News tagged ‘GPS’
RedSn0w 0.9.14b1 Released: 06.15 Downgrade for iPhone 3GS/3G
The iPhone Dev-Team released RedSn0w 0.9.14b1 that can perform a baseband downgrade from the iPad's 06.15 baseband to 05.13 on the iPhone 3GS and iPhone 3G. The 06.15 baseband was used by many users to unlock their device. Now it is possible to to get back true GPS and an ultrasn0w unlock.
You can download RedSn0w 0.9.14b1 here.
Here is additional info from DevTeam:
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iPhone Dev-Team will 06.15 baseband downgrade today
The iPhone Dev-Team will release the 06.15 baseband downgrade today, according to a tweet from MuscleNerd.
Sunday should be a Funday for those waiting for 06.15 BB downgrade! ("Sunday"==PDT, i.e UTC-7). Blog will have details before release
The 06.15 baseband is an iPad baseband that many iPhone 3G and iPhone 3GS owners updated to in order to unlock their device. Now those users will be able to get true GPS and an ultrasn0w unlock.
the 06.15 downgrade allows both true GPS location services and ultrasn0w unlock (if it's still needed) to work
WWDC 2012 live blog
Thanks again! You guys are the best.
Step-by-step Tutorial: How to Untether Jailbreak and Unlock iPhone 4 Using Sn0wBreeze 2.9.5 (Windows) [iOS 5.1.1]
Using this tutorial you will be able to create a custom firmware, untether jailbreak and unlock iOS 5.1.1 running on iPhone 4. This tutorial uses Sn0wBreeze 2.9.5 for Windows.
Sn0wBreeze will also preserve baseband version if you need carrier unlock.
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Sn0wBreeze 2.9.5 released: added iPhone 4 (GSM) 9B208 support and GPS fixed for iPhone 3GS
iH8Sn0w released Sn0wBreeze 2.9.5. What's new:
- Added 5.1.1/9B208 untether payload for the iPhone 4 GSM.
- Added iPhone 3GS (iPad Baseband users) location services fix.
Just like version 2.9.4 the new 2.9.5 version supports untethered jailbreak of A4 devices on iOS 5.1.1. Sn0wbreeze can be used to create a custom firmware with jailbreak and preserve iPhone modem (baseband) version for unlock.
Sn0wbreeze 2.9.5 supports iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPad 1, iPod Touch 3G, iPod Touch 4G and Apple TV 2G. It does not work with A5 devices, like iPad 2, iPad 3 and iPhone 4S.
You can download Sn0wBreeze 2.9.5 from here.
Our step-by-step tutorials for Sn0wBreeze 2.9.5 are available here:
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Step-by-step Tutorial: How to Untether Jailbreak and Unlock iPhone 3GS Using Sn0wBreeze 2.9.5 (Windows) [iOS 5.1.1]
Using this tutorial you will be able to create a custom firmware, untether jailbreak and unlock iOS 5.1.1 running on iPhone 3GS. This tutorial uses Sn0wBreeze 2.9.5 for Windows.
Sn0wBreeze will also preserve baseband version if you need carrier unlock. It can also update your modem version to 06.15 if you need unlock and stuck with 05.14 or higher baseband. If you have new iPhone 3GS that was made after 28 week of 2011 upgrading modem will not help to unlock.
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Step-by-step Tutorial: How to (Un)Tether Jailbreak and Unlock iPhone 3GS Using RedSn0w 0.9.11 (Windows) [iOS 5.1.1]
This is step-by-step instructions on how to perform jailbreak and unlock of your iPhone 3GS on iOS 5.1.1 firmware using RedSn0w 0.9.11 for Windows.
If you have iPhone 3GS with an old bootrom version 359.3, the jailbreak is untethered. If your device has bootrom version 359.3.2 and higher, jailbreak will be tethered. You can detect your bootrom version using this tutorial.
Tethered jailbreak means that each time you restart your device you will need to connect it to a computer and run redsn0w.
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Apple Will Use In-House Mapping Service In iOS 6
Google Maps (left) and mockup of Apple's 3D mapping mode (right)
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Step-by-step Tutorial: How to (Un)Tether Jailbreak and Unlock iPhone 3GS Using Sn0wBreeze 2.9.3 (Windows) [iOS 5.1]
UPDATE: Apple released iOS 5.1.1 and has stopped signing iOS 5.1, so you can NOT restore to 5.1 any more (both original and custom), unless you have saved your SHSH keys for 5.0.1. If you are on 5.1 you can jailbreak with redsn0w. iOS is also tethered jailbreakable with redsn0w.
Using this tutorial you will be able to create a custom firmware, tether jailbreak and unlock iOS 5.1 running on iPhone 3GS. This tutorial uses Sn0wBreeze 2.9.3 for Windows.
If you have iPhone 3GS with an old bootrom version 359.3, the jailbreak is untethered. If your device has bootrom version 359.3.2 and higher, jailbreak will be tethered. You can detect your bootrom version using this tutorial.
Tethered jailbreak means that each time you restart your device you will need to connect it to a computer and run iBooty.
Sn0wBreeze will also preserve baseband version if you need carrier unlock. It can also update your modem version to 06.15 if you need unlock and stuck with 05.14 or higher baseband. If you have new iPhone 3GS that was made after 28 week of 2011 upgrading modem will not help to unlock.
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Step-by-step Tutorial: How to (Un)Tether Jailbreak and Unlock iPhone 3GS Using RedSn0w 0.9.10 (Windows) [iOS 5.1]
UPDATE: Apple released iOS 5.1.1 and has stopped signing iOS 5.1, so you can NOT restore to 5.1 any more (both original and custom), unless you have saved your SHSH keys for 5.0.1. If you are on 5.1 you can jailbreak with redsn0w. iOS is also tethered jailbreakable with redsn0w.
This is step-by-step instructions on how to perform jailbreak and unlock of your iPhone 3GS on iOS 5.1 firmware using RedSn0w 0.9.10 for Windows.
If you have iPhone 3GS with an old bootrom version 359.3, the jailbreak is untethered. If your device has bootrom version 359.3.2 and higher, jailbreak will be tethered. You can detect your bootrom version using this tutorial.
Tethered jailbreak means that each time you restart your device you will need to connect it to a computer and run redsn0w.
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New iPad 3 vs iPad 2 spec comparison: what's new?
Apple recently presented New iPad. No new name like iPad 3 or iPad HD as we expected earlier - just New iPad.
Let's compare the specs between iPad 2 and this New iPad:
Apple published the list of 100 best of the best apps
Apple’s iTunes AppStore has recently reached 25 Billion downloaded apps. Apple has an updated its all time most popular apps list for both iPhone and iPad. There are 4 categories - iPhone apps, iPad apps, Free and Paid.
This list varies from country to country. For example, US AppStore number one apps are: Angry Birds, Facebook, Pages and Angry Birds HD Free, while in Russia - WhatsApp Messenger, Facebook, Angry Birds Seasons HD and Skype iPad.
You can take a look at the list in iTunes (
Qualcomm Announced Its Fifth-Generation Gobi Chip
Today chip maker Qualcomm
Step-by-step Tutorial: How to UnTether Jailbreak and Unlock iPhone 3GS Using Sn0wBreeze 2.9.1 (Windows) [iOS 5.0.1]
UPDATE: Apple released iOS 5.1 that is only tethered jailbreakable with redsn0w. Apple has stopped signing iOS 5.0.1, so you can NOT restore to 5.0.1 any more (both original and custom), unless you have saved your SHSH keys for 5.0.1. If you are on 5.0.1 you can jailbreak with redsn0w.
Using this tutorial you will be able to create a custom firmware, jailbreak and unlock iOS 5.0.1 running on iPhone 3GS. This tutorial uses Sn0wBreeze 2.9.1 for Windows.
Jailbreak is untethered. Untethered jailbreak means that each time you restart your device you will NOT need to connect it to a computer and run utilities.
Sn0wBreeze will also preserve baseband version if you need carrier unlock. It can also update your modem version to 06.15 if you need unlock and stuck with 05.14 or higher baseband. If you have new iPhone 3GS that was made after 28 week of 2011 upgrading modem will not help to unlock.
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Smartphones eat up 5.9 percent of the electronic gadget market
According to market research firm NPD Group, sales of general purpose smartphones are causing the market for standalone gadgets such as cameras, camcorders and GPS devices to shrink, falling 5.9 percent overall during the holiday season in the US.
Sales of camcorders dropped by 43 percent, digital picture frames by 38 percent, GPS navigation devices by 33 percent and both MP3 players and "point and shoot" cameras were down 21 percent, all apparent casualties of the general purpose smartphone. Sales of electronic devices that don't directly overlap in functionality with the smartphone fared better, with PC and TV sales down just 4 percent. Desktop PCs were down 2 percent overall, while notebook sales were down 5 percent.