7-inch tablets were dead on arrival," Blair wrote, "and we believe it would be unlikely to see the company test the waters in this category anytime soon."

Blair thinks it's more likely that after the launch of a third-generation iPad Apple will keep its current iPad 2 on the production to decrease its price and address demand at the mid-tier range.

"We believe iPad 2's price drop could drop to the $349 to $399 range with Apple offering a single 16GB model," he said.

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Written by Svetlana Osipova

Sunday, December 25th, 2011. 0:12

1976 letter calls 21-year-old Steve Jobs a hard bargaining, secretive 'joker'


When a 21-year-old Steve Jobs was starting his Apple’s empire, he was met with skepticism in Silicon Valley. The handwritten note, brought to light this week by Bloomberg, was written by  Mike Rose, who ran an advertising agency in Los Altos, Calif., in 1976, and where he expressed concern over Jobs and his partner, Steve Wozniak, who he felt were "flakey" after having met them. In the letter, Rose referred to Jobs as a "joker." When a young man, Jobs displayed some of the same characteristics that would eventually become known around the world.

Rose noted that Jobs looked like a secretive men, who "wouldn't trust" him. Rose and Jobs met because he needed someone to print the manual for the Apple I computer, the first product he and Wozniak had created.

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Written by Svetlana Osipova

Saturday, December 24th, 2011. 22:18

Apple wants to launch 'iPad 3' on Feb. 24 birthday of Steve Jobs


A new rumor from the Far East claims that Apple is pushing its manufacturing partners to meet deadlines that would allow the company to launch a third-generation iPad next year on Feb. 24, which is the birthday of Apple co-founder Steve Jobs.

A local Chinese-language newspaper reported Friday that iPad3 might be launched on Feb. 24 to mark the anniversary of the birth of Apple's late co-founder Steve Jobs.

Citing sources close to Taiwanese makers in the iPad3 supply chain, the Economic Daily News said the gadget could be launched in mid-first quarter of next year or by the end of next March.

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Written by Svetlana Osipova

Friday, December 23rd, 2011. 23:57

Steve Jobs awarded posthumous Grammy


This week the Recording Academy announced the winners of its annual Special Merit Grammy Awards. One of the awards will go to Steve Jobs who was named one of several recipients, including Brazilian composer and arranger Antonio Carlos Jobim, of a Trustees Award for 2012. The Trustees Award category is designed to recognize those who have made significant contributions to music in areas other than performance.

As former CEO and co-founder of Apple, Steve Jobs helped create products and technology that transformed the way we consume music, TV, movies, and books. A creative visionary, Jobs' innovations such as the iPod and its counterpart, the online iTunes store, revolutionized the industry and how music was distributed and purchased. In 2002 Apple Computer Inc. was a recipient of a Technical GRAMMY Award for contributions of outstanding technical significance to the recording field. The company continues to lead the way with new technology and in-demand products such as the iPhone and iPad.

The ceremony honoring the winners of Trustees Awards will be held on Saturday, February 11th.


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Written by Svetlana Osipova

Friday, December 23rd, 2011. 23:14

Apple's iPad has 84% satisfaction rating, 17% of users install 80+ apps

survey-how many

The new study entitled iPad Usage Patterns On-the-Go and at Work from the Software Usability Research Laboratory was highlighted on Thursday by Jim Dalrymple of The Loop. A new survey has found that an overwhelming majority of iPad owners (83.65 percent) were satisfied with the iPad, while 62 percent ranked Apple's device as "excellent," 10 percent said "best imaginable," and 21 percent said "good."

The survey was also aimed at finding out how people are using Apple’s tablet. 52 percent of participants reported they carry their iPad only when traveling, while 21 percent carry their iPad every time they go out, and 17 percent only carry it on them for work.

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Written by Svetlana Osipova

Friday, December 23rd, 2011. 14:04

German Court Unlikely to Award Apple Injunction Against Galaxy Tab 10.1N


Last month we reported that Samsung released a revised Galaxy Tab 10.1N design in Germany in order to avoid an injunction over the sale of the device due to design issues. Apple quickly filed suit in an attempt to bar the new design, claiming that changes in the design were not significant. Though, the judge seems not to support Apple’s point of view and may not going to issue a ban on Galaxy Tab 10.1N sales in Germany, giving customers opportunity to choose between Apple’s and Samsung’s tablets. However, the final decision on Apple's request is scheduled to be released on February 9.

The Dusseldorf court that banned sales of the Galaxy 10.1 on Sept. 9 is unlikely to grant Apple an injunction against the Galaxy 10.1N, Presiding Judge Johanna Brueckner-Hofmann said at a hearing today. Samsung has changed the device’s design sufficiently to distance it from the iPad, she said, adding that the view is preliminary. [...]

“Consumers are well aware that there is an original and that competitors try to use similar designs, so buyers are vigilant when looking at products,” Brueckner-Hofmann said. “We don’t think that someone buys a Samsung to make his table neighbor at the coffee house believe he owns an iPad.”


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Written by Svetlana Osipova

Friday, December 23rd, 2011. 13:14

Redesigned iPhone 5, expanded iPad lineup anticipated from Apple in 2012


Gene Munster with Piper Jaffray said in a note to investors on Wednesday that as Apple did not redesigned several major products in 2011, the analyst suggest that significant changes could be made in 2012. Among such changes are said to be redesigned rumored iPhone 5 that is predicted to debut in the middle of 2012, as well as an expansion of the iPad lineup into both lower and higher price points.

The launch of a so-called "iPhone 5" in 2012 would set the stage for outperformance in 2013, in Munster's eyes. He offered two scenarios for Apple's products in 2013. According to the first scenario, Apple will sell 142 million iPhone units, good for an 18 percent increase in revenue. According to the more successful scenario, Apple will sell 162 million iPhone units throughout 2013, amounting to a 35 percent increase in revenue. As for a total revenue growth for Apple in calendar 2013, Munster suggests that the growth will reach 14 percent, but he noted that such estimates are rather conservative. More prospective scenario shows that Apple’s revenue will increase by 28 percent in calendar 2013.

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Written by Svetlana Osipova

Friday, December 23rd, 2011. 11:49