News tagged ‘mobile’
Step-by-step Tutorial: How to (Un)Tether Jailbreak and Unlock iPhone 3GS Using RedSn0w 0.9.9b6 (Windows) [iOS 5]
This is step-by-step instructions on how to perform jailbreak of your iPhone 3GS on iOS 5 firmware using RedSn0w 0.9.9b6 for Windows.
If you need unlock Redsn0w will provide you with choice of updating your baseband to 06.15.
Important: If you need unlock and have 05.13 baseband or lower - do not update to Apple firmware, use RedSn0w or Sn0wBreeze to create custom firmware!
If you have iPhone 3GS with an old bootrom version 359.3, the jailbreak is untethered. If your device has bootrom version 359.3.2 and higher, jailbreak will be tethered. You can detect your bootrom version using this tutorial.
Tethered jailbreak means that each time you restart your device you will need to connect it to a computer and run redsn0w.
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Apple exploring 3D gestures to control devices from a distance
Apple is rumored to be interested in new ways of interacting with devices. The company is known to exploring hand gestures to navigate and control a video recording system without touching anything. As reported, apple filed a patent application entitled "Real Time Video Process Control Using Gestures." In the application they mentioned hand gestures that can be performed without touching the device, allowing to remotely control and editing video recordings on a mobile device. Moreover, a user can perform such gestures in either two or three dimensions. Such gestures could be registered through infrared sensors, optical sensors, or other methods
"As with the touch based gestures applied on or near the touch sensitive input device, the hand gestures can be interpreted to provide instructions for real time processing of the video by the video capture device," the filing reads.
Adobe Releases Carousel Apps For iOS And Mac
In early September, Adobe announced a new online service named
Apple Television Set Prototypes Reportedly 'In the Works'
Rumors of an Apple-branded television have been circulating for years, and now have revived after release of Steve Jobs’ authorized biography, where he claims that he finally “cracked” problem. Some analysts expect that Apple may release a new television set as soon as next year. Among the newly presented evidence is a claim that prototypes of the Apple television set are now "in the works".
- Based on Jan-11 meetings in Asia (not with component suppliers), we believe Apple is investing in manufacturing facilities and securing supply for LCD displays. These displays could range from 3.5" mobile displays to 50" television displays.
- More recently, in Sept-11 we met with a contact close to an Asian component supplier who indicated that prototypes of an Apple television are in the works.
Other evidence is several patents and patent applications filed by Apple that addressing the company's work into television-related technologies. Our expectations from Apple TV include integration with iCloud that would provide access to iTunes Store video content. Apple is believed could sell 1.4 million television sets at an average selling price of $1800 in 2012, ramping up to 4.3 million units by 2014 as costs drop to an average selling price of $1400.
Toshiba Introduced 6.1-Inch Display With 498 PPI Resolution
Apple has long promoted its high resolution Retina" display that was first released in the iPhone 4 with 326 ppi (pixels per inch) resolution. Later this display made its way to iPhone 4S and iPod touch, and now is set to be included in the iPad 3 with Apple planning to offer 2048 x 1536 resolution on the 9.7-inch screen. Toshiba has gone even further and yesterday
New Faster Sandy Bridge MacBook Pros Next Week
9to5Mac suggests that Apple may launch the new MacBook Pros next week.
With supplies only becoming more constrained, and with shipments already touching down in select countries, we think a launch next week is likely (between Tuesday and Thursday). That is, of course, if there are no unforeseen circumstances.
The new laptops are likely to have the same prices as current MacBook Pros. The new machines are said to be only a minor update and would probably take advantage of new Sandy Bridge processors released by Intel late this year. The new processors include Quad Core i7 processors with speeds of 2.4GHz, 2.5GHz and 2.7GHz, as well as a Dual Core i7 at 2.8GHz models. The most expectable candidates among processors that might be used for upgrade are Core i7-2840M, Core i7-2760QM, Core i7-2860QM (the top three in the list below). Apple is unable to use Core i7-2960XM due to problems with heating and is unlikely to use the mobile Celeron processor.
Apple to Stick with Samsung for A6 Chip Production After All
Last month, we heard rumors that Apple had signed an agreement with Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) for production of the next-generation A6 and A7 chips destined for future iOS devices. Samsung manufacture the A4 and A5 chips for Apple, but Apple seems to try to shift to TSMC because of difficult relations and legal battle between Apple and Samsung.
The Korea Times now reports that Apple will indeed primarily be sticking with Samsung for A6 production.
"Apple has been in talks with Samsung over shipment of its A6 quad-core mobile processor (AP) chips to be used in the next iPhone. It appears that Apple clearly has concluded that Samsung remains a critical business partner," an executive from an Apple parts supplier based in Korea said on condition of anonymity.
He said that Samsung has been increasing the output of the Apple-designed A6 chips in its manufacturing plant in Austin, Texas.
Instant Messaging App Verbs Is Now Available For iPad
When choosing the perfect instant messaging it is worth considering Verbs app. It is an instant messaging client that is now
Unlocked iPhone 4S will be available in November
Apple will start to sell the unlocked version of iPhone 4S in November. The price will be $649 for 16GB, $749 fro 32GB and $849 for 64GB model. This is less than prices in Europe.
Sprint Confirms Plans to Offer Unlimited Data for iPhone
Mobile carrier Sprint has confirmed rumors that it will start offering unlimited data plan for the iPhone when it launches on the carrier.
“We will be offering the benefit of our unlimited plans that start at just $69.99,” said spokeswoman Michelle Leff Mermelstein. Sprint’s $69.99 plan includes unlimited data and 450 voice minutes as well as unlimited mobile-to-mobile calling. Unlimited calling and data costs $99 a month.
The new iPhone 4S alongside 8 GB iPhone 4 are to debut on Sprint, AT&T and Verizon in the United States on Friday, October 14th. It seems that Sprint is indeed "very excited" to begin offering the iPhone, AllThingsD noted. Though, the mobile carrier has been quiet since yesterday.
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Samsung Will Seek To Ban iPhone 4S Sales In France And Italy
Implementing its plans to ban sales of Apple’s new iPhone over infringement of intellectual property, Samsung today has
“Samsung Electronics will file separate preliminary injunction motions in Paris, France and Milano, Italy on October 5 local time requesting the courts block the sale of Apple’s iPhone 4S in the respective markets”.
Samsung’s requests in Italy and France will refer to patent infringements connected with wireless telecommunications technology for 3G mobile devices. Also Samsung said that it plans to file the same requests in other countries after it reviews the situations.
Today’s statement from Samsung does not refer to the specific patents which iPhone 4S infringes, but it is possible that they are the same patents that already used by Samsung in a Dutch suit seeking the sales ban of iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPad and iPad 2.
Apple has claimed that patents cited by Samsung are essential for 3G wireless technologies and should be licensed under FRAND terms. Apple argued that Samsung has not offered it licensing under reasonable terms, and two companies has been unable to arrive at agreement on licensing of those patents.
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Apple's 'Let's Talk iPhone' Keynote Live Blog!

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Adobe Announced Six New Tablet Apps And Adobe Creative Cloud
Today at its
The Rocky Relationship Between Apple and Facebook
Apple relationship with Facebook always was rocky. We know that when Apple introduced Ping, Facebook denied Apple access to integrate two networks. This is one example from plethora of the same ones. Over weekend, Marshable posted an inside information on history of Apple and Facebook confrontation. As far as we know, Steve Jobs visited Mark Zuckerberg in order to discuss Facebook application for the iPad, and now it’s release is in doubt. Recent rumors have suggested that Facebook will be integrated in iOS 5, but it appears that Apple has been working on Facebook integration for a long time:
“A source familiar with the chain of the events attributes the Ping debacle to a disagreement over iOS 4. Apple had fully integrated Facebook into the iPhone and iPad’s operating system, and was ready to launch the mobile-social fusion when API negotiations broke down. Apple, lacking confidence in Facebook’s ability to build a great application, asked to build its own Facebook for iPhone app. Facebook responded with a firm no. Negotiations came to halt.”
Facebook made no mention of an iPad app at its annual F8 conference a couple of weeks ago. It seems that HP is the reason why Facebook has yet released its iPad app, according to Mashable. Zuckerberg had been promising Apple an iPad app while at the same time working on an official client for HP’s TouchPad tablet.
'iPhone 4S' 16GB, 32GB, 64GB Listings at Vodafone Germany
During past weeks, we have heard lots of reports of next generation iPhone models that appeared in various inventories. And now German website has reported that it found other prove of the iPhone 4S release. German mobile carrier , the Apple’s partner in Germany, Vodafone is now offering a bumper for the new smartphone on their website. The next-generation iPhone, the so-called iPhone 4S, is available in three capacities both in black and white colors as well as the black/white iPhone 4 8 GB. This particular screenshot (above) was made from the iPhone 4 Bumper Vodafone shop page which claims compatibility with all these devices. The Vodafone listings confirm our expectations of a lower cost 8GB iPhone 4, and three iPhone 4S models (16GB, 32 GB, 64 GB). However, tomorrow, on October 4th, Apple is hosting a media event and all rumors will be dispelled.