News tagged ‘Tablet’
During Q3 Android Tablets Increased Their Market Share
Samsung Dethrones Apple As The Largest Smartphone Manufacturer in Q3 2011
According to
Samsung and Apple Executives Discuss Long-Term Component Supply Relationships
Apple CEO Tim Cook and Samsung Chief Operating Officer Lee Jae-yong are said to have discussed their long-term component supply relationships during a two-hour meeting that took place earlier this week.
Lee Jae-yong, chief operating officer (COO) of Samsung Electronics said Wednesday he had discussed long-term parts cooperation arrangements with Apple Inc.'s chief Tim Cook.
The meeting took place Monday after Lee attended a memorial service for Steve Jobs, Apple's late co-founder, and as Samsung and Apple remain locked in fierce legal disputes to control the global smartphone and tablet computer markets.
Lee noted that the companies made agreement for 2012 and would like to prolong their cooperation for 2013-2014. Apple has been keen to make long-term supply agreements with component suppliers, sometimes prepaying billions of dollars in advance to secure massive supplies looking over several years and overcoming or better to say excelling its competitors.
Rumors: Apple Received Samples Of 7.85-Inch Displays For 'iPad Mini'
As Taiwan’s United Daily
Samsung Lawyer can't tell iPad and Galaxy Tab apart from 10Ft
Well this is really funny. U.S. District Judge Lucy Koh held up both the iPad and the Samsung Galaxy Tab and asked Samsung lawyers to identify which was which during a hearing to determine whether Apple will win a preliminary injunction against the Samsung device,
After being asked to identify which tablet was which, Samsung attorney Kathleen Sullivan answered, "Not at this distance your honor." She stood at a podium roughly 10 feet away.
Apple wins injunction against Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 in Australia
The Federal Court in Australia has issued a preliminary ban on sales of Samsung's Galaxy Tab 10.1 tablet in the country. The Justice believed that Apple had presented sufficient evidence conforming violation two of its touchscreen- and multitouch-related patents by Samsung. Previously the Korean company had agreed to delay launch of their new tablet in Australia, waiting for the Court’s decision. Samsung even offered Apple a compromise deal that would allow the Galaxy Tab 10.1 to launch with minor concessions. But Apple was not accepted that offer.
In September Apple won the proceedings in Germany, where the Galaxy Tab 10.1’ sales were also preliminary banned. The legal battle between the companies has grown increasingly fierce since it began in April of this year, when Apple accused Samsung of copying the look and feel of the iPhone and iPad. Apple reported that they had tried to solve the problem not suing to the Court, but negotiations were not successful.
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Apple Rejected Samsung’s Proposal To Settle The Case On Galaxy Tab 10.1 Out Of Court
Today in a Sydney court Apple rejected Samsung’s proposal to remove several Galaxy Tab 10.1 features in exchange for tablet release in Australia. Reportedly, Samsung agreed to remove the capability that recognizes and ignores accidental touches on the home screen. However, it appears that Apple wants to hear a final decision of the court on a temporary injunction of Galaxy Tab 10.1, which should be made this week.
Adobe Announced Six New Tablet Apps And Adobe Creative Cloud
Today at its
The Rocky Relationship Between Apple and Facebook
Apple relationship with Facebook always was rocky. We know that when Apple introduced Ping, Facebook denied Apple access to integrate two networks. This is one example from plethora of the same ones. Over weekend, Marshable posted an inside information on history of Apple and Facebook confrontation. As far as we know, Steve Jobs visited Mark Zuckerberg in order to discuss Facebook application for the iPad, and now it’s release is in doubt. Recent rumors have suggested that Facebook will be integrated in iOS 5, but it appears that Apple has been working on Facebook integration for a long time:
“A source familiar with the chain of the events attributes the Ping debacle to a disagreement over iOS 4. Apple had fully integrated Facebook into the iPhone and iPad’s operating system, and was ready to launch the mobile-social fusion when API negotiations broke down. Apple, lacking confidence in Facebook’s ability to build a great application, asked to build its own Facebook for iPhone app. Facebook responded with a firm no. Negotiations came to halt.”
Facebook made no mention of an iPad app at its annual F8 conference a couple of weeks ago. It seems that HP is the reason why Facebook has yet released its iPad app, according to Mashable. Zuckerberg had been promising Apple an iPad app while at the same time working on an official client for HP’s TouchPad tablet.
Samsung Offered Apple Deal That Allows For Galaxy Tab Launch In Australia
As Wall Street Journal
Brazil’s $12 Billion iPad Deal Is “In Doubt”
According to Reuters, the $12 billion deal between Brazil and Foxconn to produce Apple’s iPad in a new Brazil-based Foxconn factory is now in doubt. It seems that negotiations between Brazilian government and the iPad-manufacturer have temporarily stalled. The main reasons are high taxes and lack of skilled workers that meet Faxconn expectations.
"We’re dealing with a lot of issues, like the (Taiwanese) trying to figure out how to do business in Brazil … and Brazil figuring out how to produce these complicated products,” a second government official told Reuters. Maybe we will end up starting with something smaller.
Start of production was already put off twice. We see that it still unclear whether the company will manufacture any Apple tablets in this country. As far as we know, Foxconn would like to build a new industrial complex with its own energy system, roads and infrastructure outside Sao Paolo. But the situation is complicated by the fact that the Brazilian government is now engaged in building more profitable $1 trillion projects related to the World Cup and the Summer Olympics the country will host in 2014 and 2016. The other problem includes lack of companies to partner with Foxconn in order to share costs in Brazil.
It’s a requirement to have Brazilian partners, (but) in the technology area the partners we have do not have the financial muscle for investments near that value.
Amazon announced iPad killer: Kindle Fire
Today Amazon announced their tablet called Kindle Fire. It has 7" IPS display, custom android OS, weights 413g, has 8Gb of storage, Wifi. Unfortunately it does not have 3G. The price is attractive though - $199. Shipments start November 15.
We are not sure that this device can be a real iPad killer. However it will definitely compete with other Android tablets, like Blackberry Playbook, HP Touchpad and others.
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Microsoft And Samsung Enter Into Cross-Licensing Agreement
Apple has been denied trademark for Multi-Touch
The United States Patent and Trademark Office has denied an Apple’s application for a trademark on the term Multi-Touch, applied by the company on January 9, 2007, the day the iPhone was introduced. Receiving deny, Apple appealed to the Appeal Board. The board also refused to grant the trademark, noting that the term "multitouch" has taken on generic meaning, being used by a wide variety of publications to describe the touchscreen technology on Android phones, tablets, and notebooks.
Thus, from the foregoing, we find that “multi-touch” not only identifies the technology, but also describes how a user of the goods operates the device. Based on the evidence discussed above, as well as other evidence in the record, we agree with the examining attorney that MULTI-TOUCH indeed is highly descriptive of a feature of the identified goods. We now consider whether applicant has submitted sufficient evidence to establish acquired distinctiveness of this highly descriptive term.