News tagged ‘test’
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WSJ claims iPhone 5 will not support WiMax/LTE
Right after Sprint iPhone 5 WiMax/LTE rumors here goes another one: the Wall Street Journal
The people said the device will work on 3G networks, which are broadly in use today and are the standard for the current iPhone 4. AT&T says its HSPA+ network has 4G-like speeds.
An A5 Powered iPhone Will Have Much Faster Graphics Performance
The most part of rumors about the next generation iPhone was focused on its external redesign. But the one thing we almost definitely sure in is that the next iPhone will have the much faster dual-core A5 processor with a much faster graphics processing unit (GPU). The A5 chip is implemented in the iPad 2 that was released in March. Apple claims that the graphics performance of the iPad 2 is up to nine times faster than the graphics performance of the original A4-powered iPad. The recent graphics performance benchmark tests, conducted by Anandtech, (see above) demonstrate how much faster A5's GPU as compared to the A4, suggesting how much faster will be iPhone powered by A5.
Apple leaks iPhone 4S in latest iTunes Beta
9to5Mac reports that Apple has leaked the iPhone 4S alongside a picture of the old design in its latest iTunes Beta:
Inside the latest iTunes beta is a specific mention of the "iPhone 4S." Along with the new iPhone name of "iPhone 4S" comes an image, and it is of a CDMA iPhone 4. Unless Apple still has the CDMA iPhone 4 as a placeholder image until the new iPhone is announced, we're fairly confident that the iPhone 4S will pack the CDMA iPhone design.
It's interesting that iTunes holds just two references to the iPhone 4S (black and white) while the iPhone 4 has four references two for CDMA and two for GSM devices. This once again proves rumors that iPhone 4S will be a dual standard world phone.
iPhone 5 prototype photos and videos has produced a physical prototype mockup of the future iPhone 5. They made it look like in the latest rumors. Everything is done from a solid block of aluminum.
A 3D computer model was created based on leaked CAD designs, hardware components, several leaked hints, cases and other believable mockups. This model was then used to build a very detailed, true prototype iPhone 5, that you can actually hold and feel in your hands.
This prototype width and height are 59.94 mm and 109.98 mm, compared to 115.2 mm x 58.6 mm dimentions of iPhone 4. The prototype is also a bit thinner than its predecessor. Teardrop style with a thickness of 6.86 mm at the top and only 5.33 mm at the bottom.
Here are photos of iPhone 5 Design Prototype compared to iPhone 3GS and iPhone 4:
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The secret of iPhone 5 design is revealed
M.I.C. Gadget is reporting that iPhone 5 prototype device was lost by Foxconn or possibly stolen. That is why there are lots of iPhone 5 cases in China today. The design could really be the final one since case manufacturers must be very certain to have shipped "thousands" of cases already. Producing a mold for silicone case costs tens of thousands of RMB (thousands of USD) and a mold for hard plastic cases costs even more.
A case supplier told that a device had gone missing from the Foxconn factory in the Shenzhen Futian district. The prototype was disguised in a case to make it look like the current device. It was apparently a test model with a finalized iPhone 5 teardrop chassis but only had slightly modified iPhone 4 internals.
The person who had access to the prototype wiped the phone's software, thus disabling the GPS hardware needed to track it down. It was then allegedly sold to one of the iPhone case manufacturers for RMB ¥20,000 (about $3,100). We were told that Foxconn was aware of the loss and had penalized internal management for the incident. We also heard from another source that the person who "lost" it was paid to do so.
We are very sure that one or more of these case manufacturers have access to what is believed to be the prototype of the iPhone 5 with the finalized design. It is not simply getting tipped on the dimensions and shapes of the next iPhone to make the molds.
By looking at iPhone 5 case photos one can say that the future iPhone 5 has teardrop desing. It is much thinner (33%) than iPhone 4, but a bit larger in height and width. The height of the case is 4.84 inches (12.3 cm), width - 2.72 inches (6.9 см). The dimensions of iPhone 4 are 4.5 x 2.31 x 0.37 inches (115.2 x 58.6 x 9.3 mm).
Take a look at the video, where this new iPhone 5 teardrop design case is compared to iPhone 4 and iPod Touch:
Here are the photos:
Epic Games’ Unreal Engine 3 Now Supports Mac Platform
After adding iPad, iPhone and iPod touch support to Unreal Engine 3, Epic Games
LaCie’s Little Big Disk Have Already Arrived At Apple Stores
After Apple and Intel made joint announcement of the new Thunderbolt input/output technology, one of the highly anticipated products to work with this technology has been the Little Big Disk from LaCie. This drive, which comes in SSD and HDD variants, in February was announced to be launched in summer, however only now it have eventually arrived at Apple Stores worldwide. LaCie notes:
RedSn0w 0.9.9b1: Major Update to Jailbreak Utility
MuscleNerd has announced via Twitter that jailbreak utility RedSn0w 0.9.9b1 is released with major update and numerous new features:
Major improvements and features added to redsn0w 0.9.9b1! See update #9 at Feedback: @redsn0w_testers
Indeed the list of new features is quite high. There are two main ones:
- There is no need to download firmware any more. There is no need to push Browse IPWS button any more (but you still can).
- Developers added lots of functionality to work with SHSH keys (extract, submit, download, verify, stitch etc)
However this new version does not bring features like untethered jailbreak for iOS 4.3.5 or iOS 5.
Due to some possible bugs we still recommend to use the old RedSn0w 0.9.8b7b, but the new 0.9.9b1 is worth seeing and playing with.
Here are links to our RedSn0w 0.9.8b7b iOS 4.3.5 jailbreak tutorials:
- Mac OS: iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPad 1, iPod Touch 3G, iPod Touch 4G
- Windows: iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPad 1, iPod Touch 3G, iPod Touch 4G
You can download RedSn0w 0.9.9b1 here:
Here is the full list of features from DevTeam:
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Apple Working on Allowing the Merging of Multiple Apple IDs
Apple is reportedly working on a process to merge multiple Apple IDs into a single login. Early developer testing of iOS 5 and iCloud have demonstrated that this issue was major.
TUAW described the problem back in July, and the answer at that time was that there was no way to consolidate Apple IDs:
Some readers have been managing two Apple IDs on purpose and are now frustrated about the fact that Apple is restricting logins for automatic downloads. Others have only just discovered that they have two IDs. Most of them have already contacted Apple, only to be given the same answer without exception: Apple will not consolidate Apple ID accounts.
MacRumors reader Robert emailed Apple CEO Tim Cook about the issue. Apple representative said that they understood the issue and that more people would run into the problem with iCloud, claiming that there is no way yet to combine accounts but revealed they are working on it.
Google Has Released Blogger App For iPhone And iPod Touch
A blog-publishing service Bloogger has become quite popular after Google bought it in 2003. However, the search company neglected the app for iOS until today, when this service debuted for iPhone as a
Potential First Released Photo Taken by an iPhone 5 claims that it has found a photo taken by the iPhone 5. The EXIF data shows that the shot was made by the iPhone 4, but the original size of the photo, before cropping, was nearly 8 megapixels. The iPhone 4’s camera resolution is 5 megapixels, so the shot touched off rumors that it was made by the iPhone 5. The original image was taken by an Apple engineer working on Safari and WebKit for iOS eating lunch at work.
This (very attractive) photo claims to have been taken by an iPhone 4, but the rest of its EXIF data tells a different story: although the image has been cropped to 2235x2291 (5.12 megapixels), the original picture was a much larger 3264x2448 -- or just shy of eight megapixels. What's more, the lens was recorded as a 4.3mm f/2.4, which is closer to that of a point-and-shoot than the iPhone 4's actual 3.85mm f/2.8.
iOS 5 with Nuance Speech Recognition Enabled in Carrier Testing
Voice input in Android
9to5Mac has reported that Apple seeded some mobile carriers with a “near-final” build of iOS 5 with the enabling of Nuance's Speech to Text as a system-wide service:
According to a source testing the feature, it works almost identically (video above) to the Android operating system’s speech-to-text feature. It’s also very polished, quick, and accurate said the source – which is obvious for being an Apple product but also is indicative of the product being nearly complete.
The special microphone button was already noticed in iOS 5. This allows users to dictate rather than type. It seems that Apple plans to release its Nuance speech recognition system alongside the public release of iOS 5 set for launch in this fall.
Digital Publishing Suite Will Support Newsstand For iOS 5
Today Adobe
Ultrabook Manufacturers Limiting Initial Shipments in Face of MacBook Air Popularity
Apple’s current generation of MacBook Air is very popular with customers. Apple sells up to 500,000 units per month. MacBook Air’s success has drawn the interest of “Ultrabook” models’ manufactures whose aim is to compete with the MacBook Air. Intel and Windows PC seem to test the waters, limiting initial shipments to a combined 50,000 units.
First-tier notebook brand vendors Acer, Lenovo, Toshiba and Asustek Computer, understanding that demand for notebooks is unlikely to recover in the fourth quarter, while Apple's products are taking up all the glory in the market, will limit their initial Ultrabook shipment volume to below 50,000 units for testing the water, according to sources from notebook makers.
Intel planed that Ultrabook pricing will start under $1000 but the company faces difficulties trying to bring costs to the point where they can compete with the MacBook Air.