Apple announced that it has added App Store support for 13 new countries:
You can now distribute your apps to more customers with the addition of App Store support in Armenia, Botswana, Bulgaria, Jordan, Kenya, Macedonia, Madagascar, Mali, Mauritius, Niger, Senegal, Tunisia, and Uganda. Log in to iTunes Connect to view and update the countries where your applications are available.
This time we talk about Algoriddin’s djay 3, new apps from Frog Design, 4iThumbs product and WebIS Pocket Informant organizer.
Algoriddin’s djay 3 is an excellent app with easy-to-use interface designed to allow you to mix and play music. The price is US 50$ in stores and on the website.
AT&T, Telefonica, Orange and 9 other world's leading mobile phone operators created an alliance to build an open technology platform that is designed to deliver applications to mobile phone users. The decision will be announced tomorrow at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. There are rumors the presentation is supported by Samsung, Sony Ericsson and LG.
According to the Times, Vodafone hasn't yet committed to the new alliance. It is collaborating with Verizon Wireless, Softbank of Japan and China Mobile to create a new common technology standard.
iPad's announcement caused many people to wonder why Apple decided to use an ancient standard for video output rather than a more modern protocol, such as DisplayPort or HDMI output.
About ten years ago Apple changed Macs output from VGA to DVI standard that supported HD resolution displays and improved digital accuracy. Few years later Apple made another shift – from DVI to DisplayPort. So why Apple chose VGA output on the iPad? There are 2 main reasons:
Most of the video projectors support the iPad’s resolution of 1024x768 over a VGA port.
VGA is sufficient to handle the iPad’s resolution, and it is really cheaper and easier.
For more details – watch the video of Daniel Eran Dilger from the RoughDrafted Magazine:
On Thursday's night Charlie Rose show featured an interesting discussion with Michael Arrington, Walt Mossberg and David Carr about the upcoming Apple iPad.
Michael Arrington is known as the founder and co-editor of TechCrunch. Walt Mossberg writes 2 columns for the Wall Street Journal. David Carr works as a culture and media columnist for the New Your Times. The 25 minutes long coverage reveals some interesting opinions that are worth to hear:
Jack Dorsey, the founder of Twitter, launched the new service named Square (still in beta) that allows you to make or take payments using your iPhone.
All this happens through an accessory able to process credit cards that is connected to the the device.
User just need to enter the amount, the security code and the signature directly on the touchscreen. There are no charges of any kind, except a U.S. cent on every transition, which is donated to charity.
The system is able to display a bill with lots of information: the map, the amount, the number of times that we used this system of payments in that particular store, and much more.
The system is currently being tested in the US. Maybe one day we will all use it everywhere.
Today DevTeam released an ultrasn0w update that fixes a bug for those who run it on firmware 3.1 and 3.1.2 with the 04.26 baseband. This bug was about a missing carrier name in the upper left-hand corner of your home screen. The update is avaliable in Cydia (repository
We remind you, that ultrasn0w 0.92 doesn't work with baseband 05.11.07!
[Update]: if your 3G or EDGE connection isn't working try manually clearing and re-entering your APN.
[Update 2]: Carrier logo fix confirmed (by order of tweet):
USA, Thailand, Austria, Trinidad, Germany, China, Kuwait, Serbia, Poland, France, Nigeria, Egypt, Pakistan, Ireland, UK, Turkey, Sweden, Switzerland, Malaysia, Hungary,The Netherlands, Bahamas, Jamaica, India,
Israel, Belgium, Canada, Portugal, Denmark, Costa Rica, Italy, Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Japan, Mexico, Venezuela, UAE.
The Environmental Working Group ( analyzed the radiation emissions from 1,268 cellphones.
Apple’s iPhone 3G has a maximum SAR of 1.39 W/kg when held at the ear. You can compare that to the 1.19 W/kg SAR for the iPhone 3GS. The lower the SAR the safer the phone is. The best phone was the Samsung Impression which had a max radiation of just 0.35 W/kg.
“The FCC limit for the head (SAR of 1.6 W/kg) is just two-and-a-half times lower than the level that caused behavioral changes in animals (SAR of 4 W/kg),” says the representative. “Thus, the brain receives a high exposure, even though the brain may well be one of the most sensitive parts of human body … and should have more protection.”
Here is a list of EWG’s top 10 phones, based on low and high emissions:
The $10 Octopus USB Cable has 10 different tentacles (ignore the fact that octopi usually have eight) to charge pretty much any mobile device you could own—most probably at a rate of 1 at a time. Specifically, that mix includes:
- Nokia 2.06mm (or 2mm)
- Nokia 3.5mm
- Sony PSP
- Motorola (V3 series) & HTC and other phones using USB Mini 5 pin as a charging port
- Micro USB (for Motorola V8...)
- LG
- Samsung (20P (s))
- Samsung (20P (M))
- Sony Ericsson Fast Port
- iPhone / iPod (for charging and Data)
Now why you'd ever be carrying around all of these devices at once, we cannot explain.
Each European App Store is also carrying a fifth TomTom application offering a more narrowly localized version for the respective countries at a lower (~$30-40) price than the complete Western Europe version.
Benelux (iTunes link): offered in Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg and covers those three countries
D-A-CH (iTunes link): Germany, Austria and Switzerland
France (iTunes link): France and covers France, Monaco and Corsica
Iberia (iTunes link): Spain and Portugal and covers Spain, Portugal, Andorra, Gibraltar, the major islands of the Balearic and Canary Island groups.
Italy (iTunes link): Italy, San Marino and Vatican City
Nordic (iTunes link): Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden and covers those four countries
U.K. & Ireland (iTunes link) - the U.K. and Ireland
SkyVoyager and SkyGazer are two wonderful Carina Software applications that you can download for free only today, because of the 40th first landing on the Moon anniversary. Here are brief details of these two appplications:
SkyVoyager (regilar price is $14.99, AppStore link) is a powerful astronomy program, with a database of 300,000 stars and 30,000 deep sky objects. It renders the planets and moons in detail, using NASA mission imagery.
SkyVoyager is a planetarium that precisely shows the sky from any location on Earth, at any time in the past or future. It contains informative descriptions of the planets, stars, and constellations; and includes hundreds of images from both NASA and leading astro-photographers.
SkyGazer (regular price is $2.99, AppStore link) is an easy-to-use planetarium program designed for beginners in astronomy. This app can be considered as a lite version of SkyVoyager, much smaller database, smaller functionality. But still it is a very good app.
To create an iTunes App Store account without a credit card please follow the steps below.
Note: In order to create an account without a credit card, you must make sure you are in the App Store, not the iTunes Store.
Pick your country from the pop-up menu at the bottom of the iTunes Store homepage.
If your country also has an iTunes Store, you'll need to navigate to the App Store by clicking on the "App Store" link from the menu on the left. If not, proceed to step 3. Read the rest of this entry »
Burbank, Calif., March 2nd, 2009 – Warner Bros. Digital Distribution today announced Watchmen: Justice is Coming, an online multiplayer game for the iPhone and iPod Touch based on the upcoming film Watchmen, from Warner Bros. By using its patent-pending CloudMMO technology running on Amazon's Cloud, Last Legion were able to create a persistent world for the iPhone in the Watchmen universe. Players can roam the city streets, chat with total strangers, battle with people on the other side of the country, and ride the subway to another part of the city to continue their crusade against crime, all in real-time.
It's called Zen Bound and has been produced by Chilling, the same developers created iDracula, Orions: Legend of Wizards, Sneezies, iPingPong 3D, etc. The game has already won numerous awards for Excellence in 3D (IMGA Awards winner 2009) and Best iPhone Game & Audio Achievement (IGF Mobile 2009).
It's a simple relaxing game. The primary goal is to wrap a rope around wooden sculptures. You just think of fun and relaxation, not about the highest score. There are 51 levels, three game modes. The soundtrack is 22 minutes long, composed by Ghost Monkey.