News tagged ‘GPS’
Step-by-step Tutorial: How to Untether Jailbreak and Unlock iPhone 3GS Using RedSn0w 0.9.10 (Windows) [iOS 5.0.1]
UPDATE: Apple released iOS 5.1 that is only tethered jailbreakable with redsn0w. Apple has stopped signing iOS 5.0.1, so you can NOT restore to 5.0.1 any more (both original and custom), unless you have saved your SHSH keys for 5.0.1. If you are on 5.0.1 you can jailbreak with redsn0w.
This is step-by-step instructions on how to perform untethered jailbreak of your iPhone 3GS on iOS 5.0.1 firmware using RedSn0w 0.9.10 for Windows.
Untethered jailbreak means that each time you restart your device you will NOT need to connect it to a computer and run utilities.
Important: If you need unlock and have 05.13 baseband or lower - do not update to Apple firmware, use RedSn0w or Sn0wBreeze to create custom firmware!
If you need unlock Redsn0w will provide you with choice of updating your baseband to 06.15. If you have new iPhone 3GS that was made after 35 week of 2011 upgrading modem will not help to unlock.
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Next iPhone 5 is real and referenced in iOS 5.1
We have already found two new iPads and the next-generation Apple TV codenames tonight. Now we are are ready to something big. Here is, perhaps, the most important find of all: iPhone 5,1. That's right, the next version of the iPhone is has been found in iOS 5.1 internals.
This codename also tells us that iPhone 5 would be a major update. New 4,x model would represent minor changes. For example, the iPhone 3G went from the original iPhone 1,1 to 1,2 because there were no internal speed and performance enhancements, just 3G and a GPS.
The jump from 4,1 to 5,1 represents major changes, both internal and external. This means the iPhone 5/6 will have a brand-new processor, probably A6. Rumored additions for externals are a 4 inch display and a new aluminum casing. Since Apple just released the iPhone 4S in October 2011, we should not expect iPhone 5 anytime soon. New iPhone will come next October or maybe in the summer. With the 5,1 reference appearing this early, we like to think the latter.
Step-by-step Tutorial: How to (Un)Tether Jailbreak and Unlock iPhone 3GS Using RedSn0w 0.9.9b8 (Windows) [iOS 5.0.1]
This is step-by-step instructions on how to perform jailbreak and unlock of your iPhone 3GS on iOS 5.0.1 firmware using RedSn0w 0.9.9b8 for Windows.
If you need unlock Redsn0w will provide you with choice of updating your baseband to 06.15. If you have new iPhone 3GS that was made after 35 week of 2011 upgrading modem will not help to unlock.
Important: official ultrasn0w unlock is not yet ready for iOS 5.0.1. You will need to wait for ultrasn0w update. For now only jailbreak! There is a workaround described here.
Important: If you need unlock and have 05.13 baseband or lower - do not update to Apple firmware, use RedSn0w or Sn0wBreeze to create custom firmware!
Tethered jailbreak means that each time you restart your device you will need to connect it to a computer and run redsn0w.
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Step-by-step Tutorial: How to (Un)Tether Jailbreak and Unlock iPhone 3GS Using Sn0wBreeze 2.8b11 (Windows) [iOS 5.0.1]
Using this tutorial you will be able to create a custom firmware, jailbreak and unlock iOS 5.0.1 running on iPhone 3GS. This tutorial uses Sn0wBreeze 2.8b11 for Windows.
If you have iPhone 3GS with an old bootrom version 359.3, the jailbreak is untethered. If your device has bootrom version 359.3.2 and higher, jailbreak will be tethered. You can detect your bootrom version using this tutorial.
Sn0wBreeze will also preserve baseband version if you need carrier unlock. It can also update your modem version to 06.15 if you need unlock and stuck with 05.14 or higher baseband. If you have new iPhone 3GS that was made after 35 week of 2011 upgrading modem will not help to unlock.
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Step-by-step Tutorial: How to (Un)Tether Jailbreak and Unlock iPhone 3GS Using Sn0wBreeze 2.8b10 (Windows) [iOS 5]
UPDATE: With the release of iOS 5.0.1, you might get troubles restoring to iOS 5.0. Don't worry, new sn0wbreeze is already available. Our tutorial for iOS 5.0.1 is available here.
Using this tutorial you will be able to create a custom firmware, jailbreak and unlock iOS 5 running on iPhone 3GS. This tutorial uses Sn0wBreeze 2.8b10 for Windows.
If you have iPhone 3GS with an old bootrom version 359.3, the jailbreak is untethered. If your device has bootrom version 359.3.2 and higher, jailbreak will be tethered. You can detect your bootrom version using this tutorial.
Sn0wBreeze will also preserve baseband version if you need carrier unlock. It can also update your modem version to 06.15 if you need unlock and stuck with 05.14 or higher baseband.
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Jailbreak & Unlock tutorials and FAQ
UPDATE: Apple released new iOS versions and has stopped signing all other firmwares, including iOS 6.1.2 and iOS 5.1.1. This means you can NOT restore to 6.1.2/5.1.1/4.3.3 and others any more (both original and custom), unless you have saved your SHSH keys for it.
If you have decided to perform an untethered jailbreak and unlock, you need to get the following information:
- What type of device do you have (iPhone 3G/3GS/4, iPod Touch 3G/4G, iPad 1/2, Apple TV)?
- Do you need unlock (if your iPhone locked to one carrier and you want to use it with another)?
The answer is NO, if the device is not iPhone, if it was purchased as factory unlocked and can be used with any cellular carrier (f.e. in Canada, France, etc).
If the answer is YES, you need to find out your modem version (Setting-General-About-Modem). - What firmware version do you have? Take a look at Setting-General-About-Version. For example it could be iOS 4.3.3.
- What operating system do you use on your desktop (Windows, Mac OS)?
How to perform jailbreak, when you do NOT need an unlock
For iPhone 3G the latest is iOS 4.2.1. You can perform jailbreak with any utility. For iOS 4.2.1 you can also use them or GreenPois0n (Windows, Mac OS).
iPad 2 jailbreak is available for iOS 4.3.3 via JailbreakMe and iOS 5.0.1 / iOS 5.1.1 via Absinthe, iOS 6.0-6.1.2 and iOS 7.0-7.0.4 via Evasi0n, iOS 7.1-8.1 via Pangu, iOS 8.1.1-8.4 via TaiG, untethered iOS 9.0-9.0.2 via Pangu9.
iPad 3 jailbreak is available for iOS iOS 5.1.1 via Absinthe, iOS 6.0-6.1.2 and iOS 7.0-7.0.4 via Evasi0n, iOS 7.1-8.1 via Pangu, iOS 8.1.1-8.4 via TaiG, untethered iOS 9.0-9.0.2 via Pangu9.
iPhone 4S jailbreak is available for iOS 5.0 / iOS 5.0.1 / iOS 5.1.1 via Absinthe, iOS 6.0-6.1.2 and iOS 7.0-7.0.4 via Evasi0n, iOS 7.1-8.1 via Pangu, iOS 8.1.1-8.4 via TaiG, untethered iOS 9.0-9.0.2 via Pangu9.
iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPod Touch 3G, iPod Touch 4G, iPad jailbreak is untethered for iOS 5.1.1 and iOS 6.0-6.1.4.
iPhone 5/5C/5S/6/6plus, iPad 4, iPod Touch 5G jailbreak is untethered for iOS 6.0-6.1.2 and iOS 7.0-7.0.4 via Evasi0n, untethered for iOS 7.1-8.1 via Pangu, iOS 8.1.1-8.4 via TaiG, untethered iOS 9.0-9.0.2 via Pangu9.
iPhone 6S / 6S+ / 6 / 6+ jailbreak is untethered for iOS 8.1.1-8.4 via TaiG, untethered iOS 9.0-9.0.2 via Pangu9.
iPad Mini / Mini 2 / Mini 3 / Mini 4 / Air / Air 2 jailbreak is untethered for iOS 7.0-7.0.4 via Evasi0n, untethered for iOS 7.1-8.1 via Pangu, iOS 8.1.1-8.4 via TaiG, untethered iOS 9.0-9.0.2 via Pangu9.
iOS 4.3.3
Apple stopped signing iOS 4.3.3, so you cannot update to iOS 4.3.3 without SHSH keys saved (in advance some time ago). If you have iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPad 1, iPod Touch 3G or iPod Touch 4G that run iOS 4.3.3 - use JailbreakMe or RedSn0w to untether jailbreak your device.
If you have saved SHSH keys for iOS 4.3.3 you can use PwnageTool (Mac OS) or Sn0wBreeze (Windows).
iOS 4.3.4/4.3.5
For iOS 4.3.4/4.3.5 only tethered jailbreak is possible with redsn0w. Tethered means that each time you restart your device you will have to connect it to a computer and run redsn0w. The untethered iOS 4.3.5 jailbreak is possible only for iPhone 3GS with old bootrom. You can detect your bootrom version using this tutorial.
iOS 5
To jailbreak and unlock iOS 5 use latest version of redsn0w 0.9.9 or sn0wbreeze 2.8. You can jailbreak tethered or semi-tethered.
The untethered iOS 5 jailbreak is possible only for iPhone 3GS with old bootrom. You can detect your bootrom version using this tutorial.
iOS 5.0.1
For iPhone 4/3GS, iPad 1, iPod Touch 3G/4G an untethered jailbreak is available for iOS 5.0.1. For untethered jailbreak use the latest redsn0w 0.9.10 or Corona - package from Cydia to untether currently installed tethered jailbreak.
Tutorial how to untether installed tethered jailbreak is available here.
For iPhone 4S and iPad 2 use Absenthe.
For tethered iOS 5.0.1 jailbreak you an use redsn0w 0.9.9 and sn0wbreeze 2.8.
iOS 5.1
For now only tethered jailbreak is available for iPhone 4/3GS, iPad 1 and iPod Touch 3G/4G for iOS 5.1.
iOS 5.1.1
You can do an untethered jailbreak for iPhone 4S, iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPad 3, iPad 2, iPad 1, iPod Touch 3G, iPod Touch 4G and Apple TV2G.
Use Absinthe 2.0.4 or RedSn0w 0.9.12 (for all iPhones, iPods and iPads), Sn0wBreeze 2.9.5 (for all A4 devices) and Seas0npass (for Apple TV 2G).
Tutorial how to untether installed tethered jailbreak is available here.
iOS 6.0-6.1.2
Untethered jailbreak is available for all devices with iOS 6.0 - iOS 6.1.2. It is called Evasi0n.
iOS 6.1.3-6.1.5
Tethered jailbreak is available for old devices (iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPod Touch 4) and Cydia package to make it intethered.
iOS 7.0 - 7.0.4
Untethered jailbreak is available for all devices with iOS 7.x, including iPhone 5S/5C and iPad Air. Utility is called Evasi0n 7.
iOS 7.1 - 7.1.2
Untethered jailbreak is available for all devices with iOS 7.x, including iPhone 5S/5C and iPad Air. Utility is called Pangu.
iOS 8.0 - 8.1
Untethered jailbreak is available for all devices with iOS 8.x, including iPhone 5S / 5C / 6 / 6+ and iPad Air /Air 2 / Mini / Mini 2 / Mini 3. Utility is called Pangu8.
iOS 8.1.1 - 8.4
Untethered jailbreak is available for all devices with iOS 8.0-8.1.2 including iPhone 5S / 5C / 6 / 6+ and iPad Air /Air 2 / Mini / Mini 2 / Mini 3. Utility is called TaiG.
iOS 9.0 - 9.0.2
Untethered jailbreak is available for all devices with iOS 9.0-9.0.2 including iPhone 6S / 6S+ / 6 / 6+ / 5S / 5C / 6 / 6+ and iPad Air /Air 2 / Mini / Mini 2 / Mini 3. Utility is called Pangu9.
You can download all firmwares here.
Here are our step-by-step tutorials that will guide you through the jailbreak process:
iPhone 5S / 5C / 6 / 6+
UnTethered jailbreak iOS 8.0 - iOS 8.3:
UnTethered jailbreak iOS 8.0 - iOS 8.1:
UnTethered jailbreak iOS 7.1 - iOS 7.1.2:
UnTethered jailbreak iOS 7.0 - iOS 7.0.4:
iPhone 5
UnTethered jailbreak iOS 8.0 - iOS 8.3:
UnTethered jailbreak iOS 8.0 - iOS 8.1:
UnTethered jailbreak iOS 7.1 - iOS 7.1.2:
UnTethered jailbreak iOS 7.0 - iOS 7.0.4:
UnTethered jailbreak iOS 6.0 - iOS 6.1.2:
iPhone 4S
UnTethered jailbreak iOS 8.0 - iOS 8.3:
UnTethered jailbreak iOS 8.0 - iOS 8.1:
UnTethered jailbreak iOS 7.1 - iOS 7.1.2:
UnTethered jailbreak iOS 7.0 - iOS 7.0.4:
UnTethered jailbreak iOS 6.0 - iOS 6.1.2:
UnTethered jailbreak iOS 5.1.1
UnTethered jailbreak iOS 5.0 / iOS 5.0.1:
iPhone 4
UnTethered jailbreak iOS 7.0 - iOS 7.0.4:
UnTethered jailbreak iOS 7.0 - iOS 7.0.4:
UnTethered jailbreak iOS 6.0 - iOS 6.1.2:
Tethered jailbreak iOS 6.0.1
Tethered jailbreak iOS 6
UnTethered jailbreak iOS 5.1.1
Tethered jailbreak iOS 5.1.1:
Tethered jailbreak iOS 5.1:
UnTethered jailbreak iOS 5.0.1:
- RedSn0w (Windows)
- Custom firmware using RedSn0w
- Custom firmware using Sn0wBreeze (Windows)
- Custom firmware using PwnageTool (Mac)
Semi-Tethered jailbreak iOS 5:
Tethered jailbreak iOS 4.3.5:
UnTethered jailbreak iOS 4.3.3:
- RedSn0w (Windows)
- RedSn0w (Mac OS)
- PwnageTool (Mac OS)
- Sn0wBreeze (Windows)
- JailbreakMe (works without a computer)
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Step-by-step Tutorial: How to (Un)Tether Jailbreak and Unlock iPhone 3GS Using RedSn0w 0.9.9b5 (Mac OS) [iOS 5]
This is step-by-step instructions on how to perform jailbreak of your iPhone 3GS on iOS 5 firmware using RedSn0w 0.9.9b6 for Mac OS X.
If you need unlock Redsn0w will provide you with choice of updating your baseband to 06.15.
Important: If you need unlock and have 05.13 baseband or lower - do not update to Apple firmware, use RedSn0w or Sn0wBreeze to create custom firmware!
If you have iPhone 3GS with an old bootrom version 359.3, the jailbreak is untethered. If your device has bootrom version 359.3.2 and higher, jailbreak will be tethered. You can detect your bootrom version using this tutorial.
Tethered jailbreak means that each time you restart your device you will need to connect it to a computer and run redsn0w.
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Step-by-step Tutorial: How to (Un)Tether Jailbreak and Unlock iPhone 3GS Using RedSn0w 0.9.9b6 (Windows) [iOS 5]
This is step-by-step instructions on how to perform jailbreak of your iPhone 3GS on iOS 5 firmware using RedSn0w 0.9.9b6 for Windows.
If you need unlock Redsn0w will provide you with choice of updating your baseband to 06.15.
Important: If you need unlock and have 05.13 baseband or lower - do not update to Apple firmware, use RedSn0w or Sn0wBreeze to create custom firmware!
If you have iPhone 3GS with an old bootrom version 359.3, the jailbreak is untethered. If your device has bootrom version 359.3.2 and higher, jailbreak will be tethered. You can detect your bootrom version using this tutorial.
Tethered jailbreak means that each time you restart your device you will need to connect it to a computer and run redsn0w.
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Now iPhone 4S Supports Not Only Assisted GPS, But Also GLONASS
Apple has quietly updated iPhone 4S
Apple released Cards app for iOS
Apple has released new iOS app for mailing post cards right from your iPhone. The Cards app, according to Apple:
The new Cards app from Apple lets you create and mail beautifully crafted cards personalized with your own text and photos — right from your iPhone or iPod touch. Take a quick snapshot and with a few taps and swipes, an elegant letterpress card is on its way to any address in the world. Each card is just $2.99 when sent within the U.S. and $4.99 when sent to or from anywhere else. And that includes postage.
The Cards app is available free of charge from the App Store
Let's compare iPhone 4S with Samsung Galaxy S II, Motorola Droid Bionic and HTC Titan
We know that iPhone 4S is better than the iPhone 4, let's take a look at how Apple's latest smartphone compares to Android and Windows phones. Engadget compared iPhone 4S with Samsung Galaxy S II, Motorola Droid Bionic and HTC Titan. The first two are Android based, while the last one is Windows one.
Take a look at the results:
Apple's 'Let's Talk iPhone' Keynote Live Blog!

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The secret of iPhone 5 design is revealed
M.I.C. Gadget is reporting that iPhone 5 prototype device was lost by Foxconn or possibly stolen. That is why there are lots of iPhone 5 cases in China today. The design could really be the final one since case manufacturers must be very certain to have shipped "thousands" of cases already. Producing a mold for silicone case costs tens of thousands of RMB (thousands of USD) and a mold for hard plastic cases costs even more.
A case supplier told that a device had gone missing from the Foxconn factory in the Shenzhen Futian district. The prototype was disguised in a case to make it look like the current device. It was apparently a test model with a finalized iPhone 5 teardrop chassis but only had slightly modified iPhone 4 internals.
The person who had access to the prototype wiped the phone's software, thus disabling the GPS hardware needed to track it down. It was then allegedly sold to one of the iPhone case manufacturers for RMB ¥20,000 (about $3,100). We were told that Foxconn was aware of the loss and had penalized internal management for the incident. We also heard from another source that the person who "lost" it was paid to do so.
We are very sure that one or more of these case manufacturers have access to what is believed to be the prototype of the iPhone 5 with the finalized design. It is not simply getting tipped on the dimensions and shapes of the next iPhone to make the molds.
By looking at iPhone 5 case photos one can say that the future iPhone 5 has teardrop desing. It is much thinner (33%) than iPhone 4, but a bit larger in height and width. The height of the case is 4.84 inches (12.3 cm), width - 2.72 inches (6.9 см). The dimensions of iPhone 4 are 4.5 x 2.31 x 0.37 inches (115.2 x 58.6 x 9.3 mm).
Take a look at the video, where this new iPhone 5 teardrop design case is compared to iPhone 4 and iPod Touch:
Here are the photos:
More Clues About Apple's 'Find My Friends' Mobile Service
Recently 9to5Mac and AppleInsider have published new evidences showing Apple’s work on a "Find My Friends" service that was originally discovered in iOS 4.3. "Find My Friends" is a location-based friend-finding service like Loopt and Google Latitude. The strings (embedded above) seem to confirm those suspicions:
It includes references to standard social networking functions, like a list of people a user is "following," as well as "pending" and "accepted" follower requests. The code also mentions user statuses, updates, blocking of users and removing followers.
"Find My Friends" will allow you to find your friends who near you in real time by leveraging your mobile phone's GPS signal and using constant updates. This service will also allow you to "follow" or be followed by others.
Police Confirms They “Assisted” Apple In Lost iPhone 5
Today San Francisco Police Department spokesman Lt. Troy Dangerfield has confirmed that four officers “assisted” two Apple investigators in searching the house and car of Sergio Calderòn, who was claimed to have found the prototype of the iPhone 5.
Dangerfield says that, after conferring with Apple and the captain of the Ingleside police station, he has learned that plainclothes SFPD officers went with private Apple detectives to the home of Sergio Calderón, a 22-year-old resident of Bernal Heights. According to Dangerfield, the officers “did not go inside the house,” but stood outside while the Apple employees scoured Calderón’s home, car, and computer files for any trace of the lost iPhone 5. The phone was not found, and Calderón denies that he ever possessed it.
Apple found out through GPS signal that the lost phone was in Calderón’s house. Calderón told that one of six men, who came in his house in order to find the iPhone 5 prototype, gave him his phone number. Later this man was identified as an investigator employed by Apple.
The visitors also allegedly threatened him and his family, asking questions about their immigration status. “One of the officers is like, ‘Is everyone in this house an American citizen?’ They said we were all going to get into trouble,” Calderón said.