News tagged ‘Saurik’
Evad3rs Release Evasi0n7 1.0.4 with "Important Untether Security Fixes"
The evad3rs have just released a new version of their jailbreak tool - evasi0n7 1.0.4, which is expected to bring numerous security improvements to the iOS 7 jailbreak.
Cydia Substrate 0.9.5000 Compatible with iOS 7 and 64-bit Apple Processor Released
Saurik has recently released Cydia Substrate 0.9.5000 compatible with iOS 7 and the 64-bit processor, which is currently used in Apple’s iPhone 5s, iPad Air and second-generation iPad mini.
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Evad3rs Release Evasi0n 7.x Untether 0.2
Evad3rs have recently released an updated version of their untether in Cydia that contains a bunch of improvements. The most important is probably a tweak that saurik requires to fix the problem with MobileSubstrate and make it fully functional.
Beware of Unofficial MobileSubstrate Patches!
Saurik has warned the iOS 7 users and jailbreakers not to install the unofficial MobileSubstrate patches that begin to appear on the Internet. The reason for such warning is quite simple - MobileSubstrate hasn’t yet been updated to work with Apple’s new operating system and that can lead to serious consequences.
New Cydia Design for iOS 7 [Photos, Video]
Cydia has received a major redesign and improved compatibility for iOS 7.
The update comes via a new Cydia Installer package available today from the Changes tab in Cydia.
Saurik explains the release:
Cydia Сounts 18 Million Jailbroken Devices in Six Weeks
Saurik reports that about 18 million devices were counted by Cydia in the last six weeks, between untethered jailbreak release and iOS 6.1.3 which blocks this jailbreak. According to Forbes:
In the six weeks since evasi0n was released, however, close to 18 million devices have already been jailbroken, according to data from Jay Freeman, the administrator of the Cydia app store for jailbroken devices. He says he’s counted 18.2 million unique devices running iOS 6 visiting Cydia, including 13.8 million iPhones, 3.4 million iPads, and 1.1 million iPod Touches. Those numbers vastly exceed previous jailbreaks such as Jailbreakme 3, a popular hacking tool for iOS released in the summer of 2011 that was used on around 2 million devices, according to a count at the time by creator Nicholas Allegra.
Saurik Releases an Update to WinterBoard
Saurik has released an update to WinterBoard that includes numerous fixes and improvements.
WinterBoard lets you theme your iOS device to the way you want it to. Numerous theme packages can be found on Cydia or you can create your very own.
What's New:
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Update to Corona untethered jailbreak released
New version of Corona Untethered Jailbreak for iOS 5.0.1 has been released in Cydia. Corona v1.0-8 features recent iBooks fix from planetbeing (the one that was recently released in redsn0w 0.9.10b5).
Saurik tweeted that all users jailbroken on iOS 5.0.1 should install the update. UPDATE: This doesn't apply to "old bootrom" iPhone 3GS users.
@planetbeing put a lot of work into solving iBooks image loading bugs. All users (however jailbroken) on 5.0.1 should install.
So, most of the feedback I have received from "all users (however jailbroken) running 5.0.1" has been "even me? I did X.": yes, even you. ;P
You can find the Corona package in the System section of Cydia.
Corona untethered jailbreak for iOS 5.0.1 gets updated
Saurik has announced that an update to the Corona Untethered Jailbreak has been released in Cydia.
The update fixes issues for iBooks and launchd and it's recommended that users who previously jailbroke their A4 devices install the Corona package from Cydia.
Corona (5.0.1 untether) 1.0-4 is now out: users of redsn0w or the older packages should install. This fixes both iBooks and launchd (again).
As many users don't realize that untethers only affects boot, I just released 1.0-5 of the Corona package, which forces a reboot on upgrade.
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Untethered jailbreak for iPad 2 and iPhone 4S will be released in a few days
The 'dream team' of iPhone hackers has made more progress on the A5 jailbreak with planetbeing just announcing that they're out of Apple's sandbox.
And we're out of the sandbox with @saurik's invaluable help! (well, at least there's a PoC)
Turning out more complex than X-Gold 618.
pod2g also mentioned progress in twitter:
@planetbeing escaped from the sandbox with the help of @saurik. Thanks to their awesome work, there should be nothing left blocking for the A5 jailbreak. Now it should be a matter of days. Still no precise ETA of course.
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Saurik makes contribution towards iPad 2 and iPhone 4S untethered jailbreak
It looks like iPad 2 and iPhone 4S untethered jailbreak will truly be a team effort. Recently another hacker Saurik joined the team and made "some major contributions" yesterday.
Last week Pod2g announced that Planetbeing, MuscleNerd, and P0sixninja joined his effort to release an untethered iOS 5.0.1 jailbreak of the iPhone 4S and iPad 2 (A5 CPU devices).
Today, MuscleNerd noted that the team has received some major contributions from saurik:
Watch Saurik and P0sixninja speak about Jailbreaking at MyGreatFest
Watch saurik, p0sixninja and other members of the jailbreak community speak at MyGreatFest via videos posted by VIZBOXtv:
Long line for WWDC, jailbreakers are at the front
Check out the insanely long line up for WWDC. It is already almost 4 blocks long.
Jailbreak people are already there. And they are in front of the line. @saurik, @mxweas, @chpwn, @aaronash, @stroughtonsmith are all there.
Here is a quick video where Saurik explains why jailbreakers are at the front of the line:
Companies Considering Cydia As Advertising Platform
Cydia is the well-known alternative App Store for jailbroken devices, now installed on 10-15 million iOS devices accounting for roughly 9% of the total iOS userbase worldwide, according to the latest numbers shared by Cydia’s creator and main developer, Jay Freeman aka Saurik. 1.5 million users log in Cydia on a daily basis. So it’s not surprise that such large companies like Toyota have seen the potentialities of the Cydia and now wish to promote their brand and products via Cydia or invest into an advertising campaign. They’re simply looking for new ways of promoting their products, for example, Scion, Toyota affiliate, already created the theme for jailbroken devices in order to advertise their new 2011 tC vehicle.
Cydia 1.1.1 released
Cydia lead developer Jay Freeman released Cydia 1.1.1. You can update it in Cydia. It became much faster and more stable.
Features of new Cydia will include:
- the ability to run and operate Activator, libstatusbar, and SimulatedKeyEvents while Cydia is running
- an overall speed improvement, including the “Loading Changes” dialog
- “much less” memory usage
- a more advanced search mechanism with a new relevancy algorithm
- better management of broken repositories
Here is a full changelog discussion from Saurik: