News tagged ‘3G’
Hands On with a Physical Mockup of the iPhone 5
GSM Israel posted a video of a physical mock-up of the iPhone 5. The device in the video appears fairly similar to the dozens of earlier leaked enclosures said to represent the new iPhone. GSM Israel says it stumbled upon the device at the booth of a third party accessory maker during its normal tour of the IFA show floor in Berlin on Saturday. The physical mockup was created by a case manufacturer to test early case designs on the upcoming iPhone.
Apple And Samsung’s CEOs Today Will Discuss Patent Dispute
According to Bloomberg’s
Battery For iPhone 5 Has Only Slightly Higher Capacity
Video And Photo Comparison of iPhone 5 And iPhone 4S Front Panels
iPhone repair parts company Etrade Supply
WhatsApp Messenger Free For a Limited Time
The popular messaging app, WhatsApp, has been made free for a limited time only. Grab it while you can, before it goes to the normal $0.99 price.
WhatsApp Messenger is a cross-platform smartphone messenger currently available for iPhone and other smartphones. The application utilizes push notifications to instantly get messages from friends, colleagues and family. Switch from SMS to exchange messages, pictures, audio notes and video messages with WhatsApp users at no cost. All features are included without the need for extra in-application purchases.
What if we combine the iPhone 5 with the Galaxy S III?
Samsung’s Galaxy S III and Apple’s next-generation iPhone 5 are probably the best two and most highly-anticipated smartphones releases of 2012. The S III just recently starting hitting retail stores, and Apple is expected to unveil its next iPhone later this fall, in October.
Choosing between the two is indeed a tough choice for many consumers. Both handsets will obviously have their benefits. But what if you didn't have to choose? What if you could have the best of both worlds? Techradar brought us another interesting concept called iSung Galaxy V.
It is a mashup of an iPhone 5, based on recent rumors, and Samsung’s Galaxy S III. The handset features big screen, iOS, cameras, NFC, Samsung’s Ultra-Shutter tech, and even a memory card slot.
Take a look at the video:
New iPad 3 arrives to China this Friday, July 20th
Apple today announced the new iPad will arrive in China on Friday, July 20th.
The new iPad features a stunning new Retina display, Apple's new A5X chip with quad-core graphics and a 5 megapixel iSight camera with advanced optics for capturing amazing photos and 1080p HD video. The new iPad still delivers the same all-day 10 hour battery life while remaining amazingly thin and light.
In September Apple Will Start Production Of 7.85-inch iPad In Brazil
Rumors about the 7.85-inch "iPad Mini" continue to surface. Now Japanese blog Macotakara
RedSn0w 0.9.14b2 improves 06.15 downgrade for iPhone 3GS/3G
The iPhone Dev-Team released RedSn0w 0.9.14b2 with improved algorithm for baseband downgrade from the iPad's 06.15 baseband to 05.13 on the iPhone 3GS and iPhone 3G. The 06.15 baseband was used by many users to unlock their device. Now it is possible to to get back true GPS and an ultrasn0w unlock.
You can download RedSn0w 0.9.14b2 here.
Here is additional info from DevTeam:
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What's new in iOS 6 Beta 2 firmware (x8)
Apple released iOS 6 Beta 2 today. Let's take a look what's changed:
1. Apple added a toggle to control whether or not you can use iOS 6′s new Shared Photo Streams feature. The toggle is in both the Photos settings page and the iCloud settings.
Apple released iOS 6.0 Beta 2 for developers
Apple recently released new iOS 6 beta 2 for developers. It is available as an OTA update or as a download here. Apple also updated Xcode 4.5 developer preview 2, Apple TV beta 2 as well.
When you download and install iOS 6.0 Beta 2 OTA the Settings icon animates. Take a look:
Apple secures Liquidmetal exclusivity for two more years
Apple and Liquidmetal Technologies announced that they have extended their agreement for an additional two years. This agreement provides Apple with a full license to all of Liquidmetal's intellectual property.
RedSn0w 0.9.14b1 Released: 06.15 Downgrade for iPhone 3GS/3G
The iPhone Dev-Team released RedSn0w 0.9.14b1 that can perform a baseband downgrade from the iPad's 06.15 baseband to 05.13 on the iPhone 3GS and iPhone 3G. The 06.15 baseband was used by many users to unlock their device. Now it is possible to to get back true GPS and an ultrasn0w unlock.
You can download RedSn0w 0.9.14b1 here.
Here is additional info from DevTeam:
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iPhone Dev-Team will 06.15 baseband downgrade today
The iPhone Dev-Team will release the 06.15 baseband downgrade today, according to a tweet from MuscleNerd.
Sunday should be a Funday for those waiting for 06.15 BB downgrade! ("Sunday"==PDT, i.e UTC-7). Blog will have details before release
The 06.15 baseband is an iPad baseband that many iPhone 3G and iPhone 3GS owners updated to in order to unlock their device. Now those users will be able to get true GPS and an ultrasn0w unlock.
the 06.15 downgrade allows both true GPS location services and ultrasn0w unlock (if it's still needed) to work
Future iPhones could broadcast preferred communication mode, network status
The U.S. Patent and Trademark Offices published on Thursday an Apple patent filing which details a system that could notify other users of preferred methods of communication based on their current network status and relative signal strength. Determining which methods of communication are available, the system simplifies the decision whether to call, text message, FaceTime or iMessage another user.