News tagged ‘iPhone 3G’
iDongle - Jailbreak has never been so easy before
iDongle is a new device that lets you to jailbreak your iPhone/iPod Touch or reboot it on the go. It is very easy to use - just plug it in and wait. The only problem is that it supports only iPod Touch 2G/3G and 3.1.2 iPhone 3GS.
At the moment there is only a dozen of this devices, but the developer says he collects money at the moment to build up a full-fledged production.
External Microphone for iPhone and iPod
Today we will take a look at an interesting accessory - external microphone for iPods and iPhones. As for the iPod everything it is quite simple - in order to record something you need an external mic. iPhone has it's own internal microphone. However the quality of the recording would be better with external one.
We performed a simple test: recorded the iTunes radio using Voice Memo application on the iPhone. First we used internal microphone and later we attached the external one. The quality of the external is slightly better. It is more sensible and the level of noise is lower which is good. Here are the sample recordings (m4a format): Internal, External.
This external microphone is compatible with:
- iPhone 3G/3GS
- iPod Touch 2G/3G (you need to download and install some recording application from AppStore)
- iPod Nano 4G/5G (with pre-installed software)
- iPod Classic 120G (with pre-installed software)
You can buy one for $3.12 at
More photos:
Good-Looking High Quality Case for the iPhone
Have you ever tried to find in accessory for your iPhone or iPod Touch that looks nice and doesn't cost too much? I recently decided to renew the case for my iPhone. While browsing over the internet I've found a
I've chosen classical black leather. It it very well made and looks great. It fits well for iPhone 3G/3GS and even iPhone 2G. You can buy one for just $4.14 at
Use the coupon name VM5OFF5 during checkout, it will give you additional 5% discount.
According to MuscleNerd the Gull1hack utility is fake
Gull1hack, the tool that promises to jailbreak all iPhones and iPod Touches with the latest iBoot, is a fake. Here is a twitter comment from MuscleNerd, hacker from DevTeam:
It looks like the guys who created Gull1hack used two different iPhone 3GS's (or perhaps 3GS and 3G) - one with the old iBoot and one with the new one. Here is a quick conversation between MuscleNerd and Gull1hack:
Gull1Hack: new demonstration video
A few hours ago we wrote about new group of hackers who claimed to have found a new exploit for the iPhone 3GS and iPod Touch with new iBoot. With this Gull1Hack utility you should be able to perform the untethered Jailbreak even on new devices. Here is a new demo video:
What do you think? Fake?
Gull1hack: utility to hack the iPhone and iPod Touch with the new Bootroom
A new group of hackers claim they found a new exploit for the iPhone 3GS and iPod Touch with the new BootRom. This means that jailbreak for iPhone 3GS (late models) and iPod Touch 2G (MC) and iPod Touch 3G will be available.
We just found an amazing Exploit in the Boot-System of the 3GS with the new Bootrom! This Exploit works on ALL iPhone and iPod Touches!
The tool will be called Gull1hack. The operation is very simple and the code is sent when the device is in recovery mode, just like Blackra1n and Redsn0w do. This jailbreak tool has been neither confirmed by Geohot nor from the DevTeam. Many users think this is fake. We'll see.
Here's a video with Gull1hack in action:
MWSF 2010: DriveSavers, Sky Voyager, Papershow, Inklet and Yapper
In this last post we'll tell you about new Drivesavers instructive app, virtual iPhone planetarium, papershow tool for making presentations, Inklet software to turn Mac multi-touch trackpad into a drawing tablet and a tool for creating your own iPhone apps.
Free DriveSavers Hard Drive Disk-aster Simulator app for the iPod Touch and iPhone is a new way to study how a hard disk works. It teaches in interactive fashion about all the things that may crash a drive, what happens during a seized motor, clicker failure, SSD failures, contamination and head crashes. Also you’ll learn how the data recovery gets done and see the inside of a hard disk. That looks pretty instructive.
MWSF 2010: Capacitive Gloves, Electrorack products, TuneBug Shake, U-Socket
From now on sausages are not the only substitutes for human fingers; Electrorack presented an interesting rack enclosure for Xserves; Shake allows you to listen music without earphones; U-Socket solves a problem of USB-rechargable devices.
As you remember few days ago we wrote about sausages as the best substitutes of human fingers for iPhones. Well now it is not. Two companies at once presented their capacitive capable gloves that allow you to use iPhone even when it's cold. iTouch Gloves offered high end leather gloves (start with $99.95, on the left side) and Telefingers offered thinner, less stylish and cheaper solution (for only $15, on the right side).
That really looks like oversized Mac Pro, but indeed this is a rack enclosure for Xserves and RAID configuration presented by Electrorack. The latter also offers a variety of other server racking solutions.
Read the rest of this entry »
f0recast released: find out if your iPhone is jailbreakable and unlockable
As expected iH8sn0w released f0recast, the application that allows us to know a lot of useful information about all we can do with our iPhone.
Just connect the iPhone with the cable to see what is version of the baseband or iBoot. The utility will also give valuable information if we can perform a jailbreak (tethered or untethered). It will also tell if the Phone is unlockable and will give a suggestion what unlock software can be used.
You can download it directly from
MuscleNerd just posted interesting comment on Twitter, saying that the application is inaccurate regarding to the iPhone 3GS. There might be a new update soon. For all other devices the application works just fine.
Hack the iPhone and get $10,000
The annual Pwn2Own hacking contest is coming up next month. During the event competitors will be given the chance to win cash prizes.
The competition will start on March 24 at the CanSecWest security conference in Vancouver, British Columbia. This year, hackers will take on an iPhone 3GS, a Blackberry Bold 9700, an unspecified Nokia smartphone running the Symbian S60 platform and a Motorola, most likely a Droid, powered by Google 's Android. A successful hack must result in code execution with little to no user-interaction. Any exploited phone wins its attacker $10,000 in cash.
Opera showed their browser for iPhone
Opera had finally demonstrated new Opera Mini for the iPhone at the Mobile World Congress.
In comparison to the default iPhone browser it looks pretty quick - Opera Mini loads the New York Times like 5x faster than its rival. Its main disadvantage is that it lacks the all-important feature pinch-to-zoom, and the only alternative is a method of double-tapping the webpages. Generally, the iPhone owners will find that the usual silky smooth scrolling through favorite webpages and responsive interface are maintained at the very best.
Unlike other platforms, the iPhone variant actually remembers the website you happened to browse last - the feature that will obviously be favored by a legion of iPhone admirers.
Company says as soon as beta tag is removed the browser will be submitted for approval. And it is not obvious whether Apple approve it or not, because it maintains the option of rejecting any app that "duplicates functionality" of the apps Apple builds into the iPhone. Opera co-founder Jon von Tetzchner has his own point of view on this:
"Opera Mini is the world's most popualr mobile browser and users on the iPhone deserve a choice."
Apple Bans Hackers from iTunes App Store
It looks like Apple has started banning iPhone hackers from the iTunes App Store.
A few day ago Sherif Hashim, the iPhone developer and hacker, tweeted that he had found an exploit in the latest iPhone OS 3.1.3, which could enable the unlock on 05.12.01 baseband for iPhone 3GS and iPhone 3G. Yesterday he has been banned by Apple for the so called "security reasons". It seems that Apple is quite angry! Here is what Sherif gets when he tries to access App Store from his iPhone:
Sherif Hashim’s Tweets:
"Your Apple ID was banned for security reasons", that's what i get when i try to go to the app store, they must be really angry
and guess what my apple ID was, "", what a fool was me not to notice
)), can't help laughing, they are babies
Another iPhone hacker named iH8sn0w, the developer of Sn0wbreeze (PwnageTool alternative for Windows), tweeted saying he was also banned by Apple right after he released an exploit known as XEMN:
@sherif_hashim lol, they did that to my ih8sn0wyday[@t] too. (right after I posted XEMN)…
For now Apple isn’t banning Jailbreakers - they’re banning people who actively work to find exploits in the iPhone software to create Jailbreaks for the rest of us.
Fuzzyband, the application to downgrade the baseband, is updated with support of firmware 3.1.3
Fuzzyband is an application that can downgrade the baseband for iPhone 3G. Recently it has been updated to include the support for firmware 3.1.3 baseband 05.12.01. It works only with bootloader 05.08 (early iPhone 3G).
Why do users need to downgrade the baseband? The answer is simple: if they accidentally upgraded the new firmware and need to run unlock software (blacksn0w and ultrasn0w). Unlocked iPhones do not need Fuzzyband. iPhone 3GS users cannot downgrade baseband with Fuzzyband.
Fuzzyband is available for jailbreaked iPhones in Cydia (repository BigBoss, category "System" ).
iPhone 4G is claimed to have a taller form factor
iPhone repair site has posted photos of the parts for the iPhone 4G that will be released later this year.
As we can see, the most notable feature is a front panel, which is approximately 1/4” taller than the iPhone 3GS.
You can also notice the reflective surface on the new front panel that is located just above the earpiece slot. iResQ suggests it is a likely location for a proximity sensor, though that wouldn’t explain the need for the mirrored surface to be visible on the front of the device.
The LCD appears to be factory glued to the digitizer. This looks more like the iPhone 2G than the 3G or 3GS, as the latest versions have a digitizer that can be separated from the LCD. This means for us that the 4G screen repair prices will be much higher since both parts will have to be replaced at once.
PwnageTool 3.1.5 with Firmware 3.1.3 Support Released
The iPhone Dev-Team has released PwnageTool 3.1.5 for Mac OS X. It allows iPhone and iPod Touch users to safely upgrade to firmware 3.1.3. With PwnageTool you can preserve jailbreak and ultrasn0w unlock. But if you’re using the blacksn0w unlock with baseband 05.11.07 you will need to stay at firmware 3.1.2.
PwnageTool 3.1.5 creates a custom 3.1.3 IPSW for the following devices:
- iPhone 2G
- iPhone 3G
- iPhone 3GS with early bootrom
- iPod touch 1G
- iPod touch 2G with early bootrom
Warning! Don't try to use this tool if you have iPhone 3GS with firmware 3.1.3 - it just won't work. If you have iPod Touch 1G, iPhone 2G or factory unlocked iPhone 3G , try to use redsn0w - is would be much easier.
You can download PwnageTool 3.1.5. here.