News tagged ‘iMac’
Next MacBook Air Update to Focus on Retina Displays
9to5Mac has reported that Apple is indeed planning to bring Retina displays to the MacBook Air alongside the next-generation MacBook Pros and iMac family. Retina display will be the most significant change for the next-generation MacBook Airs line.
Apple’s new MacBook Air will not see major changes across the entire computer like the next-generation MacBook Pro, but this update will truly be all about the Retina Display. [...]
Retina Displays Also Coming to Next-Generation iMac
Joanna Stern from ABC News claims that not only the MacBook Pro family but also the iMac line is set to gain ultra high-resolution "Retina" displays.
The laptop will see the introduction of the “Mac Retina Display,” which is said to have a very high resolution. ABC News has similarly heard from its own sources that both the next MacBook Pro and the iMac would be getting very, very high-resolution displays. Apple refreshed its new iPad with a Retina Display in March.
It seems natural that Apple wants to move all its displays to the retina standard. But, it’s unclear, how Apple will implement the increased resolution given that most Macs already approach Retina resolution at typical viewing distances.
Apple Has Replaced Kid’s Table iMacs With iPads In Its Retail Stores
Apple working on new power management technology for future Macs
According to AppleInsider, Apple is working on a new power management technology for the next-generation Macs. Such technology will allow devices to be more efficient and run even longer on battery power.
Apple's plans were revealed in a newly published job application discovered by AppleInsider. The advertised job describes the role as "an excellent opportunity to work on the forefront of new power management technologies." The new hire will join a team that will innovate in power use from concept investigation and design through product implementation.
Apple reportedly 'noodling with' 7.85-inch iPad prototype
John Gruber of Daring Fireball claims he knows that Apple has a test 7.85-inch iPad with a resolution of 1,024 by 768 in its lab. Though it's not clear if the device will ever see the light of day.
"I've heard from numerous people that that's one of the ideas that they're noodling with," he said.
The height of such a device would be the same as the width of the current iPad. After testing the approximate size using a screenshot rotated into landscape mode, Gruber believes it would be "usable."
Apple to release new iMacs with Core i5, i7 CPUs in June or July
New rumors claim that the updated versions of Apple’s iMacs will be launched in the June or July timeframe. The June-July timeframe for new iMacs is plausible, as Intel is expected to launch its new Ivy Bridge line of processors at the end of this month.
The updated iMacs will be powered by Intel Core i5 and Core i7 processors, How To Arena reported on Wednesday, citing a "reliable tipster" from the Chinese supply chain. The new desktops will reportedly be powered by Intel's 22-nanometer Ivy Bridge processors.
Apple's redesigned 2012 iMacs rumored to feature anti-reflective glass displays
Digitimes reports that Apple's iMacs due for release later this year will not only arrive noticeably slimmer than existing models but may also be the first of the company's desktops to feature anti-reflective displays.
G-Tech is ramping up its production capacity of cover glass from 1.8 million units a month currently to three million units in 2012 as the company is likely to take up 25-30% of total cover glass orders for Apple's iPads in the year, according to an industry estimate.
Apple Adds Lion Internet Recovery To More Macs Released In 2010
Today Apple released three EFI firmware updates adding Lion Internet Recovery service to the Mid-2010 iMac, Late 2010 MacBook Air and Early 2010 MacBook Pro. The available updates include MacBook Air EFI Firmware
Apple's iMac accounts for 33% of all-in-one PC sales
All-in-one PCs have quietly become a booming market and Apple’s iMac now has a third of all sales. The all-in-one desktop market is expected to continue to grow and it could reach 23.3 million units by 2014.
All-in-one desktop computer sales grew 39 percent in 2010 to reach 14.5 million units, research firm DisplaySearch revealed to Bloomberg. Among those desktop sales, Apple accounted for 32.9 percent, making it the single largest all-in-one PC maker in the world. The iMac is Apple's all-in-one system and the company's strongest selling desktop, beating out the Mac mini and Mac Pro. In the company's previous quarter, portable Macs represented 74 percent of Mac sales, but desktop sales still hit a new record for Apple.
Apple with nearly 33 percent share of all-in-one desktops is now leading the market, putting it ahead of the No. 2 company, Lenovo. Hewlett-Packard with 21.4 percent was in third place. Noteworthy, Hewlett-Packard plans to release a new pair of desktop PCs before next week's Consumer Electronics Show.
The HP Omni is an all-in-one desktop with a 27-inch screen meant for family use, and it will go on sale Jan. 8 starting at $1,200. It will be joined by a standard desktop geared at gamers, the Pavilion HPE h9 Phoenix, which starts at $1,150.
Thunderbolt-supported PCs, Motherboards And Notebooks Will Be Released In April 2012
According to
Next-Generation iMac to Potentially Offer Television Functionality
Wedge Partners analyst Brian Blair suggests that Apple may bring some functionality of its rumored television set to the iMac with a revision in the first half of next year.
Blair envisions the company pushing the largest screen sizes of the iMac toward the TV market by integrating Apple TV and iCloud features into a slimmer all-in-one PC with TV capabilities.
“We think this makes sense because while we typically think about the newest TV’s hanging on the wall in large form factors, Apple could effectively start with what they already have on the manufacturing line and slowly push their offering from 27 inches and scale up from there to 32 inches and then move on to the 42, 50 and 55 inch market,” he writes. “In short, we believe the initial Apple TV is their iMac computer that can function as a TV, over the iCloud platform.”
Apple previous offered its "Front Row" software for OS X debuted on the iMac in 2005. The software provided users with an easy access to content while interacting with their Mac via the remote control previously included with most Macs.
Apple to "Completely Overhaul" the iPad, iMac, iPhone and MacBook Air in 2012
Digitimes claims that Apple plans to completely overhaul its iPad, iMac, iPhone and MacBook Air lines in 2012, saying nothing about MacBook Pro, Mac mini, Mac Pro and iPod lines.
Apple plans to completely overhaul its product lineups, including iPad, iMac, iPhone and MacBook Air, in 2012 and is expected to finalize order volumes for key parts and components for the next-generation iPad in December, according to sources in the upstream supply chain.
The iPhone is most likely to be redesign. The iPhone 4S has the same design as the previous generation iPhone 4. So it is quite reasonable to suggest that the iPhone will receive a new design. As for iMac, its design hasn’t been changed for some years. And it’s unclear how drastically it would be changed. The iPad is expected to become thinner in 2012. Some analysts believe that Apple’s tablet could finally receive Retina display. Finally, the MacBook Air. The notebook will certainly receive new design next year. There are rumors about a 15" Air-like design. Moreover, the Air and Pro lines is expected to be merged into one, but the Air form factor will dominate the consumer market in the near future.
How Apple Manages Its Supply Chain To Get A Competitive Advantage
Rumors: Apple ‘Questioning’ The Future Of Mac Pro Line
Last week it was reported that after pricing information on Intel's upcoming Sandy Bridge E processors surfaced, Apple’s potential options for Mac Pro line update in early 2012 began to clear up. Apple has not updated the Mac Pro line since mid-2010, and Intel’s delays in new processors have pushed their update out from this year to first quarter of 2012.
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