
News tagged ‘app’

New iPhone 4S Ad with Samuel L. Jackson

Check out this new iPhone 4S ad that features Samuel L. Jackson using Siri.

Сэмюэл Лерой Джексон (Samuel Leroy Jackson) — американский актёр кино и телевидения, продюсер. Он известен по таким фильмакм, как «Тропическая лихорадка», «Славные парни», «Парк Юрского периода», «Крепкий орешек 3», «Звёздные войны», «Криминальное чтиво», «Добро пожаловать в Лэйквью» и многие другие. Джексон снялся более чем в 100 фильмах и завоевал множество наград на протяжении всей своей карьеры.


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Written by admin

Tuesday, April 17th, 2012. 17:37

Saurik Releases an Update to WinterBoard


Saurik has released an update to WinterBoard that includes numerous fixes and improvements.

WinterBoard lets you theme your iOS device to the way you want it to. Numerous theme packages can be found on Cydia or you can create your very own.

winterboard-ex winterboard-theme

What's New:

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Latest Mac trojan spreads through Microsoft Word documents


Kasperskky lab expert discovered that a new version of a backdoor trojan for Apple's OS X operating system takes advantage of an exploit in Microsoft Word to spread.

The new Mac-specific trojan, named "Backdoor.OSX.SabPub.a," uses a Java exploit to infect targeted machine. It spreads through Microsoft Word documents that exploit a vulnerability known as "CVE-2009-0563."  There are currently at least two variants of the "SabPub" trojan, which remains classified as an "active attack." It is expected that new variants of the bot will be released in the coming weeks, as the latest was created in March.

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Written by Svetlana Osipova

Monday, April 16th, 2012. 20:46

New iPad arrives to 21 more countries soon


Apple just published a press release that confirms the new iPad 3 will launch in 12 additional countries this Friday, April 20. Along with the 12 countries listed below, Apple confirmed an April 27 international launch date for nine more countries:

In addition to South Korea, the new iPad also will be available beginning on Friday, April 20 in Brunei, Croatia, Cyprus, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Malaysia, Panama, St Maarten, Uruguay and Venezuela. Beginning on Friday, April 27, the new iPad will be available in Colombia, Estonia, India, Israel, Latvia, Lithuania, Montenegro, South Africa and Thailand.

Official press release:

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Apple Reportedly Looking to Launch 'iPad Mini' Priced at $249-$299 in Q3


Chinese web portal NetEase claims that Apple plans to launch a smaller "iPad mini" in the third quarter of this year.

NetEase claimed that the device will be released around the third quarter of this year to "counter attack" the upcoming Windows tablets, although smaller Android tablets such as Amazon's Kindle Fire have also been viewed as targets for Apple. The report further claims that the devices will cost anywhere from US$249 to $299 and that there will be an initial 6 million units ready for launch.

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Apple releases Flashback removal tool


Apple on Friday released version 1.0 of its "Flashback malware removal tool" which will scan a user's computer and erase known iterations of the Trojan that some are calling the worst the Mac platform has ever seen.

About Flashback malware removal tool

  • This Flashback malware removal tool that will remove the most common variants of the Flashback malware.
  • If the Flashback malware is found, a dialog will be presented notifying the user that malware was removed.
  • In some cases, the Flashback malware removal tool may need to restart your computer in order to completely remove the Flashback malware.
  • This update is recommended for all OS X Lion users without Java installed.

600,000 Macs were reported to be infected by Flashback and connected in the botnet, which harvested personal information and web browsing logs from affected machines. The Trojan was first discovered last year and installed itself through the guise of an Adobe Flash installer. This version of the malware is able to install itself automatically after visiting an infected website.


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Written by Svetlana Osipova

Sunday, April 15th, 2012. 12:38

Sharp Has Started Mass Production Of IGZO Displays


According to IDG News, Sharp reports that it has started mass production of new high-resolution IGZO displays. Early rumors have suggested that Apple might include the IGZO displays in iPad 3, but due to some reasons the company elected not to do so.

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Written by maxim

Saturday, April 14th, 2012. 0:51

Apple expected to report sales of 33M iPhones, 12M iPads


Piper Jaffray analyst Gene Munster has recently announced his estimates of Apple sales for the first calendar quarter of the year 2012 ahead of the earnings call set for March 24.

Piper Jaffray analyst Gene Munster’s numbers differ from the average expectations on Wall Street. He expects the company sold 33 million iPhone that is a bit higher than the Street's forecast of 30.5 million handsets, while his forecast of 12 million iPads is slightly below the Street's 13 million. He also suggests Apple will report on 4.3 million Macs sold in the three-month span from January to March.

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Written by Svetlana Osipova

Friday, April 13th, 2012. 17:00

Apple improving iTunes account security with stricter requirements


Ars Technica reports that Apple has began asking users of iOS devices to select and answer some question related to their Apple IDs. Such measures were reportedly taken by the company to improve security of iTunes accounts.

After being shown the message, users are asked to select from a number of security questions and provide personal answers. Users are also prompted to provide a backup e-mail address in case the primary address associated with their Apple ID is compromised.

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Written by Svetlana Osipova

Friday, April 13th, 2012. 16:02

Intel Is Shipping Next-Gen Thunderbolt Controllers Ahead Of April 23 Ivy Bridge Launch


Last month CPU World reported that Ivy Bridge CPUs would launch between April 22 and April 29. Today Cnet and many other sources reports that Intel will start rollout on April 23. Many of the Ivy Bridge chips included in the first part of the launch will be suitable for desktop computers and MacBook Pros. However low-voltage U-Series models that will likely be used in the new MacBook Airs are expected in June.

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Written by maxim

Thursday, April 12th, 2012. 22:19

Watch How Foxconn Workers Assemble an iPad [Video]

Marketplace Shanghai Bureau Chief Rob Schmitz, the second reporter ever to gain access to the factory floor at Apple's Chinese producer Foxconn, has posted a video showing some steps of the iPad's production.

Schmitz was the reporter who revealed that Mike Daisey had falsified many of his stories about Foxconn and the visitors that work there. You can hear his full audio reports on your local public radio station or online at http://www.marketplace.org.

Check out the video below for a first look at Foxconn's assembly line:


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Written by admin

Thursday, April 12th, 2012. 16:58

U.S. Sues Several Publishers And Apple Over E-Book Pricing


According to Bloomberg, today the U.S. Department of Justice sued Apple and several book publishers over using agency model for e-book pricing. Reportedly, Apple and the publishers were unwilling to meet the demands of the Department of Justice.

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Written by maxim

Wednesday, April 11th, 2012. 21:20

Apple Developing Program To Remove Flashback Trojan Malware


Yesterday Apple issued a support document relating to the Flashback Trojan malware that infects OS X computers. Previously we detailed this malware that infects computers exploiting a Java vulnerability that Apple patched last week. Reportedly this program has affected more than 600,000 Mac computers around the globe.

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Written by maxim

Wednesday, April 11th, 2012. 13:24

Suppliers Pointing To iPhone 5 With 4-Inch Display And ‘Sleek Look’


Today analyst Brian White from Topeka Capital Markets has issued a new research report sharing new details about the iPhone 5 that he heard from Apple’s suppliers during his recent trip to Asia. According to the report (via Barron's) , White expects a new iPhone will have “sleek” look and a larger 4-inch screen:

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Apple Testing A5X Variant in Next-Generation iPhone Prototype


Apple is reportedly testing a prototype of next-generation iPhone hidden under the iPhone 4 casing. The next iPhone is said to not include the iPhone 4/4s form factor, and Apple is testing the prototype in older casing in order to throw off leaks. The prototype iPhone is used to test a variation of A5X processor in an iPhone. The A5X system-on-a-chip in the iPad 3 was specifically designed to run the new Retina Display, so that adding this chip in the next iPhone wouldn’t make much sense.

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