News tagged ‘айфон 2g’
Utilities downloads
Here are download links for the latest versions of software for iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad jailbreaking, activating and unlocking:
taig | pangu | evasi0n | p0sixspwn | RedSn0w | Sn0wBreeze | PwnageTool | Absinthe |GreenPois0n | iReb | iBooty | iFaith | UltraSn0w | LimeRa1n | Spirit | BlackRa1n | BlackSn0w | PurpleRa1n
pangu9 v1.1.0 (untethered iOS 9.0 - 9.0.2 jailbreak for all devices: iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, iPad Air and iPad Mini, all models)
pangu8 v1.2.1 (untethered iOS 8.0 - 8.1 jailbreak for all devices: iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, iPad Air and iPad Mini, all models)
pangu v1.2.1 (untethered iOS 7.1 - 7.1.2 jailbreak for all devices: iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, iPad Air and iPad Mini, all models)
- Windows:
- Mac OS:
taig (untethered iOS 8.1.3 - 8.4 jailbreak for all devices: iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, iPad Air and iPad Mini, all models)
- Windows TaiG v2.4.3:
taig 1.2.1 EN (untethered iOS 8.0 - 8.1.2 jailbreak for all devices: iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, iPad Air and iPad Mini, all models)
- Mac OS:
- NA
evasi0n 7 v1.0.8 (untethered iOS 7.0 - 7.0.6 jailbreak for all devices: iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, iPad Air and iPad Mini, all models)
evasi0n 1.5.3 (untethered iOS 6.0 - iOS 6.1.2 jailbreak for all devices: iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, iPod Touch 4G, iPod Touch 5G, iPad 2, iPad 3, iPad 4, iPad mini)
- Windows:
- Mac OS X:
- Linux:
p0sixspwn v1.0.8 (untethered iOS 6.1.3 - 6.1.6 for all devices: iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, все модели)
Sn0wBreeze 2.9.14 (tethered iOS 6.1.3 jailbreak for iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPod Touch 4G, untethered for old-bootrom iPhone 3GS; untethered for iOS 6.0 - iOS 6.1.2)
Sn0wBreeze 2.9.13 (untethered iOS 6.0 - iOS 6.1.2 jailbreak for all iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPod Touch 4G)
Sn0wBreeze 2.9.7 (supports tethered jailbreak of iOS 6.0.1 for iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPod Touch 4G)
Sn0wBreeze 2.9.6 (pwnagetool for windows, supports untethered jailbreak of iOS 5.1.1 for iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPod Touch 3G, iPod Touch 4G, iPad and Apple TV 2G) -
Sn0wBreeze 2.9.3 (pwnagetool for windows, supports tethered jailbreak of iOS 5.1 for iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPod Touch 3G, iPod Touch 4G, iPad; untethered for iPhone 3GS with old bootrom; untethered for iOS 5.0.1, iOS 4, iOS 3 supports Apple TV 2G) -
Sn0wBreeze 2.9.1 (pwnagetool for windows, supports untethered jailbreak iOS 5.0.1, iOS 4, iOS 3 for iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPod Touch 3G, iPod Touch 4G, iPad) -
Sn0wBreeze 2.8b11 (pwnagetool for windows, supports iOS 5, iOS 5.0.1, tethered jailbreak for iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPod Touch 3G, iPod Touch 4G, iPad, Apple TV 2G; untethered for iPhone 3GS with old bootrom) -
Sn0wBreeze 2.7.3 (pwnagetool for windows, supports iOS 4.3.3, untethered jailbreak for iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPod Touch 3G, iPod Touch 4G, iPad, Apple TV 2G) -
Sn0wBreeze 2.2.1 (pwnagetool for windows, supports iOS 4.2.1, jailbreak for iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPhone 3G, iPod Touch 2G, iPod Touch 3G, iPod Touch 4G, iPad)
redsn0w 0.9.15b3 (tethered iOS 6 jailbreak for iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPod Touch 4G; untethered for iPhone 3GS with old bootrom)
- Download version 0.9.15b3 for Mac OS X:
- Download version 0.9.15b3 for Windows:
redsn0w 0.9.14b2 (downgrade 06.15 baseband to 05.13, get back GPS and iltrasn0w unlock for iPhone 3GS and iPhone 3GS)
- Download version 0.9.14b2 for Mac OS X:
- Download version 0.9.14b2 for Windows:
redsn0w 0.9.13dev3 (tethered iOS 6 jailbreak for iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPod Touch 4G)
- Download version 0.9.13dev3 for Mac OS X:
- Download version 0.9.13dev3 for Windows:
redsn0w 0.9.12b2 (untethered iOS 5.1.1 jailbreak for all devices: iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPad 1, iPad 2, iPad 3, iPod Touch 3G, iPod Touch 4G)
- Download version 0.9.12b2 for Mac OS X:
- Download version 0.9.12b2 for Windows:
redsn0w 0.9.12b1 (untethered iOS 5.1.1 jailbreak for all devices: iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPad 1, iPad 2, iPad 3, iPod Touch 3G, iPod Touch 4G)
- Download version 0.9.12b1 for Mac OS X:
- Download version 0.9.12b1 for Windows:
redsn0w 0.9.11b4 (tethered iOS 5.1.1, iOS 5.1 jailbreak for iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPad 1, iPod Touch 3G, iPod Touch 4G; untethered iOS 5.0.1 jailbreak for all devices, including iPhone 4S, iPad 2; save unlock tickets)
- Download version 0.9.11b4 for Mac OS X:
- Download version 0.9.11b4 for Windows:
redsn0w 0.9.10b8 (tethered iOS 5.1 jailbreak for iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPad 1, iPod Touch 3G, iPod Touch 4G; untethered iOS 5.0.1 jailbreak for all devices, including iPhone 4S, iPad 2; save unlock tickets)
- Download version 0.9.10b8 for Mac OS X:
- Download version 0.9.10b8 for Windows:
redsn0w 0.9.10b7 (tethered iOS 5.1 jailbreak for iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPad 1, iPod Touch 3G, iPod Touch 4G; untethered iOS 5.0.1 jailbreak for all devices, including iPhone 4S, iPad 2)
- Download version 0.9.10b7 for Mac OS X:
- Download version 0.9.10b7 for Windows:
redsn0w 0.9.10b6 (tethered iOS 5.1 jailbreak for iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPad 1, iPod Touch 3G, iPod Touch 4G)
- Download version 0.9.10b6b for Mac OS X:
- Download version 0.9.10b6 for Windows:
redsn0w 0.9.10b5c (untethered iOS 5.0.1 jailbreak for iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPad 1, iPod Touch 3G, iPod Touch 4G)
- Download version 0.9.10b5c for Mac OS X:
- Download version 0.9.10b5c for Windows:
redsn0w 0.9.9b9d (tethered iOS 5.0.1, iOS 5 and iOS 4.3.5 jailbreak for iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPad, iPod Touch 3G, iPod Touch 4G; untethered for iPhone 3GS with old bootrom; supports untethered iOS 4.3.3 jailbreak)
- Download version 0.9.9b9d for Mac OS X:
- Download version 0.9.9b9d for Windows:
redsn0w 0.9.9b8 (tethered iOS 5.0.1, iOS 5 and iOS 4.3.5 jailbreak for iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPad, iPod Touch 3G, iPod Touch 4G; untethered for iPhone 3GS with old bootrom; supports untethered iOS 4.3.3 jailbreak)
- Download version 0.9.9b8 for Mac OS X:
- Download version 0.9.9b8 for Windows:
redsn0w 0.9.9b7 (tethered iOS 5, iOS 4.3.5 jailbreak for iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPad, iPod Touch 3G, iPod Touch 4G; untethered for iPhone 3GS with old bootrom; supports untethered iOS 4.3.3 jailbreak)
- Download version 0.9.9b7 for Mac OS X:
- Download version 0.9.9b7 for Windows:
redsn0w 0.9.6 rc16 (supports untethered iOS 4.3.3 jailbreak for iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPad, iPod Touch 3G, iPod Touch 4G)
- Download version for Mac OS X:
- Download version for Windows:
redsn0w 0.9.8b7b (supports untethered iOS 4.3.3, tethered iOS 4.3.5, iOS 5 jailbreak for iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPad, iPod Touch 3G, iPod Touch 4G; untethered for iPhone 3GS with old bootrom)
- Download version for Mac OS X:
- Download version for Windows:
PwnageTool 5.1.1 (untethered iOS 5.1.1 jailbreak for iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, Apple TV 2G, iPad 1, iPod Touch 3G, iPod Touch 4G)
PwnageTool 5.0.1 (supports untethered iOS 5.0.1 jailbreak for iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, Apple TV 2G, iPad, iPod Touch 3G, iPod Touch 4G)
PwnageTool (supports untethered iOS 4.3.3 jailbreak for iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, Apple TV 2G, iPad, iPod Touch 3G, iPod Touch 4G)
iReb (Windows tool that will put your device into a pwned state so that you can upload custom firmware to it)
iBooty (Utility to Boot Tethered iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPad, iPod Touch 3G, iPod Touch 4G after Sn0wBreeze jailbreak)
- iBooty iOS 5.0:
- iBooty iOS 5.0.1:
- iBooty iOS 5.1:
iFaith 1.4.2 (Windows tool that will save SHSH keys for your current installed iOS)
Absinthe 2.0
Absinthe 2.0.4 (supports untethered iOS 5.1.1 jailbreak for iPad 3, iPad 2, iPad 1, iPhone 4S, iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPod Touch 3G, iPod Touch 4G)
- Download version for Windows:
- Download version for Mac OS X:
- Download version for Linux:
Absinthe (supports untethered iOS 5.0.1 jailbreak for iPad 2 and iOS 5/5.0.1 jailbreak for iPhone 4S)
- Download version for Windows:
- Download version for Mac OS X:
- Download version for Linux:
GreenPois0n RC5 (supports firmware 4.1 and 4.2.1 jailbreak for iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPod Touch 2G, iPod Touch 3G, iPod Touch 4G, iPad)
- Download version for Mac OS X:
- Download version for Windows:
Current version is ultrasn0w 1.2.3, download in Cydia (unlock for iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPhone 3G, firmwares 3.0-4.3.3; it supports basebands 01.59.00, 04.26.08, 05.11.07, 05.12.01, 05.13.04, 06.15.00)
LimeRa1n (supports firmware 4.0-4.1, jailbreak for iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPod Touch 3G, iPod Touch 4G, iPad)
Spirit for Windows and MAC OS (jailbreak for all devices - iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch, firmware 3.1.2, 3.1.3, or 3.2)
blackra1n for Windows and MAC OS (jailbreak for all devices, firmware 3.1.2)
BlackSn0w for Windows and MAC OS (unlock for iPhone 3G and iPhone 3GS, firmware 3.1, 3.1.2)
- Avaliable in Cydia (repository ) and via BlackRa1n utility
Purplera1n for MAC (Beta jailbreak for iPhone 3GS, firmware 3.0)
Purplera1n for Windows (Beta jailbreak for iPhone 3GS, firmware 3.0)
Older software versions:
For iOS 4.0, iOS 4.0.1 and iOS 4.3-4.3.3 you can use
You can download older software versions
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Firmware downloads (iPhone, iPod, iPad)
Here are the direct download links for the latest iOS 9.x firmwares:
iOS 9.2:
iPad Pro (WiFi) iPad Pro (Cellular) iPad Air 2 (6th generation WiFi) - i
Pad Air 2 (6th generation Cellular) iPad Air (5th generation Cellular) iPad Air (5th generation WiFi) iPad Air (5th generation China) iPad (4th generation CDMA) iPad (4th generation GSM) iPad (4th generation WiFi) iPad mini (CDMA) iPad mini (GSM) iPad mini (WiFi) iPad mini 2 (Cellular) iPad mini 2 (WiFi) iPad mini 2 (China) iPad mini 3 (China) iPad mini 3 (WiFi) iPad mini 3 (Cellular) iPad mini 4 (WiFi) iPad mini 4 (Cellular) iPad 3 Wi-Fi (3rd generation) iPad 3 Wi-Fi + Cellular (GSM) iPad 3 Wi-Fi + Cellular (CDMA) iPad 2 Wi-Fi (Rev A) iPad 2 Wi-Fi iPad 2 Wi-Fi + 3G (GSM) iPad 2 Wi-Fi + 3G (CDMA) iPhone 5 (CDMA) iPhone 5 (GSM) iPhone 5c (CDMA) iPhone 5c (GSM) iPhone 5s (CDMA) iPhone 5s (GSM) iPhone 6 iPhone 6 Plus iPhone 6s iPhone 6s Plus iPhone 4s iPod touch (5th-generation) iPod touch (6th-generation)
iOS 9.1:
iPad Pro (WiFi) iPad Pro (Cellular) iPad Air 2 (6th generation WiFi) iPad Air 2 (6th generation Cellular) iPad Air (5th generation Cellular) iPad Air (5th generation WiFi) iPad Air (5th generation China) iPad (4th generation CDMA) iPad (4th generation GSM) iPad (4th generation WiFi) iPad mini (CDMA) iPad mini (GSM) iPad mini (WiFi) iPad mini 2 (Cellular) iPad mini 2 (WiFi) iPad mini 2 (China) iPad mini 3 (China) iPad mini 3 (WiFi) iPad mini 3 (Cellular) iPad mini 4 (WiFi) iPad mini 4 (Cellular) iPad 3 Wi-Fi (3rd generation) iPad 3 Wi-Fi + Cellular (GSM) iPad 3 Wi-Fi + Cellular (CDMA) iPad 2 Wi-Fi (Rev A) iPad 2 Wi-Fi iPad 2 Wi-Fi + 3G (GSM) iPad 2 Wi-Fi + 3G (CDMA) iPhone 5 (CDMA) iPhone 5 (GSM) iPhone 5c (CDMA) iPhone 5c (GSM) iPhone 5s (CDMA) iPhone 5s (GSM) iPhone 6 iPhone 6 Plus iPhone 6s iPhone 6s Plus iPhone 4s iPod touch (5th-generation) iPod touch (6th-generation)
iOS 9.0.2:
iPad Air 2 (6th generation WiFi) iPad Air 2 (6th generation Cellular) iPad Air (5th generation Cellular) iPad Air (5th generation WiFi) iPad Air (5th generation China) iPad (4th generation CDMA) iPad (4th generation GSM) iPad (4th generation WiFi) iPad mini (CDMA) iPad mini (GSM) iPad mini (WiFi) iPad mini 2 (Cellular) iPad mini 2 (WiFi) iPad mini 2 (China) iPad mini 3 (China) iPad mini 3 (WiFi) iPad mini 3 (Cellular) iPad mini 4 (WiFi) iPad mini 4 (Cellular) iPad 3 Wi-Fi (3rd generation) iPad 3 Wi-Fi + Cellular (GSM) iPad 3 Wi-Fi + Cellular (CDMA) iPad 2 Wi-Fi (Rev A) iPad 2 Wi-Fi iPad 2 Wi-Fi + 3G (GSM) iPad 2 Wi-Fi + 3G (CDMA) iPhone 5 (CDMA) iPhone 5 (GSM) iPhone 5c (CDMA) iPhone 5c (GSM) iPhone 5s (CDMA) iPhone 5s (GSM) iPhone 6 iPhone 6 Plus iPhone 6s iPhone 6s Plus iPhone 4s iPod touch (5th-generation) iPod touch (6th-generation)
iOS 9.0.1:
iPad Air 2 (6th generation WiFi) iPad Air 2 (6th generation Cellular) iPad Air (5th generation Cellular) iPad Air (5th generation WiFi) iPad Air (5th generation China) iPad (4th generation CDMA) iPad (4th generation GSM) iPad (4th generation WiFi) iPad mini (CDMA) iPad mini (GSM) iPad mini (WiFi) iPad mini 2 (Cellular) iPad mini 2 (WiFi) iPad mini 2 (China) iPad mini 3 (China) iPad mini 3 (WiFi) iPad mini 3 (Cellular) iPad mini 4 (WiFi) iPad mini 4 (Cellular) iPad 3 Wi-Fi (3rd generation) iPad 3 Wi-Fi + Cellular (GSM) iPad 3 Wi-Fi + Cellular (CDMA) iPad 2 Wi-Fi (Rev A) iPad 2 Wi-Fi iPad 2 Wi-Fi + 3G (GSM) iPad 2 Wi-Fi + 3G (CDMA) iPhone 5 (CDMA) iPhone 5 (GSM) iPhone 5c (CDMA) iPhone 5c (GSM) iPhone 5s (CDMA) iPhone 5s (GSM) iPhone 6 iPhone 6 Plus iPhone 6s iPhone 6s Plus iPhone 4s iPod touch (5th-generation) iPod touch (6th-generation)
iOS 9:
iPad Air 2 (6th generation WiFi) iPad Air 2 (6th generation Cellular) iPad Air (5th generation WiFi + Cellular) iPad Air (5th generation WiFi) iPad Air (5th generation CDMA) iPad (4th generation CDMA) iPad (4th generation GSM) iPad (4th generation WiFi) iPad mini (CDMA) iPad mini (GSM) iPad mini (WiFi) iPad mini 2 (WiFi + Cellular) iPad mini 2 (WiFi) iPad mini 2 (CDMA) iPad mini 3 (China) iPad mini 3 (WiFi) iPad mini 3 (Cellular) iPad 3 Wi-Fi (3rd generation) iPad 3 Wi-Fi + Cellular (GSM) iPad 3 Wi-Fi + Cellular (CDMA) iPad 2 Wi-Fi (Rev A) iPad 2 Wi-Fi iPad 2 Wi-Fi + 3G (GSM) iPad 2 Wi-Fi + 3G (CDMA) iPhone 5 (CDMA) iPhone 5 (GSM) iPhone 5c (CDMA) iPhone 5c (GSM) iPhone 5s (CDMA) iPhone 5s (GSM) iPhone 6 iPhone 6 Plus iPhone 4s iPod touch (5th-generation) iPod touch (6th-generation)
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Jailbreak on firmware 2.2 beta 1
They published a screenshot of jailbreaked iPhone 2G with this new firmware:
It runs (non-apple application) running on 2.2b1 firmware. Thay say that version 2.2 is still vulnerable to pwnage and quickpwn on everything but iPod Touch 2G.
No news about software unlock for iPhone 3G or jailbreak for iPod Touch 2G.
QuickPwn 2.1 for Windows is ready
Congratulations, Windows users. The support for new firmware 2.1 is added. So here is what you can do:
- Support for FW v2.0.1, v2.0.2, v2.1.0
- Jailbreaking and Pwning iPhone 2G, iPhone 3G and iPod Touch
- Adding Cydia and Installer
- Replacing boot logos
- Unlocking iPhone 2G
Changes from QuickPwn RC3
- Support for firmware 2.1
- Auto-detection of firmware version, insistence on correct firmware bundle to prevent user epic fail.
- Use of iASign to activate to prevent bspatch epic fail.
- Removed buggy and never really tested 2.0 support
Sorry, no jailbreak for new iPod Touch and no unlock for iPhone 3G.
Here are download links:
Firmwares v2.1:
Related posts:
SwirlyMMS - MMS for iPhone with 2.x support
This applicatin allows to send MMS messages. SwirlyMMS is a
xpwn 0.3 sources are now up
Being a suite of command-line utilities, this release is meant primarily for developers. While you can certainly jailbreak (both 3G and first-gen) and unlock (first-gen) with it, it's not really something you want to try without reading the lengthy, detailed README. If you don't have the patience to do that, this release is not for you.
For users this news mean that quite soon there will be a new version of winpwn, supporting 2.0.