News tagged ‘Operating system’
Apple's 'Let's Talk iPhone' Keynote Live Blog!

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The Rocky Relationship Between Apple and Facebook
Apple relationship with Facebook always was rocky. We know that when Apple introduced Ping, Facebook denied Apple access to integrate two networks. This is one example from plethora of the same ones. Over weekend, Marshable posted an inside information on history of Apple and Facebook confrontation. As far as we know, Steve Jobs visited Mark Zuckerberg in order to discuss Facebook application for the iPad, and now it’s release is in doubt. Recent rumors have suggested that Facebook will be integrated in iOS 5, but it appears that Apple has been working on Facebook integration for a long time:
“A source familiar with the chain of the events attributes the Ping debacle to a disagreement over iOS 4. Apple had fully integrated Facebook into the iPhone and iPad’s operating system, and was ready to launch the mobile-social fusion when API negotiations broke down. Apple, lacking confidence in Facebook’s ability to build a great application, asked to build its own Facebook for iPhone app. Facebook responded with a firm no. Negotiations came to halt.”
Facebook made no mention of an iPad app at its annual F8 conference a couple of weeks ago. It seems that HP is the reason why Facebook has yet released its iPad app, according to Mashable. Zuckerberg had been promising Apple an iPad app while at the same time working on an official client for HP’s TouchPad tablet.
LTE iPhone in 2012 with "materially improved user interface"
Scott Sutherland of Wedbush Securities issued updated projections for Apple predicting that the company would release an LTE device with an improved user interface in 2012. Barrons reports:
Sutherland expects the newest iPhone to debut in October, along with "an iPhone targeting emerging markets and an LTE iPhone in 2012 with a "materially improved user interface," without explaining any further. The iPad's competitors, moreover, will continue to struggle, he writes.
While Apple has made some improvements with its notifications center to iOS 5, the iPhone's basic interface has remained the same since the introduction of iOS. We doubt that 'material' improvements to the iPhone's operating system interface will be released anytime soon.
iOS 5 with Nuance Speech Recognition Enabled in Carrier Testing
Voice input in Android
9to5Mac has reported that Apple seeded some mobile carriers with a “near-final” build of iOS 5 with the enabling of Nuance's Speech to Text as a system-wide service:
According to a source testing the feature, it works almost identically (video above) to the Android operating system’s speech-to-text feature. It’s also very polished, quick, and accurate said the source – which is obvious for being an Apple product but also is indicative of the product being nearly complete.
The special microphone button was already noticed in iOS 5. This allows users to dictate rather than type. It seems that Apple plans to release its Nuance speech recognition system alongside the public release of iOS 5 set for launch in this fall.
Apple Loses Another iPhone Prototype at a Bar
CNET reported that Apple once again have lost another unreleased iPhone model in Sun Francisco. As CNET claims, the device was lost in July.
Apple representatives contacted San Francisco police, saying the device was priceless and the company was desperate to secure its safe return, the source said. Still unclear are details about the device, what version of the iOS operating system it was running, and what it looks like, the source said.
Rumors claim that Apple managed to electronically trace the phone and found it in a single-family home in San Francisco. Apples representatives and local police visited the house and spoke with a man in his twenties who was in Cava 22 then the device was lost. The police searched the house but didn’t find anything. Whether or not, Apple did not file a police report about the missing phone.
You probably remember that last year Apple lost a prototype of iPhone 4 at a bar near the company's headquarters. This device was sold to Gizmodo. Apple initiated legal action that ended just couples of days ago.
Mozilla Hopes Web Apps Will Soon Compete With Native Apps
Mozilla states that web apps will soon provide end users with a comparable to native apps experience and will represent better alternative for developers.
“We are aiming at providing all the necessary APIs to build a basic HTML5 phone experience within the next 3-6 months”
Adobe Products Are Partially Supported in Lion
The new OS X Lion includes not only many improvements but also side-effects. Adobe has found issues in new OS related to its applications and posted a list of them in knowledge base article last week. The list is rather long, but the main issue is the absence of hardware acceleration for Flash Player in new Lion.
Apple To Open 33 Stores In The Next 2 Months (
Apple Asks Developers for OS X Lion Mac App Store Submissions
The release of the Mac OS X Lion is nearing and Apple has just invited registered Mac developers to submit their applications for OS X Lion to Mac App Store. But it’s unclear how many apps the Review Team could manage to approve before the rumored Lion launch.
OS X Lion, the eighth major release of the world’s most advanced operating system, will soon be available to millions of Mac users around the world. Submit your Lion apps for review now so they can be on the Mac App Store when Lion ships this month.
OS X Lion provides developers with new features like full-screen mode, push notifications for apps, new Aqua controls including iPad-inspired popovers, auto-save and versions, as well as sandboxing and multi-touch gestures. Lion is expected to be released any day this week as Mac App Store exclusive.
Apple Seeded OS X Lion Golden Master To Developers
Apple released MAC OS X Lion Golden Master seed to developers in anticipation of its official release at some time this month. The download of Golden Master seed is available on the Mac Developer website. The number of the build is 11A511. Also, Apple released Developer Preview 7 seed of Xcode 4.1.
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HP Exploring Possibility Of Licensing WebOS And Samsung Is Said To Be Interested
According to Bloomberg’s report, HP is interested in licensing its mobile operating system webOS to other companies, which may open the door for yet another competitor in the tablet and smartphone market.
"We are talking to a number of companies," Apotheker, president of the company, stated in Beijing, refusing to give more details."I can share with you that a number of companies have expressed interest. We are continuing our conversations."
Microsoft’s Windows 8 Will Compete With The iPad 3
After Microsoft less than a year ago managed to catch up with Apple’s three year leading position and released up-to-date, multi-touch operating system in Windows Phone 7, it needs to do it again.
WWDC 2011 liveblog: iOS 5, OS X Lion, iCloud and more!
Apple to Unveil Next Generation Software at Keynote on June 6
Today Apple will present several new products during WWDC 2011 Keynote. Apple has officially published a press release describing what to expect. In short Steve Jobs will speak about iOS 5, new version of Mac OS X and new service iCloud.
Apple® CEO Steve Jobs and a team of Apple executives will kick off the company’s annual Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) with a keynote address on Monday, June 6 at 10:00 a.m. At the keynote, Apple will unveil its next generation software - Lion, the eighth major release of Mac OS® X; iOS 5, the next version of Apple’s advanced mobile operating system which powers the iPad®, iPhone® and iPod touch®; and iCloud®, Apple’s upcoming cloud services offering.
There will be no official video streaming. We will cover this event live here.
It will start in about 2 hours.
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Android and iOS Continue To Dominate In US Smartphone Market
comScore has released the results of its April survey (comScore surveyed over 30,000 mobile phone subscribers.) of mobile phone usage in the United States. Surpassing Research in Motion, Apple took the solid second place among smartphone platforms and now iOS holds 26.0% of market. Google’s Android leads the pack with 36.4% of the market, an increase of 5.2 percentage points over the three month period. Research in Motion's BlackBerry operating system has slipped to 25.7%. When looking at mobile phone manufacturers overall, Apple is now the fourth largest vendor with a share of 8.3% of the US market. Samsung remains number one with 24.5% of the market, followed by LG and Motorola.