News tagged ‘exploit’
Evad3rs released Evasi0n 1.0.5 to jailbreak iOS 7.0.5
The evad3rs have released an updated evasi0n 7.0.5 that brings the ability to jailbreak iOS 7.0.5. The iOS 7.0.5 was released earlier this week for the some iPhone 5s and iPhone 5c models (the GSM + CDMA editions).
Pod2g noted the change on twitter
Hi there! evasi0n 1.0.5 with support for iOS 7.0.5 is up on .
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Two More Evasi0n7 Exploits Successfully Patched in iOS 7.1 Beta 5
Looks like Apple has found a way to prevent people from jailbreaking their iOS devices. According to iH8sn0w, iOS 7.1 beta 5, released on Tuesday, patches two exploits used to jailbreak Apple’s smartphones and tablets. Keep in mind that the fourth beta patched another vulnerability used by evasi0n7. It appears that beginning from iOS 7.1, it would be impossible to hack your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch. And that is definitely not good.
It is Possible to Make Any A5(X) Device Jailbreakable for Life
Looks like it is possible to make any A5(X) device jailbreakable once and forever. Well, at least this is what iH8sn0w tweeted yesterday. What this all means is that your iPhone 4S, iPad 2, iPad 3, iPad mini, Apple TV 3G, and iPod touch 5G can be jailbroken literally for life.
Evasi0n7 Jailbreak Works on iOS 7.0.5, Requires Patch
I0n1c confirmed that it is safe to update to iOS 7.0.5 if you have a jailbroken device. This version of Apple’s mobile operating system is still vulnerable to the evasi0n7 jailbreak exploits. Here’s what the hacker posted on Twitter:
Okay #evasi0n7 still works in iPhone 5s at 7.0.5
iOS 7.1b4 Blocks Kernel Exploit Used In Evasi0n iOS 7 Jailbreak
Do not expect iOS 7.1 jailbreak soon. Apple has reportedly blocked the kernel exploit used by the evasi0n 7 jailbreak utility. According to iH8sn0w the exploit was blocked in the recent iOS 7.1b4 firmware:
So the code sign bug that evasi0n7 uses still exists in 7.1b4. Kernel exploit looks patched though
meaning… Don’t expect an evasi0n7 update for 7.1b4+ support.
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It is Possible to Jailbreak Devices Running iOS 7.1 Beta 3 Using Evasi0n7 Tool
According to iH8sn0w, iOS 7.1 beta 3 doesn’t patch evasi0n7 untethered jailbreak. The hacker, however, thinks that in the next beta Apple will surely patch the exploits.
Someone has Stolen Jailbreak Exploit from Evad3rs - Rumor
Stefan Esser aka i0n1c, a security researcher and a person behind the untethered jailbreak for iOS 4.3.2, says someone close to evad3rs may have stolen a jailbreak exploit and sold it to an unknown private buyer.
"iMessage is not architected to allow Apple to read messages" - Apple's Spokeswoman
There have been some rumors connected with iMessage recently. Numerous users and software experts claimed that the service is insecure and Apple, if forced, can easily get access to the instant messages sent by the army of the iPhone, iPad and Mac users. Latest research proved those skeptics were wrong.
Mailbox App Allows HTML Emails to Execute Malicious Javascript Code
Michele Spagnuolo, a well-known security expert and blogger, has recently reported about a Mailbox vulnerability that allows any Javascript contained in the body of the email to be executed in the app.
Here’s what he writes (via
This is bad for security and privacy, because it allows advanced spam techniques, tracking of user actions, hijacking the user by just opening an email, and, using an exploitation framework, potentially much worse things. The app also loads external images without offering an option to disable this behavior.
Mailbox developers have reacted very fast - they promise this security breach will be patched within few hours.
And here’s what you can actually do using the malicious Javascript code:
Evad3rs Achieve Unsigned Userland Code Execution on iOS 7
Famous hacker Planetbeing, member of Evad3rs team, posted an update regarding team's iOS 7 jailbreak progress. They've achieved one important step - unsigned userland code execution. Basically this means that they've got behind Apple's walls of security and now can poke at the kernel. Bugs found in the kernel could be used to create a jailbreak for the new operating system.
Achieved unsigned userland code execution with some of our stuff in reserve. Now we have a good platform for poking the kernel.
Evad3rs work on iOS 7 jailbreak
Great news. Evad3rs actually started iOS 7 jailbreak works.
Since Apple released iOS 7 Gold Master it is time for jailbreak developers to take a deep look at this new version, it is too late for Apple to make any changes to the iOS security.
The evad3rs, a group of hackers who released the untethered jailbreak for iOS 6, have announced that they are now actively investigating iOS 7 to identify which of their exploits still work.
iOS 7 Malicious Charger Exploit Patched
Earlier this year - in June - a new iOS flaw was discovered that theoretically made it possible to hack your device with the help of a malicious USB charger. A group of developers, who were the first to find this breach, has successfully installed malware on a non-jailbroken iPad and iPhone to prove their theory.
Untethered Jailbreak for CDMA iPhone 4 Running iOS 5.1 is Here!
Good new for all those who use an iPhone 4 CDMA with iOS 5.1 on board - there’s an untethered jailbreak for this device. For more details - read the rest of the article below and watch a video.
Zero-Day iOS Exploit Was Sold for $500.000?
According to the latest New York Times report, an unknown zero-day iOS exploit was recently sold for $500.000. Well, we all knew that big companies like Apple pay hackers good money when they discover vulnerabilities in the operating system. But half a million... I think that’s too much.
Android Platform Is Safer Than iOS?
Those who want to save their privacy should buy Android, not Apple devices. A kind of bold statement, isn’t it? According to the latest BitDefender report, iOS platform is more dangerous in terms of personal data protection, than the Google’s mobile operating system.