News tagged ‘Stack’
Apple Releases Mac OS X 10.6.5
As we promised, yesterday Apple released Mac OS X 10.6.5 update for Snow Leopard, which now available via Software Update. The public release is the same Build 10H574 that was seeded to developers on Monday. The 10.6.5 Update is recommended for all users running Mac OS X Snow Leopard. The full list of general fixes and improvements in Mac OS X 10.6.5, according to Apple, includes:
Live from Apple's "Back to the Mac" event (constantly updating)

White iPhone 4 exists, but you still can't have one
The very rare iPhone 4 was noticed in New York this week. The device is not available in stores, but seems to be stacked up at Apple headquarters. The Apple Blog photographed a man using the white version of the iPhone 4 at a press event this week. The owner of the device, who didn't want to be identified, said he got the white iPhone and from a friend, who works at Apple. He explained why the public can’t have this one. The main reason is the color. Apple’s manufactures can't get the white home button to match the exact shade of the white faceplate of the phone.
GeoHot and DevTeam discuss exploits for new firmware 3.1.3 baseband
A few days ago in an IRC channel the DevTeam and GeoHot discussed and summarized the state of the exploits found in the new baseband 05.12.01 in firmware 3.1.3. GeoHot explains that an exploit that had previously discovered and used in blacksn0w is still present in the new firmware released by Apple. It appears that both he and MuscleNerd are working on the same exploit, and if this were true, it would be a really good start to team up and release a new unlock tool.
Here is their discussion:
< visnet_ > What does geohot tweet mean?
< %geohot > its my bb exploit for safekeeping
< %Par4doX > geohot: did you turn that over to the dev team or are you doing something with it?
< %geohot > my days of turning things over are done
< %geohot > i hope its different from the one they have
< %geohot > but they prob already have it
< %geohot > its the one i orig wanted to release blacksn0w with
< %Par4doX > it’s still there in the new bb
< %geohot > yep, just checked
< %geohot > but then opted to use xemn since it was public
< Evan > Oo, it carries over from 05.11 to 05.12?
< %geohot > why wouldn’t it, apple doesn’t fix things proactivly
< @MuscleNerd > geohot we prob should figure out a way to know if we have same exploit double blind, otherwise we may release 2 different ones at same time
< %geohot > any suggestions?
< @MuscleNerd > not sure how to do that without making it easy to brute force tho
< %geohot > yea, i salted the hash
< @MuscleNerd > yeah
< @MuscleNerd > hmm maybe if we both hash the stack dump
< @Confucious > Can you two take this out of public sight?
< @MuscleNerd > the stack itself, not the header before it or the registers after it
< Her > muscle: any notice about the exploits are the same ?
< %geohot > we are working on it
< %geohot > cryptography, perfect for people who don’t trust each other
We should not expect much for the firmware 3.1.3 since the rumors predict the firmware 3.2 for mid-March. However these news are really good for owners of locked devices.
iPad screen's aspect ratio consideration
A month ago John Gruber, author of the
Many people admit that they expect all screens to be closer to 16:9 aspect ratio. However from the first look it is obvious that iPad does not have 16:9 screen. We can see from the picture above the iPad screen is apparently equivalent in its aspect ratio to 2 iPhone screens, stacked in landscape mode, which is 4:3. It is primarily meant to be used in portrait mode, and it looks like a video playback is a secondary function. Indeed a 16:9 video looks a bit skinny on the iPad.
So will 4:3 video get back to business or it is just another feature of more comfortable e-book reading?
"Come see our latest creation" Apple iTablet Event Live Meta-Blog
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Stack 3.0: new video
Steven Troughton-Smith has released a new video about the next version of Stack 3.0 which will have a new function, the ability to run the scrolling within the stack. The application is really lightweight and does not need much RAM or battery. The app will be avaliable in Cydia.
Here is a video demonstration:
via ispazio
List of Cydia Apps compatible and incompatible with firmware 3.1
Some users have already performed jailbeak for firmware 3.1 and faced problems with several Cydia applications. Some work with no problems, others send the iPhone to Safe Mode. Here is a list of compatible and non-compatible apps.
Applications NOT compatible with Firmware 3.1:
- Winterboard
- Backgrounder
- Mobile Finder
- ActivateMMS2G
- Cycorder
- PasteBoardStacker
Applications partially compatible with Firmware 3.1:
- Cydia (apparently does not show the badge icon when there are updates available)
- SBSettings (everything works except the button "Restart")
- BossPrefs (everything works except the button "Respring")
Applications fully compartible with Firmware 3.1
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Action Menu: Add New features to iPhone's Copy / Paste [Cydia]
Action Menu is a new utility that extends traditional Copy / Paste functionality. You can now "Copy All" or add text to a stack ("Favorites") that allows you to paste phrases frequently at any time and in any application.
The application is free but you can also buy an extension pack (costs $2.99) which will add new features, such as:
- History: keep the history of all copied sentences / words / numbers;
- Lookup: find online matches for phone numbers and words, using Google Search, Wikipedia, Dictionary, and Google Translate;
- Tweet: send selected text through a Twitter client installed on your iPhone (currently support Tweetie, Twitterific, Twittelator and TwitterFon).
We found this utility quite useful. It can be installed via Cydia on a jailbreaked iPhone (iPod Touch).
Wiimote and iPhone communication via Bluetooth [Video]
BTStack is the name of a new project that allows the Wii controller to communicate with the iPhone using Bluetooth.
The video it shows the 3D representation (using the Open GL | ES) controller, which manages to take all the positions of true remote control, via Bluetooth. Currently, the агтсешщтфдшен is minimal but future implementations could be very practical, especially with the iPhone 3GS, which thanks to the compass, could be used just like a real Wii remote.
Stack for firmware 3.0 [Video]
Here is a demo of new version of app Stack that supports firmware 3.0. You can download it
Cydia apps on firmware 3.0: working and non-working apps list
It is always good to know what is working and what is not. This list will be changed quite soon, becasue developers are trying their best to make apps work. But for now here it is:
SEMI-Functional Applications:
- Winterboard: This only works in some cases. The themes and can not be fully supported yet.
- iBluetooth
- MCleaner
- Categories (works well but the applications are no longer found by Spootlight)
- Status Notifier
- ibirthday
Applications not working:
- cydelete
- Backgrounder
- Cyntact
- iMobileCinema
- VideoRecorder for 3G
- Veency
- MobileFinder
Clippy updated to 0.97-2 [Cydia]
Clippy is an iPhone addition from Cydia for copy/paste functionality. It was updated to version 0.97-2. The main bug that was fixes is a crash of different applications such as Notes, Safari, Mail and others where the animation was drawn. New version also added a language pack, improved the animation of the menu, full support for selecting editable text in web views, themes support and a lot more.
Avaliable via Cydia for jailbreaked iPhones.
Full changelog for 0.97 updates:
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Stack 2.2 will appear in Cydia
Surely you remember the video that showed you a few days ago the next version of Stack. The day after the developer anounced that he would stop developing free applications. Now he changed his mind. So the work on version 2.2 of Stack is continuing and this application will appear in Cydia soon. One more important thing is that once application is released, it will probably remain available forever.
via spazio
No Stack app soon [Cydia]
Remember Stack version 2.2 video posted recently? There will be no 2.2. version and current version (2.1) will be removed from the repository quite soon. Why? The developer is angry at hackers, who cracked his apps avaliable in AppStore:
“I have to work extra hard as it is on creating things for the App Store, but when people like paniK go ahead and make my software available to pirates and I watch sales vanish overnight, it means I have to spend much more time on marketing and development for my App Store apps to try and offset my losses, leaving no time for projects like Stack that earn me nothing.”