News tagged ‘3G’
iOS 4.3.1: what to expect
BGR have got their hands on the next iOS release - iOS 4.3.1. This new firmware will contain mostly minor bug fixes. Here are the changes from iOS 4.3:
- Baseband updates for the 3GS and iPad (original)
- Fixed memory hang that results in memory corruption when reading large files from USIM filesystem
- Fixed problem with NTLM authentication in apps and on websites
- Fixed issue with the Springboard and 3rd party apps not recognizing the gyroscope on the iPad 2
- Fixed iPad 2 jailbreak vulnerability
This is not the final changelog, but still quite interesting. No information on whether or not it will be available for Verizon iPhone 4.
The new iOS 4.3.1 firmware is expected to be released in 1-2 weeks.
The Most Expensive iPad 2 In The World
Stuart Hughes has created the most expensive and exclusive iPad 2 in the world. The 3G iPad 2 encrusted with diamonds, gems, gold, a 75 million year old Ammolite rock and a 65 million year old dinosaur bone, costs a whopping £5,000,000.00.
Undoubtably the world’s most unique gadget is the Ipad 2 Gold History Edition. Encrusted with 12.5 cts of ‘I’F’ Flawless diamonds, a magnificent total of 53 individually set sparkling gems dwell beautifully in solid 24ct Apple logo with rear section formed again in 24ct gold weighing an immense 2,000 grams. The unrivalled imagination towards the craftmanship of the ipad is down to its main front frame which is made from the oldest rock the world has to offer in the form of Ammolite , sourced from Canada this stone is over 75 million years old. However to make this masterpiece even more individual, sections of a 65 million year old T-REX Dinosaur’s thigh bone was splintered and then shaved into the Ammolite , then finished off with ultimate jewel , as single cut 8.5ct flawless diamond inlaid in its own platinum surround with 12 outer flawless diamonds. A magnificent combination of top of the industry technology and unique thought were involved in creating this piece of History.
Sn0wBreeze 2.3: tethered jailbreak for iOS 4.3
Hackers released Sn0wBreeze 2.3 beta 4 utility, which is able to jailbreak the latest iOS 4.3. This jailbreak is tethered for iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS new bootrom, iPad, iPod Touch 3G, iPod Touch 4G. Tethered means that every reboot you will have to connect device to a computer and boot it using special utility (iBooty). Sn0wBreeze 2.3 beta 4 provides untethered jailbreak for iPhone 3GS old bootrom.
Sn0wbreeze also preserves your baseband, which is very useful for unlockers. Using Sn0wbreeze you can update firmware iOS 4.3, while preserve old unlockable baseband. It also works with iPhone 3GS with 06.15 baseband.
You can download Sn0wBreeze 2.3 beta 4 for Windows here.
Microphone Differences Found Between Wi-Fi and 3G iPad 2 Models
iPad 2 microphones: 3G (top) vs. Wi-Fi (bottom)
iLounge found out that the microphones on Wi-Fi and 3G models of iPad 2 have differences in quality of sound. The best sound quality was demonstrated by the Wi-Fi model. It might be caused by the fact that the mic on the Wi-Fi model is on an aluminum surface while on 3G is on the black plastic. The differences are most noticeable when the iPad is held facing the user, for example, when using FaceTime or other video applications.
Perhaps due to this change in materials, the Wi-Fi model offers markedly cleaner audio than that of the 3G, which sounds slightly muffled and echo-prone as a result. Curiously, we found the GSM 3G model's audio to be slightly preferable to that of the CDMA model, which seemed to suffer the issues more severely.
In the previous model of iPad the microphone located next to the headphone jack on the top edge but in iPad 2 Apple decided to place it in the center. Though, it seems that such change does Apple more harm than good.
iPad WiFi model gets GPS when tethered to an iPhone
Apple has finally brought wireless tethering functionality with iOS 4.3. It is called Personal Hotspot and allows users to share iPhone’s cellular data connection with other devices over WiFi connection.
For instance, you can connect your iPad WiFi only model to the internet via iPhone. There's one less reason to pay additional $130 for a 3G iPad. There is another difference between iPad WiFi and iPad 3G - GPS. Well, it looks loke WiFi-only iPad inherits GPS positioning capabilities when you tether the tablet to an iPhone via the Personal Hotspot feature.
Kyle Carmitchel from TabletMonsters discovered this by accident and posted a video to prove it.
iPad 2 Is Jailbroken
It seems that the recently released iPad 2 has been jailbroken. iOS hacker, known as Comex, posted on his Twitter account that the iPad 2 jailbreak is underway. The Jailbreak has yet to be packaged. Comex has yet to say when the jailbreak will made public, and how it works, but we now at least know the iPad 2 is able to be jailbroken. On the shot above you may see the proof – the jailbroken white iPad 2 3G with Cydia ready to launch.
82% of future tablet owners will buy an iPad
Yesterday ChangeWave revealed the results of another survey, which shows that 82% of future tablet owners would prefer to buy an iPad instead of its competitors, namely Motorola Xoom and RIM Playbook.
3,091 consumers were asked in February what tablet would they like to buy and only 4% and 3% would choose Xoom and PlayBook respectively. Another 3% would stick with Samsung Galaxy Tab.
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iPhone 4 unlock news - no unlock yet
MuscleNerd recently tweeted some news regarding iPhone 4 unlock. Unfortunately:
Sorry, there's no news on the i4 unlock for those who lost 01.59 (or never had it). It's taking longer than we wanted
This means that users have to wait more. No due date was given. If you need unlock just remember to save your SHSH keys using Cydia or TinyUmbrella and do NOT update to iOS 4.3.
This news are for users with locked iPhone 4 with baseband 02.10 or 03.10, iPhone 3G/3GS with baseband 05.14 or 05.15. For 05.14 and 05.15 there is a possibility to update to 06.15 and unlock, but there are special risks.
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iOS 4.3 released
Apple just released new iOS 4.3 firmware. Jailbreakers and unlockers should wait for new tools. Everybody else will benefit. iOS 4.3 has Safari speed improvements, AirPlay features, hotspot, Home sharing, a new option for customizing the iPad's side switch to serve as a mute toggle or screen orientation lock and much more:
This update contains new features and improvements, including the following:
* Personal Hotspot
- Share iPhone 4 cellular data with up to 5 devices (combination of up to 3 Wi-Fi, 3 Bluetooth, and 1 USB)* iTunes Home Sharing
- Play music, movies, and TV shows from a shared iTunes library on a Mac or PC (requires iTunes 10.2)* New AirPlay features
- Play videos from the Photos app including the Camera Roll album, iTunes previews, enabled third-party apps and websites on Apple TV
- Play slideshows from Photos on Apple TV using transitions available on Apple TV* Faster Safari performance with Apple Nitro JavaScript engine
* HD video out using the Apple Digital AV Adapter
- View 720p HD videos from Videos app, iPod app, Photos, YouTube, Safari, Keynote, and enabled third-party apps on an HDMI display* Ping features
- Push notifications for comments and follow requests
- Post and Like songs directly from the Now Playing screen
- Parental controls* New Settings
- Messages setting for number of times to repeat an alert
- iPad side switch setting to lock screen rotation or mute audio notifications and sound effects* Single tap conference call dialing with a pause to send a passcode
* Bug fixes
Products compatible with the software update:
- iPhone 4 (GSM model)
- iPhone 3GS
- iPad
- iPod touch (4th generation)
- iPod touch (3rd generation)
- Apple TV 2G
iPhone 3G, iPod Touch 2G and iPhone 4 Verizon do not have iOS 4.3 update.
Here are the direct links to download iOS 4.3:
device | version | release date |
AppleTV(2G) (AppleTV2,1) | 03/09/2011 13:07:02 | |
iPad (iPad1,1) | 03/09/2011 13:07:02 | |
iPad2,1 (iPad2,1) | 03/09/2011 13:07:02 | |
iPad2,2 (iPad2,2) | 03/09/2011 13:07:02 | |
iPad2,3 (iPad2,3) | 03/09/2011 13:07:02 | |
iPhone3GS (iPhone2,1) | 03/09/2011 13:07:02 | |
iPhone4 (iPhone3,1) | 03/09/2011 13:07:02 | |
iPodTouch(3G) (iPod3,1) | 03/09/2011 13:07:02 | |
iPodTouch(4G) (iPod4,1) | 03/09/2011 13:07:02 |
Step-by-step Tutorial: jailbreak iOS 4.2.1 on iPhone/iPod/iPad using PwnageTool 4.2 (Mac OS)
UPDate: Attention! We've received info, that Apple stopped signing iOS 4.2 for devices for which iOS 4.3 is available. This means you will not be able to restore to 4.2.1 without saved SHSH keys.
UPDATE: Please, consider reading our Jailbreak & Unlock FAQ, especially if you have questions or troubles.
Using this tutorial you will be able to jailbreak iOS 4.2.1 running on iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPod Touch 3G, iPod Touch 4G and iPad. Pwnagetool will also preserve baseband version if you need carrier unlock. If you have updated the baseband to version 06.15, you can use this tutorial. This tutorial uses PwnageTool 4.2 for Mac OS X.
We are not developers of jailbreak utilities, so we cannot assure that everything will work just fine. However we tried this tutorial on several devices and succeeded.
We will use iPhone 4 in our jailbreak tutorial. The process is the same for all devices.
Step One
Make a folder called "Pwnage" on the desktop. Download a couple of things:
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Apple will probably release iOS 4.3 today
New rumors say that Apple will release iOS 4.3 today. We have no idea if this is true, but we know for sure that it will be released by 11 of March.
iOS 4.3 has plenty of new features including the Nitro JavaScript engine, which will increase Safari Web browsing speeds, iTunes Home Sharing, and enhancements to AirPlay. One feature that many people are interested in is the Personal Hotspot used for sharing the cell signal over Wi-Fi.
Apple releases iOS 4.3 Golden Master to developers
Apple released the golden master version of iOS 4.3 to developers. The public release of the operating system is set to come out on the 11th March together with the release of the iPad 2. The update is available in versions for the iPad, iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, and third- and fourth-generation iPod touch, the iPad 2 will ship with iOS 4.3 installed. Typically a gold master issued to developers is identical to the version that eventually becomes the final release.
Apple drops prices of first generation iPad by $100
Apple has dropped the prices of its first generation iPads by $100 each. The cheapest iPad 1G us now available for just $399 (Wi-Fi 16GB) and most expensive - $729 (3G 64GB). You can order one
Apple iPad 2 vs Motorola Xoom vs HP TouchPad vs BlackBerry PlayBook
Since Apple today announced iPad 2, it is a good time to compare it with other devices on the market. Let's see the spec diffs of Apple iPad 2, Motorola Xoom, HP TouchPad and BlackBerry PlayBook:
Apple officially announces iPad 2
Apple has just made its second-generation iPad official! It features a 1GHz dual-core A5 chip. The new CPU is said to be up to twice as fast, with graphics performance up to nine times better than on the original iPad, while power requirements have been kept the same. Battery life is expected to be the same - Apple is promising 10 hours. Pricing has been left unchanged, starting at $499.
The new tablet will come with an HDMI output capable of 1080p, but it requires $39 adapter. There's an enlarged speaker grille on the back though resolution remained the same as the original iPad's 1024 x 768.
iPad 2, finally, has two cameras, both front and rear! 720p video recording at 30fps will be available from the rear-facing camera, which can also do a 5x digital zoom. The front-facing camera will record at VGA resolution 30fps. FaceTime is supported on the iPad 2.