News tagged ‘push’
This Thursday Apple Will Launch Two New Programs In Its Retail Stores
This Thursday, Apple will implement some interesting changes in its retail stores. These changes are self-check capability and expansion of the system allowing to pick-up online orders in Apple Stores. New features will be launched in the form of update to the
Pickup of standard items will be available in about 12 minutes after placing online orders. During this time system will send the order to the retail store and employees will set aside them for pickup. Customers can skip the line and just have to sign for the item and leave.
Engraved and build-to-order devices and other out-of-the stock products, will be shipped to the local Apple Store free of charge. Then the system will let you know the date of pickup and push notification in the App will inform you about arriving it to the store. The item will be available for pickup in 12 minutes after receiving the push notification.Apple expects that most customers will finally use in-store pickup system for buying products.
Another interesting feature that Apple is going to launch will streamline the retail experience at Apple Stores. Customers will be able to buy cheaper items, like cases, without even talking to an employee. That is how it will happen: after finding the product you want to buy, like a case, you open the Apple Store app that will offer an option to buy an item in the store. In the app you will scan the item with the camera of your device, click buy and the system will charge the credit card linked to your Apple ID.
Self Check Out and In-Store Pickup will launch on this Thursday worldwide.
Rumors: Apple ‘Questioning’ The Future Of Mac Pro Line
Last week it was reported that after pricing information on Intel's upcoming Sandy Bridge E processors surfaced, Apple’s potential options for Mac Pro line update in early 2012 began to clear up. Apple has not updated the Mac Pro line since mid-2010, and Intel’s delays in new processors have pushed their update out from this year to first quarter of 2012.
Step-by-step Tutorial: How to (Un)Tether Jailbreak and Unlock iPhone 3GS Using Sn0wBreeze 2.8b8 (Windows) [iOS 5]
UPDATE: use our Sn0wBreeze 2.8b10 tutorial here.
Using this tutorial you will be able to create a custom firmware, jailbreak and unlock iOS 5 running on iPhone 3GS. This tutorial uses Sn0wBreeze 2.8b8 for Windows.
If you have iPhone 3GS with an old bootrom version 359.3, the jailbreak is untethered. If your device has bootrom version 359.3.2 and higher, jailbreak will be tethered.
Sn0wBreeze will also preserve baseband version if you need carrier unlock.
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Step-by-step Tutorial: How to Tether Jailbreak and Unlock iPhone 4 Using Sn0wBreeze 2.8b8 (Windows) [iOS 5]
UPDATE: With the release of iOS 5.0.1, you might get troubles restoring to iOS 5.0. Don't worry, new sn0wbreeze is already available. Our tutorial for iOS 5.0.1 is available here.
Using this tutorial you will be able to create a custom firmware, tether jailbreak and unlock iOS 5 running on iPhone 4. This tutorial uses Sn0wBreeze 2.8b8 for Windows.
Sn0wBreeze will also preserve baseband version if you need carrier unlock.
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LG and Samsung Still Struggling with 'Retina' iPad 3 Display
CNET reports that LG Display and Samsung are still struggling for the opportunity to become supplier of displays for the iPad 3 that is rumored to be launched next year. Sources have claimed that Apple is planning a 2048 x 1536 display for the device, double that of the current iPad in each dimension.
But whether manufacturers can make them in volumes that Apple demands is the question. "They have production plans for 2,048x1,536 displays. Starting in November. But those are only plans at this point," said the source, referring to LG and Samsung.
"It's not a question of making just one. That, of course, can be done. The challenge is making lots of them," the source said. "This is a quantum leap in pixel density. This hasn't been done before."
Apple was said to plan the launch of the iPad 3 later this year, but it had to push the release back to 2012. The main problem for the company was display production.
Samsung Dethrones Apple As The Largest Smartphone Manufacturer in Q3 2011
According to
Apple's 'Let's Talk iPhone' Keynote Live Blog!

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French Newspapers Teamed Up To Negotiate With Apple
RedSn0w 0.9.9b1: Major Update to Jailbreak Utility
MuscleNerd has announced via Twitter that jailbreak utility RedSn0w 0.9.9b1 is released with major update and numerous new features:
Major improvements and features added to redsn0w 0.9.9b1! See update #9 at Feedback: @redsn0w_testers
Indeed the list of new features is quite high. There are two main ones:
- There is no need to download firmware any more. There is no need to push Browse IPWS button any more (but you still can).
- Developers added lots of functionality to work with SHSH keys (extract, submit, download, verify, stitch etc)
However this new version does not bring features like untethered jailbreak for iOS 4.3.5 or iOS 5.
Due to some possible bugs we still recommend to use the old RedSn0w 0.9.8b7b, but the new 0.9.9b1 is worth seeing and playing with.
Here are links to our RedSn0w 0.9.8b7b iOS 4.3.5 jailbreak tutorials:
- Mac OS: iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPad 1, iPod Touch 3G, iPod Touch 4G
- Windows: iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPad 1, iPod Touch 3G, iPod Touch 4G
You can download RedSn0w 0.9.9b1 here:
Here is the full list of features from DevTeam:
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RedSn0w jailbreak utility will have a major update soon
MuscleNerd, hacker from DevTeam, has announced via Twitter that a major update to RedSn0w is coming soon.
There will be no need to select an IPSW. Rather than requiring ipsw selection, RedSn0w will now automatically fetch the important pieces directly from Apple (and caches them so that it never needs to re-fetch them again). New version also brings the ability to save and submit SHSH Blobs to Cydia.
Will be pushing out a major redsn0w feature upgrade before my trip to Korea: (and look, no IPSW selection button!)
The new version of RedSn0w is expected to be released on Monday.
Check out the screenshots below:
Digital Publishing Suite Will Support Newsstand For iOS 5
Today Adobe
China Unicom and China Mobile Are Set To Launch Cheap iPhone Competitors
Apple’s sales in China are up sixfold and reached $3.8 billion in second quarter revenues. Chinese market remains largely untapped and Apple could increase iPhone sales there by reaching agreements with additional Chinese carriers. However until now Apple hasn’t succeeded in reaching the agreement with the largest wireless operator China Mobile, and the sole Apple’s carrier in this country remains China Unicom. Moreover,
Version 7 Of Parallels Desktop Has Launched For Lion
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Video overview of 30 popular Cydia tweaks
Here is a nice video overview of popular Cydia apps.
My personal top 30 Cydia tweaks of 2011. The tweaks chosen are both new and old, popular and unpopular. 30 is a big number so, I hope that most of you are able to find a tweak that you will enjoy having on your iPhone, iPod Touch, or iPad. The tweaks are my personal picks and we all will have our opinion. I know that there are allot of other awesome Cydia tweaks that I was unable to mention but, feel free to tell us about them in a video response or comment.
Cydia tweaks include: Tab+, Multiconmover, Infiniboard, Infinidock, SBSettings, Alphacon, Android Delete, Graviboard, Grid Lock, Animate Battery, Winterboard, Flipover, List Launcher, Cy Delete, Folder Enhancer, Pull to Refresh Safari, RetinaPad, Barrel, Camera Wallpaper, icon renamer, double tap to open, Pagenames, iSwipe, Stayopened, iTypeappleicon, retina app, icons, page pusher, Bytafont, AndroidLock XT, Insomnia
If you have never done jailbreak, you might want to try
Amazon Plans To Launch Tablets For “Hundreds Less” Than iPad
As New York Post