News tagged ‘Top 10’
Top 10 Stories of the Week
It’s Sunday now, the week nearly came to an end, so I guess it’s time to take a brief look at the most popular stories of the past seven days.
There were many events, but I don’t think it would be very smart of me to retell all of them in this short post. Instead of doing this, I’ve picked 10 most popular stories in case you haven’t yet read them and put these bits together for you to take a look. Enjoy!
iPhone 5s Ranks 3rd on Google’s Year-End Zeitgeist List
Apple’s iPhone 5s was
iTunes Radio Is Coming Right on Time
We all know that Apple will introduce iTunes Radio this fall along with iOS 7. And it seems to be just the right time for such a release. And here’s why.
iOS Devices Took 80% Of All Enterprise Activations In The First Quarter
According to Good Technology’s
China Surpasses U.S. In Terms Of Android And iOS Activations For The First Time
Mobile analytics company Flurry
“February, Flurry calculated that China surpassed the United States in monthly new iOS and Android device activations for the first time in history. China is now the world’s fastest growing smart device market”.
Apple's Mac App Store downloads top 100 million
On Monday Apple revealed that over 100 million downloads were made via its Mac App Store in less than one year of availability.
"In just three years the App Store changed how people get mobile apps, and now the Mac App Store is changing the traditional PC software industry," said Philip Schiller, Apple’s senior vice president of Worldwide Marketing. "With more than 100 million downloads in less than a year, the Mac App Store is the largest and fastest growing PC software store in the world."
There are now more than 500,000 applications in App Stores for iOS and the Mac that were downloaded more than 18 billion times. More than one billion applications are downloaded per month there. Noteworthy, Apple Stores helped developers achieved success with their applications. Here some comments from the developers whose applications are now available in the Mac App Store.
"The Mac App Store has unparalleled reach and has completely transformed our distribution and development cycle," said Saulius Dailide of the Pixelmator Team. "Offering Pixelmator 2.0 exclusively on the Mac App Store allows us to streamline updates to our image editing software and stay ahead of the competition."
Apple's 'Let's Talk iPhone' Keynote Live Blog!

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Millennium Media Has Ranked iPhone As A Top Mobile Phone Three Years Running
Advertising firm Millennial Media just issued its 50th
WWDC 2011 liveblog: iOS 5, OS X Lion, iCloud and more!
Apple Named World's Most Valuable Brand at $153 Billion
Marketing and advertising group WPP conducted its annual study of global brands and placed Apple at the top of the list of the most valuable brands for the first time. Brand values are calculated using an analysis of financial and market data alongside reports from analysts and surveys of over two million consumers around the globe. Apple checks in with a brand value of over $153 billion, up 84% over last year and well ahead of second-place Google, which had topped the survey for the previous four years, at $111 billion.
Apple Has Announced Top Apps of 2010
Today Apple has announced its year-end top lists for iTunes called "iTunes Rewind", which span music, TV shows, movies, podcasts, etc. The most interesting list in our sight is a list of apps.
So here are the four "award winners" for 2010:
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iPhone 4 No. 1, iPad No. 3 on Top 10 Obsessions of 2010
Yahoo! has placed the iPhone 4 on the top of obsessions of 2010 and the iPad is the number 3. Facebook came in at number 6. Though, the numbers are not a huge surprise. What is surprising is that the iPhone 4 became the first number after early controversy of the lost/stolen prototype and rumored “Antennagate”. Despite of all doubts the iPhone 4 is the most popular smartphones of the year in terms of sales and reviews.
iTunes 10 Now Available to Download
The next version of iTunes includes Ping, a social music discovery tool that allows users to follow friends and artists, helping customers to discover and share new music. The product is based on discovery, allowing users to see what their friends are listening to and what concerts they're going to. Users can choose to "follow" artists, as well as their friends, and iTunes will populate a customized top 10 list that represents what their friends are downloading. Users can also see concerts that are coming near them, and inform their friends that they will be attending.
iTunes 10 will also ship with a new logo, which Jobs joked reflects the fact that by next Spring, Apple is expected to surpass all CD sales in the U.S. The new iTunes logo dispenses of the CD that was previously featured, and only includes a musical note.
The 82mb file can be downloaded at
Adobe comments about "Flash on iPad"
The Wall St. Journal published a small article about Adobe Chief Executive Shantanu Narayen's talk at the Goldman Sachs technology conference this week. Adobe's CEO spoke on his view of why the iPad wasn't equipped to play Flash:
Narayen said Apple's decision likely had everything to do with its business model as it tries to keep a proprietary, closed system so everything goes through its iTunes store, and has nothing to do with the Flash technology. He said about 85 of the top 100 Web sites in the world use Flash, and 75% of the video on the Web today is in Flash, including Google Inc.'s (GOOG) YouTube, News Corp.'s (NWS) Hulu and broadcasters such as ABC and Fox.
Flash will be on every Android device sold at the end of the year. It will also be on Nokias, Palm Pres, Windows Mobile, Blackberries and just about anything else with an ARM Cortex processor. Not to mention 98% of all the Macs and PCs (and Windows/ChomeOS Tablets) throughout the world. It looks like Apple has it's own vision of what is good and bad for the business.
How Much Radiation Does Your iPhone Give Off?
The Environmental Working Group (
Apple’s iPhone 3G has a maximum SAR of 1.39 W/kg when held at the ear. You can compare that to the 1.19 W/kg SAR for the iPhone 3GS. The lower the SAR the safer the phone is. The best phone was the Samsung Impression which had a max radiation of just 0.35 W/kg.
“The FCC limit for the head (SAR of 1.6 W/kg) is just two-and-a-half times lower than the level that caused behavioral changes in animals (SAR of 4 W/kg),” says the representative. “Thus, the brain receives a high exposure, even though the brain may well be one of the most sensitive parts of human body … and should have more protection.”
Here is a list of EWG’s top 10 phones, based on low and high emissions: