News tagged ‘Wikipedia’
Apple Demands Compensation for Attorney's Fees
Apple spent nearly $60 million on a patent infringement lawsuit against its South Korean rival - Samsung. And now the guys from Cupertino are trying to recover at least a part of the money they wasted. According to the latest
iPhone 5S and iPhone 5C might support LTE in Russia
iPhone 5S and iPhone 5C will probably support LTE in Russia. According to
Live Blog: presenting iPhone 5S, iPhone 5C and other new gadgets
IGZO Displays for iPad - Why Not?
Apple is said to use Sharp or LG IGZO displays for the next generations of MacBook and iPad starting next year. Enhanced performance of those screens alongside with lover energy consumption are two main reasons for such a shift. As to the technology itself, here’s what I managed to learn from Wikipedia:
Apple To Update MacBook Air And MacBook Pro In June 2013
Apple In Talks To Develop Set-Top Box To Display Live Cable Television
According to a
New iPhone 4S Ad with Samuel L. Jackson
Check out this new iPhone 4S ad that features
Сэмюэл Лерой Джексон (Samuel Leroy Jackson) — американский актёр кино и телевидения, продюсер. Он известен по таким фильмакм, как «Тропическая лихорадка», «Славные парни», «Парк Юрского периода», «Крепкий орешек 3», «Звёздные войны», «Криминальное чтиво», «Добро пожаловать в Лэйквью» и многие другие. Джексон снялся более чем в 100 фильмах и завоевал множество наград на протяжении всей своей карьеры.
Steve Jobs Expressed Interest In Light Field Cameras From Lytro
As the upcoming
Samsung Is Set To Release A "Retina" Display Tablet In February
The ongoing competition between Apple and Samsung may become more intense in February. According to BGR
Apple Has Already Begun Development Of Mac OS X 10.8
Apple has already started work on the version 10.8 of Mac OS X. Just in July the company launched the version 10.7 of OS X Lion, which included many new features and was the first Mac OS X version to be sold through the Mac App Store.
Apple's 'Let's Talk iPhone' Keynote Live Blog!

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iEmu Will Allow Running iOS Apps On Windows, Android And Linux
Have you ever wanted to run your iOS applications on your Mac, Windows or Android device? Creator of
New possibilities of Bluetooth 4.0 In Apple's Latest Products
Latest MacBook Airs and Mac Minis incorporate new Bluetooth 4.0 chips. This technology includes
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Apple Has Patented a Method of Incorporating RFID Technology Into iPhone Screen
Yesterday The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office published the filing of another Apple's patent entitled "
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Apple Releases Mac OS X 10.6.5
As we promised, yesterday Apple released Mac OS X 10.6.5 update for Snow Leopard, which now available via Software Update. The public release is the same Build 10H574 that was seeded to developers on Monday. The 10.6.5 Update is recommended for all users running Mac OS X Snow Leopard. The full list of general fixes and improvements in Mac OS X 10.6.5, according to Apple, includes: