News tagged ‘sed’
Steve Jobs is called Personality Of The Year
Despite the fact that Steve Jobs and Apple representatives were not to be seen at the Mobile World Congress (Barcelona, Spain) this week, Apple CEO won the top title “Mobile Industry Personality of the Year.”
Among the other winners (19 categories) were BlackBerry (the creator of Enterprise Server 5.0) and HTC (for their HTC Hero).
The famous actor and humorist Stephen Fry hosted this week’s ceremony. He proclaimed himself to be Apple fan and was impressed with iPad after having seen it at San Francisco demonstration.
Meebo Network Chat Is Now Available for iPhone
Meebo has recently released the iPhone version of popular service for stress-free and enjoyable chat. It has a number of advantages that differ it from other chat apps available. It is easy to handle and you are kept in touch with your contacts even when Meebo is switched off. It also provides the conventional chat history and the directions provide quick understanding of the manipulation process. And what is more important - it is free of charge.
You can download Meebo app
Steve Jobs’s opinion of Flash on the iPad demo for WSJ
Steve Jobs called Flash technology a 'CPU hog ' and an "old technology" with numerous “security holes.” On the iPad demo with the Wall Street Journal that took place in New York Apple CEO attempted to persuade the WSJ honchos to bring the issue to the iPad.
The parties discussed one of the stumbling rocks- the inability of iPad to support Flash technology. The point is that the Journal invested a great deal of money in Flash enabling to deploy videos, slides and other interactive media.
MWSF 2010: DriveSavers, Sky Voyager, Papershow, Inklet and Yapper
In this last post we'll tell you about new Drivesavers instructive app, virtual iPhone planetarium, papershow tool for making presentations, Inklet software to turn Mac multi-touch trackpad into a drawing tablet and a tool for creating your own iPhone apps.
Free DriveSavers Hard Drive Disk-aster Simulator app for the iPod Touch and iPhone is a new way to study how a hard disk works. It teaches in interactive fashion about all the things that may crash a drive, what happens during a seized motor, clicker failure, SSD failures, contamination and head crashes. Also you’ll learn how the data recovery gets done and see the inside of a hard disk. That looks pretty instructive.
MWSF 2010: TellTale Games, Armpockets, customized iPhone cases, and Flook
TellTale Games finally released Tales of Monkey Island for Mac. One married couple creates armpockets with its own hands. From now on you can create and order your own customized case for iPhone. Location browser for urban discoveries is called Flook. To know more read the rest of the post.
TellTale Games released a Mac version of Tales of Monkey Island! The latter is a 3D adventure game that was released for PC and WiiWare in 2009. The game is available for purchase for $34.95 or you can download a free demo.
Telltale Games also announced the next games to release on Mac will be Wallace & Gromit’s Grand Adventures, Sam & Max, and Strong Bad’s Cool Game for Attractive People.
MWSF 2010: Algoriddin’s djay 3, Frog Design apps, 4iThumbs, WebIS Informant
This time we talk about Algoriddin’s djay 3, new apps from Frog Design, 4iThumbs product and WebIS Pocket Informant organizer.
Algoriddin’s djay 3 is an excellent app with easy-to-use interface designed to allow you to mix and play music. The price is US 50$ in stores and on the website.
MWSF 2010: MacSpeech Scribe, MusicSkins, Kanex adapter, CarMD
We're continuing to cover news from the MWSF 2010, and this time the talk will be about MacSpeech Scribe app, MusicSkins accesories, Kanex adapter and CarMD device.
MacSpeech is known for its MacSpeech Dictate program that allows user to speak to Mac and wind up with formatted text. At the MWSF company released MacSpeech Scribe (US 149$), which turns recorded audio into RTF-files (that are readable by any word processor). It doesn't create text with punctuation and you have to train the program by correcting its mistakes, but with the Nuance engine from the previous app it looks really impressive.
MusicSkins was also present at the MacWorld 2010. This time there were vinyl skins not only for Apple devices, but for any gadgets known (at least they say they add 5-10 devices to their roster per week). Company reps told us the accessories for the iPad are also ready to be printed, but before it’ll go to the market they want to make sure their production will work well and fit correctly to the device. At this moment skins for iPod and iPhone (US 15$) and for the Macbook (US 30$) are available.
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f0recast released: find out if your iPhone is jailbreakable and unlockable
As expected iH8sn0w released f0recast, the application that allows us to know a lot of useful information about all we can do with our iPhone.
Just connect the iPhone with the cable to see what is version of the baseband or iBoot. The utility will also give valuable information if we can perform a jailbreak (tethered or untethered). It will also tell if the Phone is unlockable and will give a suggestion what unlock software can be used.
You can download it directly from
MuscleNerd just posted interesting comment on Twitter, saying that the application is inaccurate regarding to the iPhone 3GS. There might be a new update soon. For all other devices the application works just fine.
f0recast utility will determine if your iPhone is jailbreakable
iH8sn0w, through a new tweet, informs that his new utility f0recast will be released tonight.
There are many different iPhone and iPod Touch models and firmware versions for them. Each device has it's own bootrom, bootloader, iBoot and baseband versions that determine if user can perform jailbreak and unlock. So it is quite complicated for users to answer a simple question: "Is my device jailbreakable?". f0recast will solve this problem.
f0recast is a small Windows application that will able to give a straight answer if the iPhone or iPod touch is able to be jailbroken. Just connect your iPhone, launch the app and push a button.
f0recast is only an informational tool which determines if your device can or cannot be jailbreaked. It will NOT jailbreak your device.
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Steve Jobs Is Cooperating With His Biographers
There is a handful of people who have been trying to tell the story of Steve Jobs, chief executive of Apple and one of the front-rank hi-tech innovators of modern era. A number of attempts to tell about this remarkable personality have either enjoyed very modest success or were vehemently repulsed.
It looks as if only Walter Isaacson, the author of two other best-selling biographies and former editor of Time magazine, could persuade Jobs to take part in the project. He says that the book will cover the most important stages of the Steve’s life, from his life in the notorious Silicon Valley through the years at Apple.
Though the Apple spokesmen do not comment on these rumors.
MacWorld Expo: The Beginning
MacWorld Expo 2010 started on the Feb, 11. We'll show you how that day and the MWSF generally started.
Apple Bans Hackers from iTunes App Store
It looks like Apple has started banning iPhone hackers from the iTunes App Store.
A few day ago Sherif Hashim, the iPhone developer and hacker, tweeted that he had found an exploit in the latest iPhone OS 3.1.3, which could enable the unlock on 05.12.01 baseband for iPhone 3GS and iPhone 3G. Yesterday he has been banned by Apple for the so called "security reasons". It seems that Apple is quite angry! Here is what Sherif gets when he tries to access App Store from his iPhone:
Sherif Hashim’s Tweets:
"Your Apple ID was banned for security reasons", that's what i get when i try to go to the app store, they must be really angry
and guess what my apple ID was, "", what a fool was me not to notice
)), can't help laughing, they are babies
Another iPhone hacker named iH8sn0w, the developer of Sn0wbreeze (PwnageTool alternative for Windows), tweeted saying he was also banned by Apple right after he released an exploit known as XEMN:
@sherif_hashim lol, they did that to my ih8sn0wyday[@t] too. (right after I posted XEMN)…
For now Apple isn’t banning Jailbreakers - they’re banning people who actively work to find exploits in the iPhone software to create Jailbreaks for the rest of us.
Sn0wbreeze 1.5.1: minor update of Windows application to perform firmware 3.1.3 jailbreak
iH8sn0w released a new version of Sn0wbreeze, the Windows tool that allows to jailbreak the newest firmware 3.1.3. This is a small update that addresses several problems with YouTube.
You can download the new version of sn0wbreeze
We still recommend to use DevTeam utilities - redsn0w (Windows and MAC OS) and pwnagetool (MAC OS only).
Navigon 1.5: the first demonstration video
The new version of Navigon, the famous navigation applicatin for iPhone, will be released in March. Here is the first demo video directly from MacWorld 2010:
New video podcast from Gameloft with exclusive details on future iPhone games
Gameloft has just released the new exciting video podcast (February). This month is particularly interesting, because we can see the spectacular graphics of Brothers in Arms 2, online multiplayer mode in NOVA, news about Pocket Chef, and much more. Let's watch: