News tagged ‘Maps’
Apple next-generation iPad liveblog
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Apple Patent Describes Multi-User Face Detection System
Like the controversial face unlock functionality in Google’s Galaxy Nexus, a new Apple’s patent application points out that the company is developing similar but more sofisticated face detection solution. As PatentlyApple reports, Apple said that these user detection system could be included in a future MacBook, iPad, iPod touch and iPhone.
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Evernote Released Skitch For iPad
In mid-August Evernote
Apple rumored to issue iOS 5.0.2 for battery woes, iOS 5.1 with Siri additions
German site Macerkopf reports that Apple is working on two software updates for iOS 5 to fix battery issues and to add new features to Apple’s voice recognition assistant Siri. Macerkopf tells us:
iOS 5.0.2 coming very soon, solving the battery bugs. Should arrive before the end of next week. Apple is working hard on the update. In addition Apple is working on the first big iOS 5 Update (iOS 5.1), bringing some Siri-extensions. Also the Siri hardware-control is in work "take a picture", "make a video", "switch on/off WiFi", "switch on/off BT" and more.
The new update will be iOS 5.0.2 and is expected to be released next week to address continued battery life issues even after last week's release of iOS 5.0.1 that was also targeted at solving battery issues. But there are still no signs of developer testing for an iOS 5.0.2. The other update Apple is working on to improve Siri functionality on the iPhone 4S will be probably dubbed iOS 5.1. The update seems to be released earlier next year. Apple may add new languages and expansion of maps and local search to new countries in the update.
Retina Display for iPad 3 would enable precision required for pilots, doctors
The iPad 3 with Retina display will unlock very valuable capabilities for professionals, for example, for pilots who use tablet for electronic charts and doctors who use it for medical imaging. Many airlines replaced conventional flight bags weighing 40 pounds or more with light-weight iPad. But the iPad is not allowed to be used further than a 50-mile radius of the originating and destination airports, because the charts are quite complex to be displayed on any electronic device.
While "about 75 to 80 percent of a flight is done using the autopilot, in conjunction with the flight management system," according to Flight Safety Foundation executive vice president Kevin Hiatt, the ability to use an electronic device to navigate highly complex flight maps could be expanded with the additional resolution in a "Retina Display" iPad.
And this is only one example how the iPad 3 with Retina display might be used. Other professionals would similarly benefit from such a doubling improvement in resolution of 2048 x 1536 pixels.
In Addition To 3D Maps, C3 Technologies Also Offers Interior And Street Views
Earlier we reported that Apple bought 3D mapping company C3 Technologies. Much of the early demo videos showed the ability of C3 to create realistic 3D maps, but the firm had also been creating both interior views and street views prior to its acquisition.
New iPhone 4S Ads: iCloud, Siri and Camera
Apple released three new advertisements for the iPhone 4S.
The first one is called iCloud and shows the out of the box iCloud integration for the iPhone 4S:
Intel Chip Delays Suggest No New Mac Pro Until at Least Early 2012
Mac Pro users have been long awaiting updated models from Apple, but their hopes seem not to come true this year. In early September Intel reported that it was planning to launch new Sandy Bridge E processors and their Xeon E5 equivalents suitable for the Mac Pro on November 15th. But now the company has postponed release of its chips to early 2012, having dashed hopes for an updated Mac Pro.
In September, during Intel Developer Forum event in San Francisco, new information came to light implying that Xeon E5 launch is postponed until the first quarter 2012. Indeed, according to the latest Intel roadmaps, all Xeon E5 processors are going to be delayed by one quarter.
Apple will likely to adapt the Xeon E5-2600 series processors (likely, the E5-2620, E5-2650 and E5-2670) in the next Mac Pros, offering options of 12 or 16 cores.
Apple's 'Let's Talk iPhone' Keynote Live Blog!

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Apple Confirms: Media Event on October 4th
Apple has reportedly sent out invitations for a media event set for October 4th. As far as we know the event will take place at Apple’s headquarters in Cupertino. If you look at the invitation posted above, it becomes clear that this media event will obviously focus on the next-generation iPhone - the tagline for the banner is “Let’s talk iPhone”. The invitation also includes four Apple’s applications: Calendar, Clock, Maps, and Phone. We suggest that all applications may be connected with the new system of voice recognition that Apple is focusing on now – Assistant that is waited to appear on the iPhone 5.
Apple is expected to unveil two iPhone's during this media event. The next iPhone 5 is rumored to feature the company’s A5 processor, 1 GB of RAM and a 8-megapixel camera, iOS 5 with iCloud integration. The iPhone 4S is expected to be a low-price smartphone.
The event will begin October 4th at 10:00 am PT.
Apple Filed A Patent About Maps Services With Augmented Reality
For long Apple has been actively working on creation of its own map service – we repeatedly heard that Apple hired leading specialists in that field and acquired companies developing such services: in 2009 and 2010 Apple bought well-known companies in this field Placebase and Poly 9. In addition, Apple has actively recruited specialists in its “Geo Team”, who could take their Maps app to the higher level.
Apple New Patent Applications: Pico Projectors And 'Schematic Maps'
A couple of new patent application from Apple published today is gaining some attention. The first
Pilots Allowed To Use iPad Instead Of Papers
The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration has allowed airlines to use the iPad instead of flight bags, which in turn will help pilots to save more paper, money and time.
WWDC 2011 liveblog: iOS 5, OS X Lion, iCloud and more!
Apple develops location-aware iPhone alert system
This week AppleInsider
The system would reportedly use its user's calendar events and GPS in order to determine how much time it will be required for the person to travel to the scheduled event and alert him about that.
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