News tagged ‘Android’
Adobe Releases Carousel Apps For iOS And Mac
In early September, Adobe announced a new online service named
During Q3 Android Tablets Increased Their Market Share
Samsung Dethrones Apple As The Largest Smartphone Manufacturer in Q3 2011
According to
Samsung and Google Delay Android Handset Launch in Wake of Steve Jobs' Death
Samsung and Google announced that they would cancel a special event which is scheduled for Tuesday and at which the companies were going to introduce their new handset Nexus Prime. The particular feature of this smartphone is the brand new software, Google's latest "Ice Cream Sandwich" version of Android. Rumors immediately turned to the possibility that the companies postponed the launch in respect for Steve Jobs who passed away on October 5th.
Samsung and Google decide to postpone the new product announcement at CTIA Fall. We agree that it is just not the right time to announce a new product. New date and venue will be shortly announced.
AllThingsD has confirmed that speculations. The site claims that Samsung and Google did indeed cancel the event due to Jobs' death.
The decision to postpone things was made late last night at the top levels of both companies, sources said, with Jobs’ death being the reason. There are no delays with the product itself, sources insisted.
But Apple is not going to cancel its plans for the iPhone 4S, having started accepting pre-orders for the device.
Let's compare iPhone 4S with Samsung Galaxy S II, Motorola Droid Bionic and HTC Titan
We know that iPhone 4S is better than the iPhone 4, let's take a look at how Apple's latest smartphone compares to Android and Windows phones. Engadget compared iPhone 4S with Samsung Galaxy S II, Motorola Droid Bionic and HTC Titan. The first two are Android based, while the last one is Windows one.
Take a look at the results:
Apple's 'Let's Talk iPhone' Keynote Live Blog!

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Adobe Announced Six New Tablet Apps And Adobe Creative Cloud
Today at its
Amazon announced iPad killer: Kindle Fire
Today Amazon announced their tablet called Kindle Fire. It has 7" IPS display, custom android OS, weights 413g, has 8Gb of storage, Wifi. Unfortunately it does not have 3G. The price is attractive though - $199. Shipments start November 15.
We are not sure that this device can be a real iPad killer. However it will definitely compete with other Android tablets, like Blackberry Playbook, HP Touchpad and others.
More specs:
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Microsoft And Samsung Enter Into Cross-Licensing Agreement
Apple has been denied trademark for Multi-Touch
The United States Patent and Trademark Office has denied an Apple’s application for a trademark on the term Multi-Touch, applied by the company on January 9, 2007, the day the iPhone was introduced. Receiving deny, Apple appealed to the Appeal Board. The board also refused to grant the trademark, noting that the term "multitouch" has taken on generic meaning, being used by a wide variety of publications to describe the touchscreen technology on Android phones, tablets, and notebooks.
Thus, from the foregoing, we find that “multi-touch” not only identifies the technology, but also describes how a user of the goods operates the device. Based on the evidence discussed above, as well as other evidence in the record, we agree with the examining attorney that MULTI-TOUCH indeed is highly descriptive of a feature of the identified goods. We now consider whether applicant has submitted sufficient evidence to establish acquired distinctiveness of this highly descriptive term.
iPad Will Be Absolute Leader In Sales During Holiday Shopping Season
Research firm Gartner has published
“This is because Apple delivers a superior and unified user experience across its hardware, software and services. Unless competitors can respond with a similar approach, challenges to Apple’s position will be minimal. Apple had the foresight to create this market and in doing that planned for it as far as component supplies such as memory and screen”.
Gartner has lowered its estimates for sales of Android tablets in 2011 by 28% over second quarter’s projections, noting very weak adoption due to its interface issues, high prices and limited app availability.
The company expects that Android will see growth as Google releases its next-generation Android’s "Ice Cream Sandwich" and addresses fragmentation across the Android ecosystem. However, according to Gartner's sales forecasts, Android tablets will not catch up the iPad by the end of projection period of 2015.
iPhone Users Demonstrate Strong Loyalty with Planned Retention Rate of 89%
Investment research firm UBS conducted a study of 515 iPhone and Android users in order to judge consumer loyalty based on whether they plan to make their next purchase from the same manufacturer as their current handset. 89% of iPhone users report that they will purchase another iPhone. For other vendors such percent is falling rapidly. The second place was taken by HTC with 39% and the third one – by Samsung with 28%. Android phones in general are at 55 percent. 31% of Android users plan to switch to iPhone. Only 33% of current BlackBerry users planning to purchase another BlackBerry, down from 62% a year and a half ago. In overall 50% users of smartphone plan to move to Apple and only 10% of iPhone users prefer to stitch from Apple. The survey may not be terribly accurate due to a small sample size, but it helps understand market trends, demonstrating high loyalty of iPhone users.
Improved Flash Player 11 And AIR 3 Will Launch Next Month
Today Adobe announced in a
Apple Seeking To Block Sales Of Samsung’s Devices In Japan
According to
"Apple has filed a suit with the Tokyo District Court seeking the suspension of sales of Galaxy S and its sequel S II smartphones and the Galaxy Tab 7 in Japan, according to sources close to the matter. The first hearing was held on Wednesday, the source said".
iOS 5 with Nuance Speech Recognition Enabled in Carrier Testing
Voice input in Android
9to5Mac has reported that Apple seeded some mobile carriers with a “near-final” build of iOS 5 with the enabling of Nuance's Speech to Text as a system-wide service:
According to a source testing the feature, it works almost identically (video above) to the Android operating system’s speech-to-text feature. It’s also very polished, quick, and accurate said the source – which is obvious for being an Apple product but also is indicative of the product being nearly complete.
The special microphone button was already noticed in iOS 5. This allows users to dictate rather than type. It seems that Apple plans to release its Nuance speech recognition system alongside the public release of iOS 5 set for launch in this fall.