News tagged ‘update’
What's new in iOS 6 Beta 2 firmware (x8)
Apple released iOS 6 Beta 2 today. Let's take a look what's changed:
1. Apple added a toggle to control whether or not you can use iOS 6′s new Shared Photo Streams feature. The toggle is in both the Photos settings page and the iCloud settings.
Apple released iOS 6.0 Beta 2 for developers
Apple recently released new iOS 6 beta 2 for developers. It is available as an OTA update or as a download here. Apple also updated Xcode 4.5 developer preview 2, Apple TV beta 2 as well.
When you download and install iOS 6.0 Beta 2 OTA the Settings icon animates. Take a look:
RedSn0w 0.9.14b1 Released: 06.15 Downgrade for iPhone 3GS/3G
The iPhone Dev-Team released RedSn0w 0.9.14b1 that can perform a baseband downgrade from the iPad's 06.15 baseband to 05.13 on the iPhone 3GS and iPhone 3G. The 06.15 baseband was used by many users to unlock their device. Now it is possible to to get back true GPS and an ultrasn0w unlock.
You can download RedSn0w 0.9.14b1 here.
Here is additional info from DevTeam:
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iPhone Dev-Team will 06.15 baseband downgrade today
The iPhone Dev-Team will release the 06.15 baseband downgrade today, according to a tweet from MuscleNerd.
Sunday should be a Funday for those waiting for 06.15 BB downgrade! ("Sunday"==PDT, i.e UTC-7). Blog will have details before release
The 06.15 baseband is an iPad baseband that many iPhone 3G and iPhone 3GS owners updated to in order to unlock their device. Now those users will be able to get true GPS and an ultrasn0w unlock.
the 06.15 downgrade allows both true GPS location services and ultrasn0w unlock (if it's still needed) to work
Review roundup: Apple's Retina MacBook Pro is pretty but pricey
On Monday Apple introduced its next-generation MacBook Pro with Retina Display. Just days after reviewers of the biggest mainstream publications started post their opinions on the redesigned 15-inch MacBook Pro, but some of them remain putting off by the $2,200 entry price. Here are some of the highlights:
Apple to kill Ping with next major iTunes release
According to sources close to the matter Apple will reportedly kill off the Ping iTunes service when the next iteration of iTunes rolls out alongside iOS 6 this fall, reports All Things D. The social music network has suffered waning participation since its introduction in 2010.
Apple CEO Tim Cook confirmed these rumors partly when he said at the D10 conference in May that the company might kill off Ping but vowed to add more social integration into its products. Ping is still active, but sources say that the social network will be redacted this fall and replaced by deeper Twitter and Facebook integration.
Tim Cook confirms updated Mac Pro coming in 2013
Apple confirmed that its CEO Tim Cook sent an e-mail to a Facebook group page dedicated to the Mac Pro on Monday and said that the company is indeed "working on something really great" for 2013, allaying current Mac Pro owners' fears that the desktop has reached its end of life.
The slightly updated Mac Pro presented by Apple at WWDC on Monday wasn't the significant revamp. The machines received 12-core Xeon chips, but CPUs are based on Intel's two-year-old Westmere-EP architecture and not newer Xeon E5 silicon. Professional users were hoping for something more significant and impressive.
iOS 6: Safari video demonstration
Safari doesn’t look that different on iOS 6, but underneath the hood you’ll find some interesting changes aimed at improving your mobile browsing experience.
First of all, there’s the ability to browse in full screen mode while in landscape on the iPhone. Secondly, there’s the ability to sync tabs across other iOS 6 devices using iCloud. Next up to bat is a new update to Reading List that allows you to read those items while offline.
Take a look at the demo:
Teardown Of New MacBook Air Reveals Tweaked Design Of SSD Connector
Toshiba SSD in new MacBook Air
Teardown experts from iFixit are now
WWDC 2012 live blog
Thanks again! You guys are the best.
Apple still expected to retire 17-inch MacBook Pro in 2012
Analyst Ming-Chi Kuo with KGI, whose name and expectations we’ve already mentioned in the previous report, also believes that Apple will discontinue its 17-inch MacBook Pro this year, and might even ax the Pro lineup entirely in favor of the "new MacBook" in 2013. He expects that only the 13- and 15-inch MacBook Pros will receive updates.
RedSn0w 0.9.12b2: minor update and bugfixes
The iPhone Dev-Team has released RedSn0w 0.9.12b2. New version has some bugfixes and additional question about jailbreak mode for A4 devices.
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Alleged New Part Numbers Suggest Over a Dozen New Mac Models Coming at WWDC
9to5Mac managed to obtain a screenshot that demonstrates part numbers, as well as prices of forthcoming Mac models and some accessories. The full list of part numbers includes 27 items.
The first product on the list, part number MC414, is described, as "K31 Best" would represent a new AirPort Express. The next group of part numbers includes a pair of "D2" machines with prices above AU$2000 and AU$3000 respectively, and these parts could represent new 15-inch MacBook Pro models.
WWDC Banners Ever For The Last 10 Years [Photos]
Every year thousands of Apple developers flock to San Francisco to attend Apple’s World Wide Developers Conference to be educated in all things Apple. Over the past decade the conference has undergone some big changes as Apple has introduced products like the iPhone, Mac Pro, Intel Processors, Mac OS X operating systems, and much more. An event that used to be lightly attended has now become the most popular developers conference in the world and sold out within 2 hours this years.
Here’s a look at the banner images of WWDC over the past 10 years.
Apple announced OS X 10. 2 (Jaguar), QuickTime 6, and held a mock funeral for OS 9 to tell developers there would be no more Mac OS 9 development.
Step-by-step Tutorial: How to Untether Jailbreak iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch Using RedSn0w 0.9.12 (Windows) [iOS 5.1.1]
This is step-by-step instructions on how to perform untethered jailbreak of iOS 5.1.1 firmware using Absinthe 2.0 for Windows.
This tutorial works for:
- New iPad 3 (WiFi / CDMA / GSM)
- iPad 2 (WiFi / CDMA / GSM)
- iPad 1
- iPhone 4S
- iPhone 4 (GSM), iPhone 4 (CDMA)
- iPhone 3GS
- iPod Touch 4G
- iPod Touch 3G
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