News tagged ‘ECID’
The Life of a Thief, Who Stole an iPhone Is Now Documented on Tumblr
iPhones are being stolen very often. Many thefts are pretty difficult to investigate since the very first thing a thief does is he disables the Find My iPhone feature, gets rid of the SIM-card he got with the phone and restores the operating system. However, there’s one interesting case that shows a criminal, who has chosen another way.
UniMicron and Foxconn Dump Toxic Waste into Rivers?
Apple suppliers - UniMicron and Foxconn - are accused of dumping toxic waste into nearby rivers, The Wall Street Journal reports. Taking into account numerous accusations and suspicions of local environmental groups, Chinese government decided to begin the investigation of the incident.
ITC ban on Older iPhones, iPads was vetoed
According to WSJ, the Obama Administration has vetoed an ITC ban on the sale of older iPhones and iPads. The law would have prohibited selling of such models as AT&T iPhone 4 and iPad 2.
U.S. Trade Representative Michael Froman made the decision to veto the ban on the Apple devices, citing concerns about patent holders gaining "undue leverage." He said Samsung could continue to pursue its patent rights through the courts. The action marked the first time since 1987 that a presidential administration had vetoed a product ban ordered by the U.S. International Trade Commission.
Since now the problem has risen of allowing companies to use standard essential patents to block rival products.
Apple Will Refund $6.000 to Careless Father
This is the article devoted to all parents and their children. Lee Neale, an aerospace engineer from Somerset, UK, lost as much as $6.000 due to 8-year-old daughter and his own carelessness. Here’s what The Mirror reports about:
Apple and Amazon end App Store dispute
According to Reuters, Apple has decided to end its lawsuit with Amazon about App Store name. Cupertino company did this on condition Amazon does not countersue.
U.S. District Judge Phyllis Hamilton in Oakland, California, on Tuesday ordered the case be dismissed at the companies' request.
Amazon was sued by Apple in March 2011. The Cupertino company wanted to prevent Amazon from using the "App Store" name, as customers could get confused by the double use of App Store name.
Incredible Discounts on the App Store to Mark Its 5th Birthday
Nobody can now blame Apple for being greedy or reserved company as today it has made a bunch of most popular iOS games available for free. According to The Verge, whose reporters were the first to notice the incredible discounts earlier this Monday, making such apps as Infinity Blade II, Superbrothers: Sword and Sworcery EP, Where's My Water?, Badland and Tiny Wings as well as Traktor DJ, Day One, Over and Barefoot World Atlas free, Apple marks the fifth anniversary from the time the App Store was launched.
Hacker p0sixninja plans to release "Something Bigger Than a Jailbreak"
Well known iPhone hacker p0sixninja has teased the upcoming release of some 'amazing things' on Twitter that are bigger than a jailbreak.
Last night he tweeted:
I got a lot of amazing things coming to you all soon. think bigger than jailbreak
In March, p0sixninja revealed that he had found the exploits necessary to release a new jailbreak; however, as expected, he decided to hold those back for iOS 7 or iOS 7.1.
Amazon Working On Competitor To Apple’s TV Set-Top Box
Bloomberg Businessweek
The box will compete with similar products like the Roku and the Apple TV, as well with a more versatile devices such as Sony's Playstation and Microsoft's Xbox that have moved into the streaming video field in recent years. The report notes:
Apple Has Shifted Orders For A7 Chips To TSMC?
As Taiwan’s Economic Daily News
Department of Defense will purchase about 650,000 iOS devices
According to Electronista, The United States Department of Defense will order more than 650000 iOS devices.
Step-by-step Tutorial: How to Update iPhone 3GS Modem Version to 06.15 Using RedSn0w 0.9.15 (Windows) [iOS 6.1.2]
This is step-by-step instructions on how to update your iPhone 3GS modem to version 06.15 on iOS 6.0 - iOS 6.1.2. We will use RedSn0w 0.9.15 for Windows.
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Retina MacBook Pro User Filed A Class-Action Suit Against Apple
Since Apple launched its 15,4-inch Retina MacBook Pro in June last year, there have been an increasing number of complaints from users experiencing issues with the device. The most reported issue is one that causes a ghosting or burn-in problem on its display and has resulted in a support thread with more than 365, 215 views.
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Unlocking Of Newly Purchased Mobile Phones Will Become Illegal In U.S.
Here's how a larger 4.8-Inch iPhone could look like [Video]
Here's a mockup of what a larger 4.8-inch iPhone might look like if Apple did decide to manufacture such a device.
Intel To Launch Set Top Box And Cable TV Service At CES 2013